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To the Atheists, I'm Christian please tell me how I have failed you.?

This that I may do better. Better for not only you but myself and my LORD GOD JESUS. Your input is valuable in this. Also I'm sorry for many things I've said in the past in arguing with you all. I'm in trouble with my LORD GOD JESUS over this matter. So I repent please help me to do better. I also ask JESUS FOR HIS TOTAL LOVE IN MY HEART. Love to all from david stotler


CC brings up a good point. Guess who JESUS will blame for a lost soul I've encountered. Me as where was JESUS' LOVE in some of my answers. Also everyone can study my work here as I have tried to bring scientific proof to the BIBLE.As I'm the one teaching evolution through natural selection is taught in the BIBLE. I've also shown how that Astronomy can be used to teach BIBLE prophecy and much more. I'm getting some very good feed back here so Thanx to all. Also excuse my type error in my question. It should say just I'M CHRISTIAN

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I am not an unbeliever in Jesus as Messiah.

    There is a Spirit of unbelief that must be dealt with in Spiritual warfare. Then as a Christian you need to pray that person into G-d's kingdom here on Earth.

    Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of G-d.

    Learn how to lead a person to Jesus.

    This is G-d's will. There are no unbeliever in a fox hole. If they get the chance to live.

    Tell them to read John 3 and 4 and I suggest you do the same.

    Tell them evolution is change.

    Creation of the whole Universe was and is by G-d.

    He is Spirit not male or female and very powerful.

    We call G-d a he.You have not failed anyone. The joy of the Lord is my strength.

    The Bile is a life guide book.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    This question makes me very uncomfortable. It's like you think that you and only you can convert atheists. Please accept what I'm saying when I say you are not the only one. Almost every Christian here thinks that if they just say the right thing, atheists will immediately drop to their knees. Not true...There is no scientific answers in the Bible - evolution is certainly not in the Bible.

    Now don't worry about it and go out and have some fun - unless Christians are not allowed to have fun - you all seem so very somber to me.

  • 9 years ago

    Have fun in Avici....

    I'm sorry that was harsh, I'll forgive you, I hope you'll forgive me. Because mature people exhibit the natural human practice of forgiveness, no deities required.

    Source(s): Atheist.......I just said Avici cause it sounds cool, the description and the pronunciation.
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  • 9 years ago

    Hey David, you haven't failed me. Don't take it upon yourself if some people don't believe. Just realise that some people just can't believe, because they see no reason to believe.

  • 9 years ago

    If the belief in the myths of bronze age goat herders make your life less miserable, then no one has any argument.

    But what we won't let you do is put your religion into our public schools or government.

    We wouldn't allow any Hindi, Muslim, Shinto, Zoroasteric, or Buddhist to do that either.

    Religions....same dog, different collar.

  • 9 years ago

    You guys might take less crap if more remembered what it says in the bible about the 2 greatest commandments. That second one in particular is something that people from various beliefs can agree on. Seems like most people put other stuff like "my way is the right & only way" ahead of those golden rule teachings.

    Source(s): Easier said than done of course, but it's a nice thought.
  • 9 years ago

    You've not failed us at all. Now, run along- there's a good fellow.

    Source(s): Agnostic
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well. cupcake, I don't know you, but at a guess, I'd say it's by pushing your private beliefs into the public sphere.

    Want to do better? Learn to button your lip, stop blathering on about your deity, and respect other people's right to determine their own beliefs.

    You're welcome!

  • 9 years ago

    Son, I assume you are still young and foolish. Do not make the same mistake my brothers have made in their young age. They choose to be infidels, and lead foolish lives. Join us, and become Muslims, for Islam is the one true religion. The Judeo-Christian god is but a mockery of Allah. Allah Akbar!

  • CC
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I don't know exactly what you did to fail me.

    Perhaps you would like to elaborate how you think you have failed me? Then I can consider if I should forgive you.

    EDIT: You would do better ministering to your brethren who do not accept evolution as truth.

    Source(s): An atheist perspective.
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