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Lv 6

Religion and Homosexuality?

I have often seen one passage from the Old Testament quoted which states that homosexuals should be stoned. Christians often state that this part of the Bible is not part of the Christian doctrine. So: why do many Christians take issue with, for example, gay marriage? Also, and most importantly, where does this position come from, if the old testament passage is no longer part of your doctrine? Thanks. Jennifer; an atheist.


Patrick -- Thanks for the comment. I can't decide whether burning or stoning is worse.

Collin -- I can't imagine that there are many atheists who are homophobic. This might be a bias on my part, being an atheist, but I believe it to be true. So I tend to think that religion influences the position, and not the other way around.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Homosexuality is a sin.

    Leviticus 20:13

    "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination(sin).......

    Romans 1:27

    "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."

    Romans 1:28

    " And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;....


  • 9 years ago

    Hey :) I'm against homosexuality, because I believe it's a sin. The Old Testament isn't the only place God talks about homosexuality, he mentions it in the New Testament too.

    •Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

    Also, I think it's important that you realize that even though the Old Testament isn't a "part of our doctrine," per say, it is still a part of the bible, and people still read it. When we say the old testament is no longer a part of our doctrine, we mean that we no longer follow the laws that God laid out for His people before He sent His son to earth. Ex: There were certain days on which people could not eat pork, etc. However, we still believe in Adam and Eve, as well as the Ten Commandments, etc. all of which occured in the Old Testament. I hope this clears things up a little bit.

    In saying this, I have nothing against homosexuals. I don't agree with the lifestyle there choosing, but everyone is free to make their own decisions :) One of my best friends is bisexual, and another is border-line athiest. I love them both, and there's no reason why I shouldn't. I see homosexuality as a phase people go through in life. I went through a phase when I was 10 where I lied about almost everything. Everyone makes mistakes, and just because mine don't include homosexuality doesn't mean I'm any better than anyone else.

    I hope this helps. :) I'm not going to judge people because they're homosexual, at least I try very hard not to. Acceptance is the first step to friendship, and if I were judge people who are homosexual, a lot of great friends would walk out of my life.

    These are my views, and aren't necesarily viewed by all Christains. I'm sure you'd find some who agree though :)

    God Bless!!!

    Source(s): These are my views, as a Christain.
  • Well, first, the God of the bible is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. What changed from the old testament to the new is that the old called for stoning after the first offense that was caught. The new testament, however still forbids the sins of the old testament, but God calls us to repentance, instead of instant death. He gives us a chance to change our behavior. He is slow to strike out in judgement. Jesus, himself said that He did not come to destroy (put an end to, stop) the law, but to fullfill it. He fullfilled it by supplying the sin sacrifice that was required to atone for man's sin. We are still under the law, as to know how to live an acceptable life before God (run the race as to win), but we are not justified by the law. The law finds fault and condemns, God's grace forgives us of the death that we deserve (the wages of sin is death). Christ paid that death penalty. The new testament still forbids gay unions as well as inter-racial unions. Yet most blind Christians think that somehow their unchanging God, changed. They think that Jesus allows us to sin and be free, yet Paul tells us that we are not to let our liberty be for an occassion to sin. If we are not under the law, which tells us of our sin, then how can we sin, as Paul is talking about. We are still under the guidelines of the law as to live right, but we as believers in Christ are not under the penalty of the law. As far as religion being the reason for being against it, i have always been against it even when i was an atheist and evolutionist. I, fortunately, grew up when gay acceptance wasn't thrown down our throats, and political correctness and the media didn't glamorize and empathize with the gays. Gays are no different than child molesters. Both are unnatural sexual preferences, and most pediphiles were that way from the time that they could remember, just as the gays. Science will find their "gene" and all that. They will grow in numbers and march for their rights, too. Soon, it will be legal to molest children, as science will state that children enter puberty and somehow that means they are ready for sexual relations. I choose God and Jesus because they exemplify the core values that i already held, before i knew the bible said this and that were wrong.

  • 9 years ago

    Call me whatever you want, but I am not for homosexuality in any way. Gay marriage? Why do I have a problem with it? Because marriage is DEFINED as a union between a MAN and a WOMAN. You cannot redefine marriage in an attempt to fit your own purpose. The gay "marriage" is actually performed in CITY HALL. How "special" is that? I mean, what is the point?

    Also, homosexuals cannot reproduce. Sure there is intro fertilization and adoption, but do you have a clue as to what those things cost? 7,000 for adoption and 15,000 for intro. And these are processes that take a LONG a$$ time.

    It just isn't natural in my eyes. It is almost like you have to go "out of your way" to be gay. Ridiculous. And I shouldn't get persecuted for this just because I don't think it is right. It is MY opinion.

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  • Tyler
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    The bible is written by man,its been re-written countless times, and I don't really think gays should be stoned, killed, or go to hell, it says sex before marriage is immoral, lying with the the same sex is an abomination, but I also read that we cannot judge them, and we should love our neighbor, its confusing I don't want to judge anyway. Two people, whether they are they are gay,straight, by, or transgendered love each other for the heart, I don't see why it can be wrong. Don't believe everything you hear or see, live your life the way you want it. Be yourself, and don't listen to everything in the bible because some of it may not be true from what I heard. (Don't mean any disrespect but,hope this helped).

    Source(s): Me
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    There is passages in the NT that also are against homosexuality. They say that the laws of the OT don't need to be followed by Christians if its not repeated in the NT, because jesus fulfilled all of those requirements by sacrificing himself. I've asked the question here many times why don't the other laws of Leviticus need to be followed, but the anti gay ones do, and that was there response.

  • 9 years ago

    This is a bit late, but it's pretty common knowledge that the christians don't use the scripture for their doctrine. Did you know that if you get your hands on one of their program papers from a service and then wait a year it will be the same. No learning or improving there. Anyhow, This isn't so much about gays as how christians can do wahtever they seem fitting. Check this guy out for example...;_ylt=AmxO4...

  • 9 years ago

    The bible has a clear cut view on homosexuality, and it is unmistakable. As a Christian, you can't pick and choose which parts of the bible you want to follow. As a Christian, you should believe God is the holy, inspired Word of God. Every word of it, not just what you pick and choose. As with any religion, you can't just believe pieces and parts of it. At least not in my opinion.

    God does also make it clear not to judge. It's not my duty to judge anyone's way of life, as it is your decision ultimately.

    Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."

    I hope you find the answers you're looking for! (:

  • Kelly
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Super-religious people passing on their religion to children, etc.

    I disagree with this. I believe that homosexuality should not be a sin. I do not see anything wrong with loving someone for love, and not for genitals.

    Source(s): I believe in God, but disagree with the Bible.
  • Lowly
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It is next to the passage of scripture where Timmy is in the well. Just kidding of course.

  • 9 years ago

    I think it has to do with physical memes and social pressures stemming from before religious reformers came into play during and after the renaissance, when the Catholic Church was a ruling power in the Western world and stemming colonies. Back then, pressures to conform to this ideology were probably massive, and not expected but almost demanded. When religious reform came into play, I believe a lot of this ideology stayed and continued downward until the present. After all we are but blank slates at birth only to form beliefs, opinions, and personality traits later in life through exposure to the elements of conformity within our own environment. Religious families will often have religious children, Islamic families, Islamic children. Evangelical parents, homophobic ideas continuing're smart enough to get what I'm going for by now!

    I'd like to add that I literally came upon this idea whilst reading your question, haha, don't take my opinion to seriously, as that is all it is is an opinion. Good luck!

    Source(s): Ummmm....Atheist and knowledge seeker!
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