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Why does the government use propaganda to make weed look as bad as Meth, Heroin etc. ?

It pisses me off like, some people say smoking weed is lethal and makes you stupid......well the lethal dose of marihuana is to smoke 500KG of it in 5mins, and i can tell you for a fact it doesnt affect your intelligence, i have been smoking weed for 6yrs and in that time i managed to get a degree in forensic science and no one i meet would ever think i smoke it. And it makes you feel good about yourself when youre high, and apparently its supposed to give you schitzophrenia but my uncle has been smoking it for 30yrs and he's golden.

So why is the government ignoring the facts and tries to invent theorys and links between weed and ilnesses when british scientist say its healthier than both drinking and smoking tobacco.

So please share and care :)

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree, if your stupid government stopped pushing this line with its policies, through NATO and with its armed forces then perhaps those of us in the rest of the world could also enjoy a smoke without worrying too. We can't legalise it in Europe because it's written in the NATO treaty that it must be illegal, thanks to your government and pressure from your country's bible bashers. I'd really like to hear a good explanation of why dope being illegal is written into a mutual defence treaty.

  • 9 years ago

    It seems to me that you are as entrenched in your belief that weed is fine as the government is in it's position that it isn't. So your uncle is fine after 30 years of smoking weed so we should legalise it hardly a scientific unbiased theory to base government policy on is it? A friend of our family was diagnosed with acute paranoid schizophrenia after less than a year smoking skunk, his doctors are of the opinion that the skunk was a massive contributory factor in the development of his illness. He,like you,was firmly of the opinion it was fine and far less harmful than alcohol or tobacco. Tragically for him, his family and friends will now get see for the rest of his life how wrong he was. As to the comment that people on weed don't cause car crashes i'd check with your local traffic police before asserting that belief as i'll think you'll find that they disagree strongly. A recent study by the University Of Auckland found that regular users of cannabis where 10 times more likely to be in serious car crashes than non users. Your question is pretty pointless as you are obviously not looking for an informed debate merely support for your theory that anything negative said about weed is government propaganda (display of paranoia perhaps!) Seriously though maybe you should at least be open to the idea that for every family like yours that has seemingly suffered no ill effects, there are many families that have. Any government has to at least try to protect the majority of it's citizens sometimes that will be by ignoring the wishes of the minority. It could be argued that with the punishment for possession of cannabis being so negligible,frequently a warning, that the minority are being catered to more than adequately.

  • 9 years ago

    Because our gov't has this fear that if EVER they were to legalize it, everyone would smoke pot! Nothing could be farther from the truth. Yes there would be an initial spike in smoking, but eventually the numbers would settle back to where they are now. If you are going to be a smoker, or a drinker or a druggie, you will be! If you don't like the feeling of being high or drunk, you won't. I have never heard of anyone causing car crashes or committing crimes for weed, yet you hear about drinkers drinking and driving, and dope fiends and crackheads committing crimes all the time! The gov't should legalize it and collect the tax revenue from it because we do need it.

  • 9 years ago

    I think that is strange too. It's like that in many countries, but is the opposite in others. I don't really have a good explanation for why. I have also wondered about that.

    It can give you lung cancer, but cigarettes can too. You can use vaporizers which probably reduce the risk.

    It can also apparently be a trigger for schizophrenia, in people probably already destined to develop the disease.

    It might even enhance intelligence in some ways, depending on your definition of intelligence.

    I would say that alcohol is much more dangerous, you can die from an overdose, it is a contributing factor to much of the violence in the world, and heavy use kills people.

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  • Derail
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    That's a good point. For the purpose of votes, the Democrat Party already caters to the non-working, non-productive segment of the population who rather not apply themselves and exist off of government programs. You'd think they'd support legal weed to increase that voter base.

  • sparks
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    If it were made legal it would put 10's of thousands of people out of work. Most layoffs would be in law enforcement and in the construction trade as no new prisons would be needed. There would be a lot of tax revenue lost because many drinkers would which to weed, which can be grown very easily in the back yard.

  • 9 years ago

    It is one crook gets some whims and drums the propaganda . some of the stupid remarks which have come from medical fratenity are Virginity causes cancer

    In asian countries it is good source of income fo crooked politicians and police and they keep on druming adverse publicity without data

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well bully for you, because unfortunately people with a predisposition to schizophrenia

    ( & possibly undiagnosed) can suffer greatly by taking cannabis or alcohol.

    Both are as bad as each other & it's too late to stop the effects, once it's inside you.

    There's already enough drugs for people to abuse, so I find it's better to say NO to all of them.

    No drug is worth the risk to my mental health.

  • Gary
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Because there is so much money to be made in the whole prison industry.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    We had schizophrenics and lunatic asylums long before cannabis became popular in Britain

    mad people have always existed

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