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Will someone explain Christianity to me?

Why do people believe in religion? How do they back it up with evidence not from the bible? How do you explain all of the scientific evidence that pretty much disproves religious happenings? How do you explain the fossils if you say there were no dinosaurs at all? I'm really not trying to be rude, I'm just very curious.

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why do people believe in religion?

    Because it saves us and redeems us. You could ask the same question to an atheist, "why do you believe in atheism?"

    How do we back up with evidence not from the bible?

    We can't back it up further than the bible, because non-christians wouldn't be able to wrap their mind around it. You (if you are a non-christian) probably understand me when I say that it is a FEELING. You can feel the holy spirit working in you and you can feel God's love. It's hard to explain, but once you get that feeling (some of you might know what i'm talking about), there's no going back. You KNOW that it is real.

    How do we explain all the scientific evidence that pretty much...? The other half of your question was opinion. Weather it disproves religious happenings is what you think is true. I think it is easily to explain scientific evidence. What's caused that one cell that magically appeared? That's when atheists are stuck.

    How do we explain fossils if you say there were no dinosaurs at all?

    Who said there were no dinosaurs? I know so many christians who have never doubted the existence of dinosaurs, and neither did I. I just think it was part of that group of animals that was on the earth before Humans came along on that 6th day.

    None of my responses were meant to offend you or sound rude. I was just feeding your curiosity :) hope that makes sense. Believe whatever you want, I won't judge you. Have a good night.

  • Vixen
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    first off

    Sunray read the question "How do they back it up with evidence not from the bible?" your answer is Void

    second i am agnostic atheist but i am going to take a stab at this anyway with my scientific eyes and half formed knowledge on psychology :P

    "Why do people believe in religion?"

    People belive in religion because we seem to have a need to know and understand things, religion was formed years before our modern science when the idea of a higher being creating the world made more sense. unfortunantly due to politics of those days, rulers took advantage of this harmless belife and created heavan and hell and said if you don't follow the rules in this book you will be eternally punished. Naturally thised caused a lot of fear and so parents drumed religion into kids and the kids grew up knowing nothing different and fearing hell and thus passed it on till it was a part of everyone not simply a rule, but something to fear. science that disproves god is still young and has a few flaws (not many mind you and some flaws in science are actually it's greatest strength)

    there is also the fact that belife in god/s just brings some people peace of mind. it helps them make it through a day thinking someone is watching over them and even if this world seems cruel, there id hope after death. we can not underestimate the feeling of hope and peace these beliefs give people

    How do they back it up with evidence not from the bible?

    not too sure, all the backing up i've ever heard is eaither from the bible or explained easily by science

    How do you explain all of the scientific evidence that pretty much disproves religious happenings?

    God did it, or conspiricy. there are some theists who combine science and religion putting forward ideas that maybe god wants us to forget him and look at other ways of esplaining our exostence. maybe he does not actually want us to worship him and so put science out to throw us off the trail. but thats only some. a lot of theists have different ideas on this.

    How do you explain the fossils if you say there were no dinosaurs at all?

    see above answer :P

    Thats my take on things as an agnostic atheist. Religion has the ability to be the best thing in this world, but it could also be the thing that tears us all apart because people get so heated and defensive about it. if we could just all accept each other... things would be so much easier, but the human mind is far to complex for such a simple answer.

    Source(s): Agnostic atheist interested in psychology and religion
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It's basically a story that they believe in because they believe that it will bring them eternal happiness and/or save them from an eternity in Hell (depending on the branch of Christianity).

    The key beliefs in Christianity is that there is a God that created the universe and that he sent a son to Earth in the form of a mortal man to teach mankind to love one another. The son, Jesus, was crucified and then came back to life three days later and ascended into Heaven to be with the father. Christians believe that Jesus will return in the future, and the reasons for this and what he will do once he returns differs among branches of Christianity.

    Although these beliefs are not shared among all Christians, the majority believe:

    1. That Jesus is God (explaining this gets a little complicated)

    2. That when Jesus died on the cross that he took the punishment for the sins of mankind so that all those who believe in him will go to Heaven

    Now, to answer your other questions:

    1. People believe in religion because it gives them hope and order to their life that they think might not otherwise be there. If they believe that God is watching over them and has a divine plan for their life, it might give them a sense of purpose. Also, when something bad happens to them or a loved one, it gives them a sense of control when they can pray to God to fix things.

    2. They don't back it up with evidence outside of the Bible, or when they do, it is purely philosophical arguments. The point of religion in the 21st century is not to be logical or explain things about the natural world.

    3. They just deny it.

    4. Most Christians who believe that the events of the Bible have literally transpired have accepted that dinosaurs existed. They typically say that dinosaurs existed prior to the world-wide flood described in the book of Genesis but then were killed in the flood.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It's all ridiculous though. It's not that being a Muslim isn't ridiculous but being a Jew is, everything is ridiculous. Being a Buddhist is ridiculous, being a Christian is ridiculous, being a Hindu is ridiculous, being in anything is ridiculous, you're a human being. And if you attach yourself and your mind to any ideology, you're gonna be on a road. And that road may or may not lead you in a good direction. But you're gonna stay on that road if you're attached to an ideology and, it can be a terrible road; it can be a road of circumcising your daughter's clitorus because that's a tradition.

    You know, these crazy nuts in Africa that cut holes on their lips and stretch them out to put plates on them, why is that? Because they got on a road, and they stuck with that road. Regardless of rational thinking, they didn't use rational thinking at all. They're just adapted to a predetermined pattern of behavior that makes life so much more simple. And that's what every religion is, the problem is: no one knows. You cannot know. You can have your own beautiful, personal experiences, you can actually be the person that was touched by god. But when you start yelling and ranting that other people have to follow your lead, the world is gonna end, Christians are gonna be taken away, I know you're full of bullshit and, you know you're full of bullshit.

    And the real problem is: we can't say it. Because everyone has this religious freedom, the freedom to express yourself. Even if you're expressing yourself with nonsense; nonsense that helps scare lonely, sad people lock onto that nonsense so they feel like they're apart of something. I mean that's what religion is; it preys on people whose lives are boring. So, it's all nuts. And it's not like my stuff's cool and your stuff's not. And it's not that yoga is the answer, or drugs are the answer - there's just questions.

    For a lot of people religion can give you some inspiration. But there comes a certain point and time where you need to pop the training wheels off and recognize that all of this morality you've developed is good because it's good to treat other people good. It's good to treat other people the way you want yourself to be treated. It's like the golden rule and there's a reason for it and, that reason is: we're all connected in some strange way that we don't totally understand. And unless you are good to people around you, unless you are kind, friendly, warm and loving, you are not gonna enjoy this life, you're just not. You're gonna have problems everywhere you go and you're gonna be problems everywhere you go. You gotta find a way to enjoy this damn life.

    And it's not because of Allah, it's not because of Jesus, it's not because of anybody that may or may not have ever existed, it's because that's how you fit better in the world, that's how you stay positive. And it doesn't have to be some bullshit written five thousand years ago on animal skins, that doesn't have to be the golden rule because it's old, you know that's dumb.

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  • 9 years ago

    OK, there is a difference between old earth creationists and young earth creationists. It is the young earthers who claim that Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs, or that dinosaurs never existed. They are also the ones who deny evolution. Old earth creationists tend to accept those things.

    Those who believe Adam and Eve coexisted with dinosaurs use the reference to the behemoth in the Bible as proof.

    People believe in religion for a number of reasons. Some are raised that way, others convert after some experience, some replace substance abuse with an addiction for Jesus. Belief tends to be personal.

    Now, is your quarrel with the run of the mill Christian who goes to church on Sunday and tries to be a good person, or with evangelical fundamentalists, who are completely whacked out and try to force their beliefs down everyone else's throats? There is a very big difference between the two groups.

  • 9 years ago

    1. I guess I was just raised that way. I recommend a book, called 'Heaven is For Real' that really gave proof of God and heaven. It was a young boy almost dying, got carried to heaven, and then came back. He told his parents things they had never told him, and there was no way he could've known unless he did indeed go to heaven.

    2. The above answers this question as well. :)

    3. I guess we don't have solid stuff, it's faith.

    4. I'm Christian, and I believe there were dinosaurs. I believe in evolution, but I believe that God created evolution, so in the long run evolution is a part of creation. But that's rather opinion.

    I hope this helped.

    Source(s): My opinion
  • 5 years ago

    There is lots of miracles in Quran which used to be as soon as a unknown fact 1400 years in the past. Now scientist have proved it. So what do you believe how can guy have written this style of miracle ebook whilst there was no technology on the second Quran is most likely the word of Allah and it is the evidence that God exists

  • 9 years ago

    As a christian I do believe in Dinosaurs, I just believe they were created together with the humans by God. And well to answer your whole question I can beat almost any atheist when they try to prove ,me wrong and im 14 so nobody has proved to me how science disproves God

  • luis l
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Christianitanity,was performed by vary good holliwood actors?

    Jesus himself never meet any kind of christians,just read the bible.

    Someone have to include christ to jesus,and they never tell others?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The BIBLE yes that's the book for me,I stand alone on the word of god the BIBLE

    Source(s): Bible school song
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