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What kind of things have been brought to you in hospital?

If you have been unlucky enough to have been a patient in hospital, what kind of things have your relatives brought in to you, other than a bunch of grapes?

The only time in my life I have been a patient was when I was having our daughter, 33 years ago. Back then, they kept you in bed for at least a week. My hubby arrived one visiting time with a bag filled with papers. He has a builders business and back then employed 4 men and I did the wages. So he brought all the tax tables, NIC tables etc for me to work out the mens wages. I wouldn't have minded, but he didn't even have a bunch of grapes with him.

21 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When I was in hospital my husband brought my WILL in for me to sign!!! Typical man, he never thought......that's men's trouble....they never think!!! We were having then prepared before I was admitted and had arrived from the solicitors to be signed and witnessed. Even now when I can laugh about it he still doesn't seem to realise what the problem was.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I've only been a patient in hospital three times. The first as a child in an isolation hospital for three months, with no visitors although someone passed on an enormous pencil and some paper to stop me from being bored. All were destroyed when I finally left.

    The other times were to give birth, the only time I had a 'visitor' was to collect me and baby to take home.

    Sorry to have a little chuckle about your hubby, I know what those bags and boxes of papers are like and how complicated the wages can be.

  • 9 years ago

    I have been an out patient 3 times for a dislocated knee.

    I was born in a hospital if that counts.

    Once for eye laser surgery when I was 6 months old( a new thing back in 1955)

    Once for toncles( spelling?) age 7

    Once for birth of my son, age 21

    Once for hysterectomy, age 40

    My aunt sent me a vase with flowers for my hysterectomy

    Some friends brought in wild flowers when my son was born, I thought they had brought in a bunch of weeds, they were Hippies on the Island of Maui, go figure.

    Husband never brought me anything but was very helpful around the house when I needed to rest up.

    He said he never brought me anything in the hospital because only sick people get flowers and I wasn't sick.

    His strange way of not letting me feel sorry for myself.

    If he ever brings me flowers in the hospital I will know I am on my way out.

    Maybe your husband was just trying to make you feel like there was nothing wrong with you.

  • Peggy
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    My son was born 43 years ago and we stayed in for 10 days with first child, 2 days with second. I went on to a fourth and by then mums went home next day unless there were complications (that was 33 years ago so I'm wondering where you were at that time to have to stay a week).

    Regarding your husbands 'offering'. If that had happened to me I think I would have left the hospital with baby and headed for anywhere except his address - leaving the bag of papers for the nurses to hand to him next visiting time and with no forwarding address for him.

    What his visit proved was that he couldn't cope without you so maybe you find that flattering. Good thing you didn't die young - he'd have had another one installed before the funeral had taken place.

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  • Ritaah
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    On the evening of the day I'd had a morning operation my husband visited with 4 magazines he's bought in the hospital shop and just dropped them onto the site of my operation. I can still remember how that felt about 25 years later.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I was in the hospital 30 years ago when one day my hubby brought in a 5 pound bass in a large bag. I had visitors plus a nurse when he walked in. He took the fish out by the mouth and showed it to us. I was shocked and embarrassed. Long after he left I could still smell that fish. Every one who came in my room would wrinkle their nose. He didn't even bring flowers or candy.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    In 1959 I was in the hospital giving birth to my first child. My dear great aunt came to visit me in the hospital from far away and brought me some white chocolate. I had never seen or even heard of white chocolate at that time. That was really special to me. Then 6 months later she died of breast cancer......Later when my identical twin daughters were born, my husband gave me 2 identical plant containers (baby shoe w/baby beside it) with ivy and flowers. I kept the containers for many years until my twins were grown and married and then gave them to them to keep.

  • vally
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    in case you have something particular which you elect to sleep with (a definite pillow or blanket case in point), actually take it. it fairly is not undemanding to sleep properly in a scientific institution, because of the fact the nurses decide to maintain coming in and taking your blood! Plus, in case you ought to have any IVs or video reveal gadgets on, that makes it even harder. So something you are able to deliver to make it much less demanding will help. and actually deliver stuff with you for entertainment. A e book, some magazines, a pc, a discman/mp3 participant, haldheld video games. while a chum of mine had to have surgical treatment, I sent her with a colouring e book and crayons, even nonetheless she's in her 20s. you're never too previous. As for toiletries. cleansing soap and shampoo (and probable lotion) would be offered interior the scientific institution room bathing room (like in a hotel), i'm unable to keep in mind approximately toothpaste nonetheless, so which you will probable decide to deliver your guy or woman (nonetheless the nurses might definitely be able to get you some in case you mandatory it) once you would be allowed to consume, you will possibly think of roughly bringing some snacks, because of the fact the scientific institution foodstuff they supply isn't sufficient. of direction, you ought to constantly pass all the way down to the cafeteria/merchandising machines. So deliver funds.

  • 9 years ago

    If I could give you a TU, I would. That was a good story. My daughter brought me Starbucks and a scone. However, due to the fact that I was pumped up with antibiotics nothing tasted good. I was in the hospital for an emergency appendectomy. :(

  • 9 years ago

    Never allowed visitors.Twice in for 30 days each.My weight dropped from 210 to under 100 pounds with all the food delivered by IV.I had tubes in both arms,both legs plus tubes in my nose and throat.They even cut a hole in my side for a drain There were tubes in places I don't want to mention.

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