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Mac computers are getting attacked for the first time?

Yelp it has happen here read the story

The only thing that apple says to install to stop it is ClamXav located in the apple app store

It is a free be and takes a little time to update its self

6 Answers

  • Jimmy
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is not the first time. Previously it was just obscure enough where it was not a serious threat.

  • 9 years ago

    Rather than read this sensationalistic, tabloid-style article at "", read the real story at the link below.

    Worst idiotic article I've read in weeks. Specific goofs....

    -- This "Flashback Trojan" isn't a virus. It is a Trojan horse app. It does not affect any OS X files, and does not cripple the system or make any changes in any existing files. It interferes with networking as it sends data, and that can cause the browser to quit.

    -- The Trojan (like all Trojans) cannot install itself. The user must click to allow an unsigned root certificate purported to be from Apple Inc. If you have the wits to deny this half-hearted attempt to fool you, all is well, and the Trojan is rendered impotent.

    -- The author mentions "PC malware" and "Mac malware". There is neither. There is Windows malware and OS X malware. If you install Windows on an Apple computer, you are susceptible to Windows malware. If you build a hackintosh PC, it is susceptible to OS X malware.

    -- The article repeatedly uses the word "hacker" when "remote bot" is more accurate. this is language intended to incite fear: "OMG, my computer can be hacked by anyone!"

    -- The article uses the old saw "The only reason there is no OS X virus is there are not enough Macs to attract malware developers." With 12% of U.S. home computers running Mac OS, maybe the money isn't there for identity theft, but I rather suspect 12% is enough to get the attention of identity thieves, especially since Apple customers are generally in the higher income levels. As for true viruses that can damage files and cause the computer system to fail, the bad guys like headlines, and look at the headlines caused by a simple Trojan. A real virus that could actually affect OS X would get even bigger headlines. They just have to miss out on the headlines for a true virus because they can't seem to make one. There are exactly zero OS X viruses in circulation. Even the 2006 scare was actually a worm that could not damage any OS X system files or installed apps.

    -- The author fails to note that no one who allows the OS X automatic updates will ever get this Trojan, since it cannot be installed without very out-of-date Java on the system. Java is a security nightmare anyway, so Apple has nixed it from OS 10.7. You can manually install Java in OS 10.7 (one particular free anti-virus app installer needs Java!), but it doesn't come with it pre-installed.

    Even if there is one virus out there someplace that can damage OS X, I'm not exactly ready to throw my five Macs out the window. Might as well decide to run your BMW off a cliff if it needs a tuneup.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes, hackers are going worldwide already broke into a credit and debit card processing station and stole millions of personnel account numbers , mac is still very low on malware compared to pc , but looking at the big picture no pc is safe until government and private companies comes up with a way to do it

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    This is not the first time. Mac computers have always had viruses and malicious software. It's just that 90% of the computer market is PC so viruses for PC are much more common. Who wants to attack Mac computers when there are hardly any of them out there?

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  • 9 years ago

    lols sucked in mac's

    the worst part is hackers get more done by peoples stupidity in letting things in to their personal information then what hackers really achieve being on their computer.

    and most mac users are pretty stupid this way lol

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    haha SUCK IT MAC USERS my pc has been dealing with viruses for years we've got all the tactics down pat by now.

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