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What do Satanists believe?

So people are telling me that Satanists are essentially Atheists. I'll admit I haven't done the legwork on this, and maybe if it's worth my time I will, but I wanted to get an easy answer first. So if Satanists do not believe in spirits or deities of any kind, why do they call themselves Satanists? Is it simply a reference to the meaning of Satan in that he is an adversary of God?

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is a great question, as the answer has evolved over time. Satanists, in my opinion, are who sometimes give us regular old Atheists a bad name. This is mainly due to the misconception of what Satanism actually is. There are very few Theistic (traditional) Satanists. These are the ones who believe in an actual Satan. These guys are the more wacky ones and more likely what uninformed people think of Satanism in general... being ritualistic and worshiping an actual being. Atheistic Satanism (I know it's an oxymoron... or maybe just a regular moron) is the "modern" form of Satanism. One would likely be confused by this as it would be logical to assume that belief in Satan would be a prerequisite for taking part in Satanism. Really, this should be called Symbolic Satanism. This philosophy or ideology treats the idea of Satan as a metaphor for various things. There are many offshoots of this type of Satanism, but the most notable of which is LaVeyan Satanism. This is where the "Satanic Bible" came from... Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan (yes, another contradiction. Maybe Cognitive Dissonance is a prerequisite...). They live by the maxim that they are their own gods and worship themselves. They believe that since gods (and Satan) are creations of man, that they should internalize their "gods". I find it kind of funny that some of the tenets of LaVeyan Satanism are congruent to that of Catholic right-wing Capitalists... namely, greediness, Individualism, Fundamental Libertarianism, and being in love with Ayn Rand.

    It may sound like I have a negative opinion of Satanism (and there is some truth to that), but it is really the sentimental nature of having a "Church" and the contradictoriness of being Autocratic and Individualistic while conforming to a common belief structure that turns off traditional Atheists. There are, ironically, some very smart and logical things within certain parts of Satanism. I believe it is worth the legwork, Julian. As an Atheist, I feel that is is important to maintain the sentiment that we typically know more and care to know more about all religions and ideologies than most.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Satanists ARE atheists. that is a fact. read the Satanic Bible. I should know I am an atheist and member in the Church of Satan. we deny ALL spiritual supernatural and occult stuff

    All satanists are atheists I should know. if anyone believe's in the christian god satan they would be christians not satanists. read the Satanic Bible. Real Satanists do not bow to or worship anyone or anything other themselves. The Satanic Bible was written for the purpose of clearing things up as far as what Satanism really is and what it is not. After all if people want to know about christianity they go to the source and read the christian holy bible. So if people want to know about Satanism they do the same thing and go to the source the Satanic Bible.

    As Satanists "We are our own gods and devils" we make life a heaven or hell. Satanism is NOT a religion but a life philosophy. And people who knew LaVey said he felt that it was a philosophy as well and not a religion.

    Satan is a word that originally meant the adversary, the opposer, the accuser and the one to question and we are that toward all spiritual faiths and and herd mentality, and anything that hampers our happiness. Satan also traditionally is the independent strong one who was his own god and believed in carnality and the flesh and pride, etc and in a persons desires and that is what we believe. Satan NEVER meant evil until christianity changed it like they did so many things. we also believe in following the law and protecting kids and animals and life

    As Satanists we are SATAN as we are the adversarys, opposers, accusers and one to question blind faith and anything that says that our human feelings and natures and instincts are wrong and sinful.

    we are self reliant and do not need an invisible crutch to bow too like people who bow to a god or devil do we believe in ourselves instead, unlike basic atheists who have no beliefs even in themselves and they are afraid to use the word and symbol of Satan as they deep down are not so sure that God and the Devil are not real. As Satanists we do not have that problem at all, just as we have no issues taking responsibility for our actions in every way. So we are hardcore real atheists and we are the elite atheists.

    Anton Lavey studied religion and occultism and saw that they are a con game that had nothing to do with the reality of the universe we all live in and decided that it was high time that there existed a codified religious philosophy that was based on the way things really are and how the human animal really thinks, acts and feels.

    There was never any other type of Satanism codified until 1966 when Anton LaVey did it. there were only false accusations in history made by the christian church but there was never a real Satanic religion before LaVey

    Both jesus and Satan are symbols not real beings.. jesus is a symbol of weakness, death, sacrifice, hate, self sacrifice, etc

    Satan is a symbol of the strong, individuals, Life, Love, etc

    We are all animals living in a cosmos that comes from nature, belongs to nature, shall return to nature. There is no god above us or below us

  • 9 years ago

    A couple people have pointed out that it depends on what kind of "satanist" you're talking about, and that's about right. There are about three categories that they fall into, and when you look online, I'm sure you'll find that these three categories hold pretty well.

    1) The Church of Satan: Founded by Anton LaVey, this is an organization of people who actually are atheists, but are just really cheeky and contemptuous of Christianity. They claim (cheekily) that Satan is actually Pan, the Goat God, who is terribly misunderstood, and live according to his ethos of personal freedom and self-conscious selfishness. They're a pretty public group, they have creeds and codes that are widely known. The so-called "Satanic Bible" is really just LaVey's memoirs. Their real "holy book" if there is one, is the Christian Bible--they just say things backward, pervert it, and mock it.

    2) "self-styled" satanists: In some towns and cities, you'll find independent groups of wannabe Satanists who get together to kill animals, drink blood, light candles, whatever. If they're TRULY nutty, they'll do some really messed-up stuff involving child abuse, etc. You can't really speak of them in any sensible, collective way because they're just a mixed bag of weirdos. Many live in their mom's basements, but some of them are really dangerous folks who are into drug crime and other stuff. For the most part, they got beat up a lot in high school and want to get power and significance, and hope that summoning demons will achieve this. Did you ever see the movie "Weirdsville"? That's what they depicted.

    3) super-secret super-duper Satanists: You won't hear much about these nowadays, but in the 80's, a LOT of American Christians believed that there was a powerful secret network of satanists that included cops, judges, doctors, lawyers, coroners, babysitters, and schoolteachers, who helped each other get away with kidnapping for the purpose of kidnapping, child sacrifice and all kinds of creepy stuff. Some people came out saying that they had been been victims of, or witnesses to, "satanic ritual abuse". They claimed to have seen people murdered, kidnapped and moved around from place to place in untrackable ways, which of course the cops and judges helped to conceal. So many people believed in this, that the FBI launched an extensive investigation, which found... NOTHING. Of course, the conspiracy theorists will say that the FBI was infiltrated, and their report can't be trusted.

    I have to mention category 3) even though they probably don't exist because, well, IF THEY DID exist, these would be considered the "real" Satan-worshippers--ones who believe that there is a God and a Satan, and choose to serve Satan, probably in some Faustian exchange for worldly power and riches. Also, I can't conclusively prove that they DON'T exist, but there's really no good evidence for such groups.

    So there you have it. One kind of Satanist that isn't truly sincerely "Satanist" at all, another kind that's just really amorphous and that you can't make generalizations about, and a third category that probably doesn't exist at all.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes Satanists are hardcore elite atheists. I have read the satanic Bible and I have friends in the Church of Satan

    for whoever gave me thumbs down are morons as my answer is correct. and to the person calling Satanists idiots I have news for you. I know some of these people and they are super nice and intelligent people with a strong moral code and if more people were like them this world would be a better place. and this is coming from a Christian

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Satanism is not easily summarized. How Satanism is defined depends on what "division" of Satanism you are referring to. In contrast to Christianity, Satanists themselves disagree on their very fundamental principles. While Christians may differ in opinion or conviction about interpretation of certain Bible passages, Christians believe the same foundational principle that Jesus is God’s Son who paid the price for our sins by dying on the cross and rising from the dead. Satanists in different camps argue whether there even is a Satan and whether they are worshiping him or themselves. In essence they are a confused lot bound by and to lies. John 8:44 is perhaps a good summary of Satanism: “You belong to your father the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

    Read the rest here

  • well there are different kinds of satanists. some (though this is rare) actually do worship the devil. but most modern satanists are hardcore atheists.

  • Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Well you have many kinds of Satanists...however they have ONE thing in common.

    They are Obnoxious Idiots.

    You have the ones who believe in satan but not god. (Idiots)

    You have the ones who believe in Satan (who hates all humans) and god (idiots)

    You have the Atheists ones who brand themself Satanist to...belong i guess (obnoxious)

    and so on

    Really i have met lots of people in my life but Satanists of all breeds have been Consistently Idiotic

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    So stupid.

    No atheist on the face of the Earth or that has ever lived considered themselves an atheist. In fact, they don't believe Satan exists. Nothing but religious propaganda.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Any Satanist, be they a LeVayan, or whatever, that claims to be atheist, is just deluding themselves..

    An atheist, is someone who doesn't have any belief in anything supernatural whatsoever.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    they're atheists. they like the non conformist side of it. it shocks people.

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