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Stephanie F asked in PetsCats · 9 years ago

Anyone ever had their cat put to sleep?

My cat has had issues since I got him from the Humane Society 6 years ago as a kitten. He had a virus. I had to give him medications because of it and put it into a food that was recalled and poisoned him so that it caused kidney and liver failure. He recovered from that. He would eat anything he could and I had to keep the doors closed in the house so he could be seen most of the time.

He would get sick on occasion from eating something, I assumed. He was recently diagnosed with diabetes. He saw the vet several times in his first couple of years and then tapered off to at least once a year.

Today he started meowing loudly and I went to see what was wrong and he was sitting with his mouth open and drooling. I called the vet and brought him in. I am so sad that he was suffering and I had to put him to sleep. They could not do anything for him there. They said I could bring him to the emergency vet and he would have to go into an oxygen chamber, and they would do tests and such. It would cost probably at least 2 thousand dollars. I was told when he had the kidney problems that he either has or had heart worms and he could just die at any time. They said it could be that as this is what they see when it happens. She thinks he threw a clot.

Does anyone else ever feel this bad when you have to put an animal to sleep? I feel bad in so many ways. I could have been more loving to him, I could have not told him no so many times, etc. I know that those bad thoughts have to be the devil putting in my head. I guess I am asking those who have been through this what is a comfort to you as you grieve and heal from the loss of your pet.

Thank you for your kind opinions.


I am ashamed to say, I backed out so I didn't have to see him be put to sleep. I did stay for my first cat back in 2000 and I just couldn't go through that again. I did go back and say goodbye to him though.

Update 2:

Thank you for all your kindness. I really appreciate all of you.

Update 3:

Thank You everyone. Ken S. What disease are you talking about? He has been to two different vets and has seen 5 vets total in his six years of life. He was poisoned by the Iams food that I gave him and that caused a lot of his problems. I had not started him on any insuline, but changed his diet to the MD to see if that would work for him and then this happened. If it was heart worms, they could not do anything for him as they cannot treat them due to not knowing the medication dosage to give him. This was when he was 6 months old. The medication would have killed him. Those vets and this vet told me that he could die just like that because of the heart worms. There is nothing they can do. Before you say things like that, you should know the full story.

9 Answers

  • Warren
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    So sorry for the loss of your kitty! I have had to have two cats put to sleep, in both cases due to kidney failure, so there was really no other choice. Coincidentally, both were Egyptian Maus, and as anyone who has ever been owned by one knows, they are very special cats. Even though it was necessary, it was still one of the hardest things I ever had to do. Call me a chicken, but I could not stay with them while it was done either. Said my goodbyes just before of course. It sure sounds like you did everything possible, and your poor kitty just had too much going against him, so no reason for you to feel guilty, just very sad.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I am so sorry for your loss. I, too have had to make this heartbreaking decision in the past and it is never easy. You did the right thing by taking advice from the professional, vets are amazing people and it's worth remembering that their training is several years longer than that of a doctor. They always have the animal's welfare at heart. We had a cat which the vet and we kept going for 4 years until her quality of life was too poor with no hope of improvement. It is all about the animal. Do they have a good quality of life, or are they just existing and we are reluctant to let go? I'm sure that you were a good cat owner, keeping her going for 6 years and responsible enough to consult the vet regularly. The money is unimportant compared to giving the animal the best chance, but the vet sees more medical conditions and knows the progression. Of course you feel terrible, but your cat is not in pain or discomfort. You did your very best, and I salute you. My best wishes.

  • 9 years ago

    I have had to put two of my cats down in my lifetime and it is not the easiest decision to make, but it is the humane thing to do especially when the animal is suffering.

    My cat Sassy, got an infection from a chip tooth, and the vet at the time was a moron, he could have pulled all her teeth and she would probably been alive today, but she ended up getting jaundice because her liver was failing, we tube fed, and my son said please mom, it is my cat and no more pain.

    My beautiful black cat Jaguar had a parasite in his kidney, he had stage 4 kidney failure, the cost to keep him alive was outrageous and he was suffering, so we made the decision to ease his pains.

    In any case, I have their ashes is little urns to be buried with me or my kids.

    My animals are the extension to my family, I am passionately in love with them, they will always remain in my heart forever. The pains will linger on and eventually it will go away, but it takes time.

    I now have 3 cats again, the youngest a girl 11 months old, and I have a place in my heart for them, I promised to love, care and give them a good home, they are very special, they have filled the void. If my current cats get sick and in pain, if putting them down is the only alternative, then so be it.


  • 9 years ago

    putting an animal down that is suffering is the kindest thing you can do for it. That being said though, anyone who doesn't feel bad about it though really shouldn't have pets. The death of a pet is so very hard no matter what form it takes.

    Grieving takes time. Accept that this is part of owning a pet and embrace the love you have for it. Doing so will open your heart back up to get another pet in time.

    I'm very sorry for your loss

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  • 9 years ago

    Been there, done that, and it never is easy. They work their way into our heart, and making that decision is never easy.

    I hope you were there with him at the final moments. I know that is extremely difficult, but it is also so important. I have had both situations, and being there was superior, although no less heart wrenching.

    You gave him the most difficult 'gift' we are ever called upon to give, and that is release.

    I am providing you a link to a site you may find useful in visiting, and there are links from that site.

    Look back at the silly moments you had with him. The things that made you smile. The good things. That is the path forward.

  • 9 years ago

    I have dispatched two over the years!, both with a shotgun at point blank because I could not afford to do so through the vet route, and I can say it is painless only for the cat not for me.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i know it sounds awful but being a member of peta i know that its a better option than lifelong suffering and pain

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    been there done that and it sucks . the only comfort I have found that I know my cat loves me

  • Ken S
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I am sorry about your cat but I have to get this out there. If you had done your research on this disease instead of blindly following your vet's advice this never would have happened

    Please please, next time learn everything about what you are doing before blindly following even a professional

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