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4 year old son steals money?

My 4 year old son had a playdate the other day. My husband and I went too, and we were talking tot he parents while the kids played nearby. When we were driving home, my son took out a $1 bill. I asked him where he got it, and he said his friend's mom gave it to him. I emailed her and asked her, and she said no. I confronted him and he said he found it at the house and put it in his bag. I talked to him about stealing and that it's wrong. I told him he has to return the money and apologize to the parents. I thought it was behind us until I noticed a $10 bill missing. I thought I just misplaced it, but then I found it in my son's bag. I questioned him again and he confessed. I don't understand why he's stealing money and how to get him to stop. He's only 4, so he's obviously not spending it. He just said he likes money.

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think he probably just likes money like you said :) So my advice is to get him a piggy bank or a jar or something. And anytime you go to the store, and there is change from your purchase (meaning only the coin change) give it to him, let him play with it/count it and then put it in his piggy bank.

    About the stealing, that needs to be addressed again, I think seeing as how he took a ten dollar bill from you. Have a sit down talk and explain to him again what stealing is, and why it is bad. That he shouldnt do it. And then set a consequence. Make sure he understands that "If he steals, we have to take your toys away for the day" or some form of consequence that he wont like. Also if it becomes a habit, I would do what someone said, and call the police station and just see if someone can come talk to him. Basically scare him about stealing. I wouldnt have a family member or family friend policeman do it-since he probably wont take it as serious as a strange police officer so to speak.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    When my youngest two were around 3 & 4 they stole matches from Kmart. They took a little pretty decorated tin with matches in it.

    We were lucky that I found them upstairs. They could have lit one and I don't even want to think what happened.

    I was shocked ofcourse. My kids stole from a store! I called my husband right away and my kids could see I was upset. At that moment though I was more upset that they could have started a fire. I only went upstairs because they were so quiet.

    We talked to them and my husband returned the matches.

    After that I wanted to make a point of not stealing. So when we were getting ready to leave a store at times I'd kind of pat their pockets to make sure nothing was there. My 4yr old acted offended. lol She said she learned not to steal but checking her made a point.

    It never happened again.

    As for your son I'd suggest you make a point a few times a day checking his bag. If he asks just say "I'm worried you may take something again. It scares mommy that you took something without asking." Your checking can help he see he lost your trust.

    If he steals money again I'd suggest having maybe a family friend who is a police man talk to him. If you have a family friend who is a police man/woman.

    Source(s): homeschooling mom of 3
  • 9 years ago

    I wouldn't worry to much given his age but next time be very firm and say NO STEALING! and what i usually notice in little kids is that if you mention anything about the police or cops they get scared. ( try saying the cops will come or something like that) Hope this helps (:

  • 9 years ago

    just sit him down and explain to him that stealing is wrong and if he dont stop then one day he will get in trouble with the cops for stealing, if you dont take care of it now he will continue to steal as he gets older

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    haha aren't 4yr olds little punks!?

    it's the worst age. this is when they want to push the boundaries and test you. this is when they decide that they know all and can do what they want.

    at least he is honest and does confess..that's my hardest thing right now is getting my 4yr old to tell me the truth!

    just keep at it and explaine why it's wrong over and over and over again.

    it only gets better from here...soon they will be teenagers!

  • asrai
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Pretty normal, I think. He knows that adults like to have money and exchange it for things like candy and toys.

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