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Are we setting ourselves up for ridicule from future generations?

Anytime a generation of humans has stood and announced they know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, where we came from and where we are going -- the future generations have always had a good laugh at this 'knowledge'. So why is OUR generation so special? Magic men in the sky, evolution from monkeys, heaven, hell...

What would a human, 400 years from now, studying posts from R&S think about our civilization and our intellect?


Alert -- I'm down 4 points so I better get some answers. Does Y!A think points grow on trees??? Back in my day, it only cost 2 points to ask a question. tsk tsk tsk

Update 2:

Ben: our country was founded on christian morals AND war??? doesn't the Bible state clearly you can't sit at God's table and at the table of demons at the same time?

14 Answers

  • Regwah
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Old knowledge becomes new ignorance"


  • 9 years ago

    Hope springs a kernel. No, wait, that isn't right. But really, dear aerobic bovine, 400 years? In the year 2525, if man is still alive; if woman can survive, you may find -- we will be up past our necks in soiled Pampers, and the sky will be black. Those alive, if any, 400 years from now, will have more recent generations to blame. Let me quote, er, paraphrase, how the future Morpheus describes the world so that you may glean a bit of perspective:

    "We don't know who struck first, whether it was us or the machines. We do know that it was us that scorched the sky. We figured without the limitless supply of solar energy, the machines could not survive. It seems that nature is not without a sense of irony."

    Call me Eveready. Or Coppertop. You choose.

  • Mike B
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Okay, just a quick answer, unusual for me. We are coming up to the 400th anniversary of the Inquisition investigating Galileo in 1615, interesting that he was right and we now celebrate him, so I would suggest that some posters will come off much better than others.

    Which ones, well I very much doubt any of us will be around to find out, but I have a sneaking suspicion!

  • 4 years ago

    PuzzleMe, in the journey that your open minded to the theory that alien existence types had a hand in our creation, then study Dolores Cannon books, Keepers of the backyard, The Custodians, The Convoluted Universe sequence. She chanced directly to her study by employing accident as a regressionist, one among her matters went right into a somnambulist state the place human emotion is indifferent and the persons subconscious/spirit is going via previous lives as an observer of themselves, and likely, what we call God, additionally created many many different sensible existence's waaaaaaaaaaay before earth human beings, we are in our infancy nonetheless, have been hundreds of years in the back of in non secular advance and progression, those alien existence types are the two good and undesirable, no longer all of those existence types stay by employing our rules, none stay by employing our rules, yet maximum abide by employing what they call known rules, and likely, they're multidimensional, what we call time is an phantasm, it does no longer carry on with to different universes or dimensions, that's why UFOs look and disappear so speedy. Cannon's study is the main available i've got ever discovered, she replace into in user-friendly terms a regular previous grandma and sunday college instructor before all this, her study is in a league of its very own.

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  • 9 years ago

    Through time, the human brain evolved. So did we. 400 years from now, people will think of us the same we think about people who lived 400 years ago. Right now, in this very moment, we are capable of just about anything. The potential is there. Why we don't usually use it, well that's another question for another time.

  • 9 years ago

    The way we have destroyed Earth, what makes you think there will be a 400 years from now. If there is anyone left they will curse you for your greed and destruction.

  • 9 years ago

    Since time began, (I believe 6000 years ago) that the last generation has been ridiculed by the present generation. Man in all his know how thinks he progresses. Only God tells us that there is nothing new under the sun and what has been, will be.

    So, basically all mankind can do is - Trust God and die. The Book of Job in the Holy Bible is a good book for you to read. Job was tested by God and in all his trials Job knew that all he could do was make the statement, "Even though He slay me, I will trust Him." God's will - will be done and we can do nothing about it. Man seems to think that all that is in this world is about him, but it isn't. It is all about God and what God wants.

    Enjoy your points.

  • 9 years ago

    Our country was founded on Christian morals, and war.

    Out of the two we have forgotten our morals and fed the war machine.

    I think future gens with be more ashamed of our murderous nature than our once Godly morals.

  • 9 years ago

    Yahoo Answers already sets people up for ridicule in the present generation.

  • 9 years ago

    Honestly, on an economical scale, we will be ridiculed.

    Outsourcing to China and creating an economic recession for ourselves....

    We kind of are idiots.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    in the future they'll be saying if only you would have just followed the basic rules of religion and spirituality, it would have been so easy to get to the better world.

    until then its an uphill climb for society until enough people decide on spiritual lifestyles. individuals can have this personally, until everyone can have it socially. Christianity says this is only after Christ returns.

    up to you to say what you think.

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