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Lv 617,300 points

Mike B

Favorite Answers30%
  • Everyone, if you had the opportunity to design a world for humans to live on, what would you include?

    There is a serious point behind this, but please, have fun with, think a little, we are, as people, technologically advanced now, we have the capability to change our environment, we may one day have the technology to transform, terraform if you like, Mars or Venus to our needs, or planets further afield, so taking this into account:

    What would you include?

    What would you exclude?

    How would you decide?

    I have asked this in more than one room, be as senisble or as silly as you want, like I said, have fun with it.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • With the introduction of a new £1 coin, should we come up with a new nickname for our 'quid'?

    Just a thought, as Dave 'your mate' Cameron and George 'Dont call me Gideon' Osbourne have come up with a new £1 coin, perhaps we should use this as an opportunity to constantly remind ourselves what a nasty pair of posh boys these two are, I suggest we call this revised coin a 'Tory Snob' and with a little sliding, shorten it to 'Nob' as both these fine gents have proven over the last few years what a pair of d**kheads they really are!

    2 AnswersOther - News & Events7 years ago
  • The religious fail to understand what science really is?

    This is from the body of an e-mail I received, I get many similar

    Subject: How did life start?

    Message: HI Mike B thanks for your answer this is part of what you said (A failure to understand certain basic rules that underpin science and specifically a failure to understand chemistry.) I love it when folks like you tell me that we humans already know all there is to know about chemistry and science, and what could have possibly happened in 4.5 billion years. You show the rest of us who just don't know how the universe happened that it is possible for folks who believe in religion to be as close minded as you are. No offense (sic) meant. But Mike you have no idea if what you say has any bearing what so ever on what is possible.

    This rather looks like a fine example, although it could be an assumption made by anyone in the street, but, from looking at many of the questions and answers on here, it does seem that most people who are religious seem to either deliberately or subconciously (sic) down play the evidence that science has.

    Your thoughts on the matter are appreciated.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Everyone, Christian, Atheist, Muslim, want to boost your points?

    It is about time we did some tidying up on R & S, there are hundreds of points available by going into the 'in voting' list on here, okay, it is one point at a time, but, you can do loads of these in 30 minutes and boost your points, some of the questions have been outstanding in there for 2yrs or more, when you go into the list, just click 'oldest' then start voting, even level one users can get up to 150 points a day this way, so it cna boost your level as well.

    These questions need resolving, try not to use the no best answer as this does not give you a point, the more you vote the more points you get, so let's all try to clear as many of these as we can over the next couple of weeks.

    You never know some of these answers may be yours and you may get 10points for a question you have long forgotten about!

    Do not know yet how I will give the 'best answer' on this one, but, I am sure someone will say something funny, or incredibly rude, so I will pick one within a couple of days.

    Sorry, if I haven't picked up any 'typos' in this but the spell check is currently telling me I have 9,999 misspellings on this question, the thing has gone mad!

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Survey: Gay & Lesbian-are you the youngest sibling or are you the child of a youngest sibling?

    Some background so that you understand what I am asking here, and as such I only want answers from gay men or lesbians, please if you are bisexual this will only confuse the outcome of what I am trying to find out.

    What I would like to know, is first of all do you identify as gay or lesbian, then if you do, where do you fit in terms of siblings (brothers or sisters), how many brothers and sisters do you have, and where did or does your mother fit, is she the youngest or oldest of her siblings?

    I do not need any details as to who they are, just very basic numbers, so for example:

    Gay male, I was the youngest child of 7, 4 brothers, 2 sisters

    My mother was the 2nd youngest of six.

    If you are a twin,is your twin gay or straight, it would also help if you know if any of your brothers or sisters are gay. Please do not mention any other family members.

    There will be no follow up, I will not contact anyone for further details, this is simply an exercise in numbers, I will at the end post a result.

    As to how I will award the best answer, probably at random.

    Thank you in advance for your time, if you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me.

  • Taking into account that according to its own figures, the Church of England has assests of 4.4bn, is it?

    Is it not time, taking into account the current government funding issues, that the tax exemptions allowed, and the charitable status of religion be reviewed, and such organisations as the CoE were made to pay their way instead of being effectively supported by the UK taxpayer.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Can YA answers please install a UK spell check for the UK and Europe?

    I am getting more and more annoyed that my spelling of my language is constantly being corrected to the USA sub-form, as a site that claims to be worldwide it should be noted that the UK and particularly the English contributors should not have to be insulted this way.

    The forcing of US anti-english on the rest of the world should not be continued by various IT companies and their internet co-conspirators. Campaign for real English on YA, not its various sub-forms.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Can we stop these questions about the Moon landings?

    In this section the questions about moon landings are now becoming inappropriate, can we find a way of stopping this?

    I must have answered questions on flags, shadows, stars, and the rest in there hundreds, I even now get them e-mailing directly!

    Can we agree NOT to answer them, some of them might just go away if ignored?

    Can we report each and every one of them in the hope that YA might just do something about them?

    Why can they not go and search previous answers?

    This is the Astronomy section, perhaps YA needs to create a Conspiracy Section, they could dump all the creationist questions there to!

    WARNING! Anybody posting any comment trying to prove the Moon Landings did not happen as an answer to this question will be reported!

    17 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Buddhism-a religion or a philosophy please discuss?

    This is open to all, you do not have to declare if you belong to a religion or not, that is not relevent, just your opinion for thinking yes or no and the reasons why. I will give my opinion at the end,

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is the EPL the only football discussed here?

    There are five national divisions in England, the rise of Hull City is seen as a shock, recent years have seen Reading and Wigan rise to 'the top'. Does anyone talk about anything other than the EPL?

    Having supported a club that until recently had never played League football, I can tell you the rest of English Football is very much worth a look.

    4 AnswersEnglish Football1 decade ago
  • What is the correct term for referring to the straights, or what should we use?

    They have all sorts of words for us, queers, homos, benders, most of which we have adopted and so they need to think of new ones, yeah, right, as if they acn think! Some people are now pointing out that using straight is offensive to us, because it implies we are 'bent' or 'crooked'.

    What word should we use to be PC about them heteros over there, and what words could we use to be really nasty.

  • Are parents in the UK responsible for the current violence among young people?

    Yet more shootings and violence reported in the news today by young people on young people.

    An answer I received from a previous question a 16 year old replied that it was the fault of those older than him.

    Is he right?

    Are we as adults not teaching our children proper and correct repsect for the law?

    Are parents today derelict in their responsibilities?

    Young people are being badly injured and dieing on the streets of the UK on a daily basis, what needs to be done to stop it?

    24 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Can the young people of the UK stop killing others?

    Five teenagers jailed for kiling a man in a park.

    12 year old boy shot in Liverpool.

    16 year old shot in Sheffield

    Young man stabbed to death in London over a mobile phone.

    I want to ask every young person in the UK to stop killing people, stop carrying knives and guns, stop this violence.

    Why are you carrying weapons, think walking alone, a gang approach they will take your knife and stab you with it.

    Have you thought of the effect this is having, if you stab or shoot and kill someone, there life ends, their family & friends will always feel that pain, your family will always feel the pain that you are a murderer, your life will be ruined.

    Why are you as young people, the future of this country, trying so hard to ruin your lives?

    Hard I know, but give me some reasons why this is happening, and please stop now.

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • One of my favourite past-times is emptying handbags....?

    and I have often found some interesting items within, so come on girls, what have you go in yours?

    Okay, boys if you want to.... yes you can, but of course I know what every boy has in his left pocket.... a hole!

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • One of my favourite past-times is emptying handbags....?

    and I have often found some interesting items within, so come on girls, what have you go in yours?

    Okay, boys if you want to.... yes you can, but of course I know what every boy has in his left pocket.... a hole!

    6 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • Why are christians so obsessed with homosexuality?

    Seems to me that every other question asked by christians is obsessing in some way with what I do in bed, if they are so curious why don't they visit a gay bar and find out first hand.

    I must admit I am also now finding it hard to find a different way of answering the same questions over and over on this subject

  • Why are christians so obsessed with homosexuality?

    Seems to me that every other question asked by christians is obsessing in some way with what I do in bed, if they are so curious why don't they visit a gay bar and find out first hand.

    I must admit I am also now finding it hard to find a different way of answering the same questions over and over on this subject

    36 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Name a Blondie/Debbie Harry song you like and give a reason why?

    Always Touched by Your presence, dear. reminds me of my first boyfriend.

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What character would you want to be from Terry Pratchetts Discworld?

    If it were a live action film or TV series, I would love to play Esme Weatherwax, it's the headology you know!

    13 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago