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Advice: 4 or 6 year enlistment?
I've decided to join the air force against the will of my parents. This decision is based on quite a few reasons. The biggest one is that I'm a dreamer. The difference between a dreamer and a doer is that a dreamer never reaches their goals, either because they don't try, or they quit. Me, I quit. I quit everything, and I hate that I've developed that habit. So I'm joining something that I CAN'T quit and that will help me reach one of my dreams.
This dream is to join the FBI or something close to it. I have a plan.. But I don't know if this plan will for into a 4year enlistment.
But I'm hesitating on the 6 year. I keep asking the basic what ifs. Mainly: What if I don't like the AF? What if I regret it? What if I want to leave earlier? These are obviously the questions of a quitter, and I'm afraid if I go in for only 4 years, then it'll be just the same as quitting early.
And the second reason for hesitation is family. They're trying to talk me out of the AF. To tell them I'm going for 6 years is difficult.
3 Answers
- LTCgrossLv 79 years ago
I don't care. I mean about all the drama. Join the AF for the minimum time that is offered for the field you wish to work in. That means four years. Four years will earn you the GI Bill and give you the feeling of accomplishing something. If you like it, you can re-enlist that much sooner. If you hate it, no big deal. You can gargle peanut butter for four years! Whatever you do, don't quit! And while you are in, make the most of what the AF offers. Get in some college so when you get out, your GI Bill will go that much farther. The FBI, if you still have that goal after four years, once an advanced degree. Good luck!
Source(s): 27 years active Army service. - 9 years ago
The military might actually solve your quitting problem as you definitely can't just quit. And they'll make damn sure of that. And also, judging what your career in the AF will be on how basic training is is really stupid, no offense. Basic training is to break you and build you up as part of a military so of course you won't like boot camp because it'll get very uncomfortable at times. Who's to say you won't love basic? The military puts you into a job that they know you'll thrive in otherwise LOTS of people will be switching rates and trying to get out. Just sign up and don't worry where your life goes. Who knows? You might make a career out of it.
Edit: Go for the 4 year enlistment. I'm sure if it's something that you've wanted to do for a while it's something you can manage. Also, you can always reenlist...
Source(s): US Navy - 9 years ago
I would do four years. That way, you can get out after four in case you don't like it. I have seen people join up for 6 and hated it since they were stuck.