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Organizing ideas for a story. Help me brainstorm?
I'm going a little outside my area of expertise and want to experiment with crime with a supernatural element.
I'm starting a story about a guy who helps a female cop solve murders, but he's also possessed by a demon. I'm still setting the story up, so my ideas are a little chaotic and I need help organizing what is good and what is too much. I just don't want so much "magic" that it becomes an Urban Fantasy.
I don't know if the word "demon" will ever be used, but it's a supernatural spirit that takes possession of him between midnight and 3am. This spirit heals him if he's injured. This part I want to keep.
Other ideas include:
The demon being a spirit of lust and anger, and gives him visions or dreams of when a nearby murder occurs.
Also, I don't know if the main character should remember the what happens when the spirit takes over.
Any other ideas are greatly appreciated.
4 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years agoTitle For A Story About A Group of Freedom Fighters?
I'm an aspiring indie game developer. I'm working on the story for this current game. I won't be able to start working on it until I have an idea what I'm doing and what to call it.
So far, I think I want to make a FPS about a bunch of freedom fighters against a tyrant ruler and his private mercenaries. Each of the freedom fighters and the mercenaries will have their own abilities. Some are Gods, dieties, sorcerers, ESPers, bionics, and some just like blowing stuff up.
I know this is a common concept in gaming these days (Overwatch, Battleborn, Paladins, Agents of Mayhem), but it's also for practice.
I want a title for the game and so far all I've come up with is Chaos Rise. I would rather them call themselves something interesting that can also be the title.
Any chance I can get some help brainstorming?
3 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years agoTitle For A Story About A Group of Freedom Fighters?
2 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years agoHow Would Someone New To This World Do Mundane Things?
1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years agoWhat's a Funny Way For a Rooster To Die?
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoWhat Could Be A Plausible Kryptonite for Death?
1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years agoBook Recommendations?
So, I have an hour to get some books for free. I've got a list. Three of which I really want, the other two are replaceable. Here's what I'm looking for:
A YA fantasy about a new kid in school who's different. I don't care if s/he's a vampire, witch, alien, angel, werewolf, whatever. That's just what I'm aching for and I'm having some difficulties finding it. Which is odd consider the 'new kid' thing is a cliche.
So, what do you think? Got any ideas?
5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoDo guys like women who are forward?
I have trouble with men. be honest, I have trouble with people in general, but worse with men. I have trouble talking. Not that I'm shy. People say I am, but it's more that I can't think of something to say except, "Holy crap." "You're hot." "I like you." And "What do you look like naked?" Which is a little forward to say to guys you just met. The latter one...definitely, but I could say it semi-jokingly.
Anyway, I was just curious if guys like that sort of thing. Saying exactly what's on my mind no matter how incredibly honest and slightly awkward it is.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoAnyone know the title of this Fantasy book?
I found the cover picture by accident, but I can't remember the title. Can anyone help? This is the cover picture:
It's a YA Fantasy book about a thief.
1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years agoWhat is this YA Fantasy book called?
I tried to find it on Goodreads but couldn't. It's relatively new. It was on Barnes and Noble's "New YA Fantasy" shelf maybe four or five months ago. It's a high fantasy with a female MC. She's some sort of thief, I think, with a strange name. Skiddershins, maybe. Something to that effect. The cover is really pretty and awesome. It's an illustration with a white background. In the foreground is a girl, I think she's hanging from something, maybe a bridge. That's all I remember.
I want to add it to my list, but I can't do that if I can't find the bleeding thing on Goodreads :(
Can you help?
3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoAdvice: 4 or 6 year enlistment?
I've decided to join the air force against the will of my parents. This decision is based on quite a few reasons. The biggest one is that I'm a dreamer. The difference between a dreamer and a doer is that a dreamer never reaches their goals, either because they don't try, or they quit. Me, I quit. I quit everything, and I hate that I've developed that habit. So I'm joining something that I CAN'T quit and that will help me reach one of my dreams.
This dream is to join the FBI or something close to it. I have a plan.. But I don't know if this plan will for into a 4year enlistment.
But I'm hesitating on the 6 year. I keep asking the basic what ifs. Mainly: What if I don't like the AF? What if I regret it? What if I want to leave earlier? These are obviously the questions of a quitter, and I'm afraid if I go in for only 4 years, then it'll be just the same as quitting early.
And the second reason for hesitation is family. They're trying to talk me out of the AF. To tell them I'm going for 6 years is difficult.
3 AnswersMilitary9 years agoShould You Feel Like You KNOW A Character Right From The Start?
I write in a particular way. I don't like to tell the reader things that they can find out for themselves later. I like reading to be a puzzle; where you form assumptions and wait to see if you're right. I like a story that keeps you guessing.
So, I recently had a critique that didn't like it. That's fine. I can't please everyone. She said the story was interesting and the descriptions were great, but the character development was lacking. I only gave her four chapters to critique and she told me this when she was reading the second chapter. That tells me that she likes to know a character right away. But my characters pasts are secret until later on. I may be able to give hints, but that's all.
What do you think of this? Should the reader know the characters right off the bat, or should the reader get to know the characters as the plot goes on? What are your opinions in general, as well as your opinion based on this type of story?
12 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoArchery: My Arrows Don't Fly Straight, How Do I Fix This?
My dad made a prototype bow for me out of a PVC pipe. Today I went out out shot with it a few times. I noticed that the arrows weren't flying straight and had a tendency to veer toward the right. Do you know what I might be doing wrong to make it do that?
Please post reference pictures or websites with your answers if possible, just to clarify.
2 AnswersHunting9 years agoCould This Happen? Is It Realistic?
One of my characters is a female police officer. She's a rookie; only been on the job for two years working in a small town without much action. She calls in a homicide--the first homicide she's worked--and she's the only witness to a fleeing suspect. But it was raining that night and the suspect was wearing a hoodie. She didn't see much of him.
Dispatch calls a detective to the area who's a bit of a jerk to her. Perturbed, she tells the Detective, "I'll know the suspect when I see him" though it's a lie. The only real clue is that the suspect most likely attends a particular high school. So she goes looking for him there.
The next day she goes down to the school and gets there early. She goes to the office, looks through the last school yearbook just as a kid comes in. She overhears this kid talking with the secretary. He's new. This is his first day at school. He only recently moved into the area. The only person he knows is his sister who already she talks to him. Asks him if he can keep an eye out for anyone who might seem dangerous.
Of course she doesn't realize that this kid is the suspect, because why would a new kid who just moved into the area kill someone he doesn't know?
Does this make sense. Would a police officer...a rookie under pressure from a superior...ask help from a civilian?
6 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoTo Prologue Or Not To Prologue?
For anyone who doesn't know...prologues are bad. Evil, really. Most agents will tell you this. They'll tell you not to have a prologue unless the story absolutely needs it.
I'm considering a prologue....
My story starts off with a man and his family; the man is leaving for business and he hints that he knows something that he shouldn't. Something that could save the world. Something that could get him killed.
My main character is the one who kills him in the first chapter. She's an assassin and she's been paid to take him out. We don't learn what he knew for a very long time.
I know this is a strong opening, but part of me wonders if the readers would like to start off knowing what this guy knows, which I can add to a prologue.
What do you think?
5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoIf You Had To Hide A Magical Apple In Your Room, Where Would You Hide It?
And you plan to eat it at some point, but not now.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoWhat's A Good Name For A Goddess Of Madness?
I was thinking something like Mania or Manea...the only thing is, I'd rather pronounce the name "mon-ee-ah".
I was also thinking of something like Nemesis or Arcade...which don't really have any connotations with madness...they just sound cool.
I can also use something like Mara from the word 'nightmare'. Fea or Nemain are also good names as they represent the frenzy of war.
This name is for my high fantasy. The 'devil' of this world is thought to be a female personification of madness, so I want the name to sound kinda dark. It has to be female, because it links to my main character who is also female.
7 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoWhat Are Some Great Books You Read That Aren't Well Known?
I was just thinking of a few books I read that most people won't know.
My favorite romance books (actually the only romance books I ever enjoyed) were a series by Rebecca Flanders called The Secret of the Wolf series. It's a very original take on werewolves.
The series order went thus:
"Heart of the Wolf"
"Wolf In Waiting" (my favorite)
"Shadow of the Wolf"
Besides that, there was a fantasy series me and my friends read in middle school. The Aurian series by Maggie Furey about a girl who's a mage.
The series goes like this:
The Harp of Winds
The Sword of Flame
So, what are some great books that you read that aren't very well known?
6 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoAddressing A Parent In 3rd Person?
I'm revising a story that I originally wrote in 1st person. I'm rewriting it in 3rd person limited for various reasons, one of them being that it's a bit like A Song of Ice and Fire in the way of storytelling, with a certain character telling the story every chapter.
Two of the POV characters are brother and sister and they live with their mother. I keep switching up when I talk about their mother. Sometimes I'll say, "Her mother glared down at her." Other times I'll say, "Mom opened the door for him."
So, which one should I use? Because it's limited 3rd person, should I just say "Mom"?
1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years agoHow Would You Describe A High School?
Almost all High Schools look alike. Everyone can picture it in their head without much help. That's why the only description of one that I used was:
"The building stood two stories high, built with tan bricks. A stadium on the far side had a picture of a green zombie-like monster with words too dark to read overhead. Two lights hung underneath the overhead ceiling of the exterior entryway."
But I received a critique that it's not enough. I don't know if there are any architectural terms to describe a school. I'm not an architect. And describing it is extremely difficult for me.
How should I describe your basic two story high school?
4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago