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What's A Good Name For A Goddess Of Madness?

I was thinking something like Mania or Manea...the only thing is, I'd rather pronounce the name "mon-ee-ah".

I was also thinking of something like Nemesis or Arcade...which don't really have any connotations with madness...they just sound cool.

I can also use something like Mara from the word 'nightmare'. Fea or Nemain are also good names as they represent the frenzy of war.

This name is for my high fantasy. The 'devil' of this world is thought to be a female personification of madness, so I want the name to sound kinda dark. It has to be female, because it links to my main character who is also female.

7 Answers

  • kk1977
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dis (short for discord)

    Khaos (greek for Chaos)

    Nihil (Latin for "nothing")

    Nyx (greek) or Nox (roman) Goddess of the night and mother of Hypnos (sleep) and Thanatos (death)

    Erebus greek goddess of shadow and darkness

    Moros goddess of doom

    Ratri goddess of the night in Indian culture

    Achlys Goddess of Dark mist and personification of misery

    Lyssa Goddess of Madness

  • 9 years ago

    these come to my mind, I don't know any associated meanings nor have I used some method to produce them. I believe I'm kind of insane if that's a point in my favor.









    Something else you could do is look in other languages. I like the old ones better

    Sanskrit for example has a few that may serve, although each is it's own brand of insanity though I know not which.





    Good luck and don't settle

  • 9 years ago

    Allistanja (pronounced Alice-tanya) has a few interesting connotations. Reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland, which has long had ties to the idea of madness, and the story of Anastasia, that historical tragedy of a country thrown into chaos.

    Source(s): My brain.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Sarah Palin.

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  • 9 years ago


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


  • 9 years ago

    Yzarc = crazy sPelled backwards


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