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My daughter is obsessed with the letter "W"?

My daughter is 21 months old. In the past two months, she's learned her alphabet, and now, she seems overly obsessed with some of the letters. She constantly brings me a crayon and piece of paper and says "Make me a W!" So I do, then she takes it to her dad and requests the same thing. She points it out EVERYWHERE! (she just pointed out the W in "everywhere").

She knows most of the other letters on sight, as well, so it's not that it's just the only letter she knows. There's not a W in her name (though "A" runs a close second, which makes sense, as her first and last name start with it, and we write it all the time for her.)

Is this in any way normal, or do I have an OCD toddler on my hands? I worry because she seems to also "collect" things like crayons, stuffed animals, etc.

Any advice or personal stories would be greatly appreciated.

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My 2 yr old son is in love with numbers, but particularly 8 for some reason. He also is a weasel (just like my 1st) and has a hiding spot for all his hoard. he like things like my car keys if he can get his hands on them, daddy's cell phone, a shoe, pony tail rings & any spare change he might find. My older one did this similar stuff around the same ages. This one has a bin he puts it in & my older one used his toy barn. That is why I call them weasels - since weasels do this too (I knew someone whose weasel would seal eye glasses & all sort of things & hide them under the couch. My first was so obsessed with the color blue - he knew all of his colors, got into an argument with me one day about a color & then spent almost a year calling EVERY color blue - so much so I thought he forgot his colors...then one day he went back to calling colors by the right names out of the

    I think little ones do LOTS of weird stuff that you never realize until you have one. I wouldn't worry about this stuff. at this age my 1st was still sleeping with me, yet he HAD to bring about 8 specific stuffed animals to bed every night AND they had to set in just the right order & they each had a name & I had to say goodnight to each of them. He never paid them much mind in the day nor when he woke, but they *had* to be there. I think that lasted just a couple of months if I recall - but while he was stuck on it, it was serious business to him.

    If it makes you feel better - he is over all of that, has lost most of anything that seemed quirky & appears to be a pretty normal 5 1/2 yr old - and my 2 1/2 yr old seems to be coming out of some of that behavior now. I am sure she is fine. :)

  • 9 years ago

    It's perfectly normal, no need for concern. Most kids have a favorite letter or number or shape when they are learning different things. For instance, when my daughter was learning about shapes her favorite one to point out and say was "octagon". I think it has to do with the sound. Octagon has a lot of "O"s in it, it's pretty easy to say, but it's long, which kids like because it makes them feel like they've learned something really difficult. It's also a shape that is everywhere. Stop signs, trash cans, toys, you name it. I think "W" is one of those that's just really easy to say but at the same time it's a long word. Also, it's a simple letter to write because it is just zig zag lines and it's like 2 "v"s put together, or, since your daughter also likes "A"s, it's like upside down "A"s put together. Just because she has taken interest in this letter doesn't mean she is OCD or anything like that, so don't worry about it. I'm sure she understands the rest of her alphabet and hasn't forgotten the other letters. Also, W is one of the letters that is emphasized in the song when you sing it, so you tend to hear it more as you sing. If this letter is her thing and she's enjoying herself, let her! She'll eventually get fascinated with another letter or a number or shape, and eventually she will just enjoy learning any new fact for the day. Good luck and happy learning with your little one!

  • Paula
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    That sounds pretty normal to me. None of my kids obsessed over a letter, but they all got fixated with some pretty strange things at different times. Our son was obsessed with anything with wheels. Collecting stuff is common too. One day our postage stamps disappeared... our older daughter had filed them neatly in her drawer. Your daughter sounds bright (our kids didn't know the alphabet at that age) so just enjoy her learning.

  • 9 years ago

    Totally normal. my little one loves her alphabet and colors and numbers and she obsesses over the weirdest things for various periods of time (school buses, the color blue, etc.) She even makes up words to be silly and says that word for days b/c she gets a reaction from us, one time it was something like "Hoo, hoo!" and she thought it was so funny. She might like the way it looks or the way it sounds she could also be proud of herself for knowing it (maybe the praise given by mom and dad?) but really nothing to think about. One day shell be over it just like that. This age they are little sponges! and they do some of the funniest and strangest things!

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  • Pieman
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Why the letter w? I once knew someone, whose daughter was obsessed with anyone named Ashley, because that was her name, too. I'm confused- you say there's not a w in her name, but then you say her first and last name start with it. Do you mean A? As for stuffed animals (usually called plush animals), that's normal. It's my guess that an obssession with a letter of the alphabet is, unique.

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