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Lv 4
Kes asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

If you were the president, what would be your plan for fixing the economy?



@Chris: I didn't see a single step in your entire post to actually fix the economy. I'm sorry but "do whatever it takes" isn't specific enough. Sounds like Romney's campaign platform.

11 Answers

  • 9 years ago

    The president actually doesn't have a lot of power to fix the economy. Mostly, I would get the government out of the way. Not Laissez faire. We do need some regulations. But a few smart regulations would be a lot better than tons of contradicting bureaucratic ones.

    And the tax code should be dramatically simplified. Cut taxes dramatically for businesses but increase the taxes for the individual. This would encourage the business owner to reinvest in the business rather than just cutting a huge salary for himself. (not that he would be stingy with himself)

    I do not pretend to know what to do on the international front. That is where I get really confused.

  • 9 years ago

    You have received many answers. Some are good, others not so good. Some people seem to understand and others don't. I would like to add my two cents worth as well.

    Let's take it by the issue:

    1. Outsourced jobs. Yes, we need to bring outsourced jobs back to the US. However, are you willing to pay double for the same products? That is about what it amounts to if something is American made in a union plant. Even without it being a union plant, because of the unions, in order to get decent help, companies are forced to pay higher it adds that much to the cost of the product. So question one would be: 1. Are you willing to pay more or have less?. Question 2 would be: Are you willing to work for less money?

    These big companies do not hate America. They are in business to be competitive and have little choice under current tax and benefit laws in this country but to go elsewhere when they can. If you think we have unemployment now, those numbers would rise horribly if these companies were forced to either pay the high wages and benefits or huge fines for outsourcing. They would have to close their doors unless the people of this country are willing to pay more. Simple as that. So people...make your choice. Lower wages and cheaper products or getting less for more dollars?

    Do I blame the unions...yes. They have gone far beyond their service to workers who were being abused or overworked and are now in almost total control of any business where they represent the workers. Do you really think Gm would have gone under if it weren't for the unions greed? Nice of Obama to prop them up so they could continue to employ thousands and thousands of DUES paying union members wasn't it?

    Would breaking the unions set the economy right? You bet it would. Businesses could afford to hire two people where they have one now or cut their prices to you accordingly. There would be a smaller need for replacing employees with robots and machines. More taxes even under the current codes would flow into the national treasury....

    Add to this a general across the board gentle cut in spending (so more unemployment isn't caused) and you have the means to begin to pay down the debt. Not fast, but with a whole lot less pain than our kids are going to have in twenty years.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Stop spending new things. Such as better TV's, etc.

    So about 30% of the countries money go entirely to paying of debt.

    That will be good enough to help give the country a boost in it's economy.

  • "Stop spending new things. Such as better TV's, etc.

    So about 30% of the countries money go entirely to paying of debt.

    That will be good enough to help give the country a boost in it's economy."

    No that makes the economy better, buy things = more tax. :derp:

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    First thing I would do is restore certainty so businesses could formulate a 2-4 year business plan. Right now, they do not know what their taxes will be, what regulations they will face, and what their obligation to employees will be.

    Not knowing what those will be in the future, is more of a factor than what they will actually be. Even if they are not business friendly, they non the less will be able to formulate a plan around them.

  • 9 years ago

    I believe that in order to fix the economy, we have to stop our jobs from flowing out of our country from outsourcing. I think our government should punish corporations by imposing higher taxes on them or fining them if they are sending jobs overseas. But I also think we should reward corporations that only have American workers by giving them tax breaks or other incentives. People need to be able to be productive and work and able to take care of themselves and their families. When that breaks down in society, which it already has started to, we are in big trouble. Obama has tried his best to implement laws similar to this, and the Republicans have blocked him every time, and that is inexcusable.

  • 9 years ago

    Eliminate all public sector unions and toss them into SS and Medicare.

    Eliminate 75% of regulations.

    Eliminate entire agencies: DEA, DOEn, DOEd, HHS, State, HUD, DHS, and many more.

    Make sure that anyone earning $1000.00 pays a tax of some sort.

    Redefine the tax code.

    Abolish private lobbying.

    Install term limits.

    Good start.

  • 9 years ago

    Cut taxes and pork belly spending

  • 9 years ago

    Raise taxes to increase REVENUE.

  • 9 years ago



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