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Lv 4
? asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 9 years ago

Has your child been bullied by bullies and the school?

The school that my daughter goes to In Clarendon High school in Arkansas aloud my daughter to be bullied for going 2 years and did nothing but as soon as she tries to OD on some zantac that's when the school bullied her as they suspended her for 5 days because she was high on zantac how in the F do get high on zantac that's just their way of getting rid of my child because people are gonna start asking why they did nothing to stop the bullying before all this happened so now they are trying to turn my daughter into something shes not just to get the monkey off their backs and make it the victims fault all I want is for my daughter to be back in school in a safe environment so please

help by signing my petition at I have provided a link below


Thanks for the suggestions I was so upset at the time I was type I will go back and Edit it soon

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was bullied back in middle school and early high school. It's pretty horrible. Transfer her to a different school if you can, and maybe she can have a fresh start. Also, therapy can help her to gain some self-esteem and confidence.

    Edit: Uh, yeah, you might want to spell "children" correctly on your petition...Actually, no offense, but if you are planning on sending this to the school, you should spell check the whole document and check it over for grammatical errors. There are many, and it doesn't look very professional. Are you really the parent?

  • 9 years ago

    You know i believe that some schools just talk to the kids vaguely and just dismiss it quick thinking that just because they handed out a facts sheet about bulling and being a bully they feel they did their part. You must get to the bottom of this and figure out what is the base and what is truly going on and talk to counselors and social workers but always keep your cool. Everything should be arranged in a way that benefits your child and those getting bullied at school. No matter what people are going to say that no matter what the situation your child should not have done that to herself but if the bullying is that bad then thats wen kids think that maybe killing themselves if the answer and thats not the right way. Its a tough problem that needs to be seen over by professionals.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    you're so properly about the "sticks and stones"! I had an adventure in college with a bully who had considered some graffiti written about her and assumed it become me. She pinned me adverse to a wall and threatened to punch me. The humiliation of ways she become talking to me turned right into a lot worse than any actual discomfort she would have inflicted on me. a lot so, that on the time I appeared her contained in the interest ans reported "it wasn't me yet in simple terms hit me in case you want to, then i am going to get on with my day" especially she in simple terms walked off and by no skill stricken me back. Years later I suddenly met her back as an adult, and that i requested her if she remembered that incident. She reported definite and apologised for being any such bully in college. She become truthfully fantastic and pleasant, and regretted it, affirming she were insecure. I too am in touch to be certain if every person responds on your question with an admission of being a bully, yet i think maximum of your responses will be from people on the receiving end...

  • 9 years ago

    People will take your petition a lot more seriously if you correct the spelling, punctuation, incorrect capitalization, etc (throughout the entire thing, not just in the title). It's a mess.

    Just saying.

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  • 9 years ago

    No no. Im not married yet.

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