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Why do I weigh so much?

Hello. I want to lose some weight and maybe gain some muscle tone but I think I already have enough under my fat. I have an identical twin sister who is 20 pounds lighter than me, when we were born she weighed less than me but as the years went by, the gap in our weight got bigger and bigger. Our diet is very similar, she usually eats more sweats than I do but I eat bigger portions. I don't think that could make me 20 pounds heavier than her. I walk to and from school most days, which is an hour of walking and I have volleyball two days a week and cadets on Tuesdays. Im 14, 5'3 and 150 pounds. I'm a size 8. My sister is the same height, 130 pounds and a size 6. I also drink coffee and she doesn't. All my weight is in my arms, legs, butt and stomach, I have no fat in my chest, it's also unusually small for a chubby 14 year old, probably has something to do with the coffee. Most of the foods I eat is organic, I haven't gone to a fast food place, like McDonalds since I was 8 and the only junk food I eat is blueberry cake my grandmother makes and occasionally chocolate. I get nervous and stress out WAY too often, but it's getting better because I've learned not to give a damn about most stuff! I get 8 to 9 hours of sleep on week days and 9 to 11 hours of sleep on weekends but I'm usually a bit tired all the time. I also paint my nails a lot. Could the fumes be doing something? My parents are in their 50s, they eat healthy ( especially my mom) they're at a healthy weight. My dad's 6 feet tall and my mom's 4'10, well she's a bit shorter now. And 4'10 is actually pretty normall for an Iranian. My mom was over weight when she was about my age but then went on a very strict diet. Could I be a bit overweight because of my genes? Sorry about the long text, I just wanted to give enough detail. Thanks! :-D


The coffee I drink is made at home. I usually put 10% cream in it and sometimes milk. My dad wants me to drink 3% milk instead of 2% because he thinks it's healthier for some reason but I don't. I also only drink it when I don't have school. (weekends, holidays ect...) the bad thing is that I started drinking it at 6! But there was a lot of milk in it.

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just a few things to add to the discussion:

    ...your identical twin sister may have been the "smaller twin", getting less nutrition/etc than the larger twin (that may cause her to be at least somewhat smaller all her life)

    ...some people WILL naturally lose weight at various times of their lives (at about ages 6, 14, and 80)--you could be one of those people or you may not be; there's no way to know except waiting

    ...larger portions CAN make one gain weight (you'll need to write down the calories** for everything you eat so you can see exactly how much difference portion size will make)

    ...drinking *cream* in coffee, more than a small amount occasionally, WILL definitely add calories (I drink my homemade, strong, Melitta-dripped coffee with about 1/3 non-fat milk and it's great... I even froth a bit of it to use on top with a battery-operated frother) won't have anything at all to do with your chest size, etc; it can make your bowels move since it's a stimulant and make you more "alert" but too much can create jitteryness or be hard on the stomach...your basic size is determined by your skeleton genetically, and where you put weight you gain is also genetic as well as where and size of muscles/etc

    ...if you drink very much milk, you should definitely consider the lower fat milks...I drink non-fat only now but grew up drinking full-fat milk (4% or actually 3.75%) and could achieve that only by drinking 2% for a few weeks, then 1% for a few weeks, then non-fat. The first few days of each changeover I could tell the milk was different, but not by the end of the step-down. Now 2% milk tastes almost like cream to me and I can't drink it straight.

    ...pies, cakes, cookies, danishes, have a lot of calories and a lot of simple carbohydrates

    ...fumes from painting your nails (or from other things) won't make one gain weight--they might be damaging the lungs though

    more info on "losing weight" in my answers to these previous questions if you're interested: (scroll down to see list of recipe categories)

    ** there are lots of calorie counters online:

    and having something like this is helpful too:


  • 9 years ago

    burn calories, you must maintain an elevated pulse over 20 minutes continusly. For your height, you are about 15 lbs overweight if you are average size, You say you drink coffee. If it's starbuck frappiwhathe fuc&& those drinks can have over 300 plus calories in a single drink. If you are not identical twins, you will not have the same genes. You will be like sister and sister. My sisters were 5'7 and 5'9 and I am 5'3. Mom was 5'6.

    I think you sleep too much, you are active but could me more so.

    I am following my grandma's weight life and you could be too.Heavy when she was younger in her 20-40's and got skinny in her late 40's. No diets, just the way our bodies are.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    From earlier experience i might say do not weigh. For me that was once the quickest technique to sabotage myself. If I noticed that I was shedding pounds i might start eating more proper away and defeat the purpose. If I wasn't shedding weight quick adequate, in line with the dimensions, i'd strengthen a defeatist angle and consuming and say "Oh why hassle". The great manner for me, as a minimum, is to move via how my clothes match and whether or now not my breasts might maintain a pencil beneath with the aid of themselves. I'm pretty flat chested and after they could hold a pencil, I was chubby. If I caught to these two rules, I was once ok. I do think that while you get to your ideal weight, it is a good inspiration to weigh yourself everyday to be certain you're not gaining again, and if you're, make the small changes in food plan or up your undertaking. Its easier to lose somewhat weight than quite a bit. If I didn't weight myself after I misplaced as much weight as I desired, it might creep back on until .....The pencil, you understand!

  • 9 years ago

    You're only fourteen, you'll slim out naturally. Your sister was born with a faster metabolism than you, and it sucks. I've been there. Wait it out, keep doing what you're doing. Work out a little more. and the weight will come off I promise.

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  • 5 years ago

    Halfway through your meal, stop and drink some water and decide should you be really hungry for the rest or in case you are just eating it because it's on your own plate.

  • 4 years ago

    Keep a reusable water bottle with your desk to sip often. Keeping hydrated can satiate hunger as well as cravings, reduce bloating, and preserve you more alert.

  • 5 years ago

    Nosh on baked carrot chips as an alternative to greasy potato chips.

  • 5 years ago

    Make your own low-fat ice cream using frozen bananas and peanut butter or maybe luscious cherries and chocolate.

  • 5 years ago

    Make healthier versions from the treats you crave. These no-bake brownies will definitely satisfy your chocolate cravings.

  • 9 years ago

    some people are just diffrent sizes then others its are own unique dna gene its nothing to be ashamed of

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