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Favorite Answers9%
  • Why are the thumbnails for vines always someone's behind?

    Whenever I want to see a vine video on YouTube, the thumbnail is always a girl's butt or maybe a girl wearing something that shows a lot of cleavage. And why is there always twerking in vines? Do you know how I can get some clean vines? Thank you.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Is it just me or do people seem busier?

    It seems like people are more busy this year than last year and the year before that. I'm in a harder school grade now but it seems like other people (older and younger) are busier and have less time too.

    Am I wrong?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • I can't get load more YouTube comments?

    When I want to see the comments of a video, I look at the comments. That's fine, I can see them, but when I hit the button to load up more comments, nothing happens. It's like this on my iPad and iPhone. Is anyone else having this problem?

    4 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • Trouble with YouTube--PLEASE HELP?

    Hi there, I need to watch a documentary on YouTube for a school project (I can't get it any other way) that's due Monay (so in 1 day and a bit). I found the documentary on YouTube which is great, but now it's telling me that I've got to sign in to verify my age. I don't even have an account! Lots of people watch youtube videos but don't have accounts, so how are they supposed to verify their age? I tried making an account before but my e-mail is with Yahoo, not Google (or G-mail, I don't know)

    Any tips on how I should handle this? Thanks (:

    5 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • Fill out this survey..........?

    1. Your age.

    2. Have you ever been to France?

    3. Have you ever vomited on a trip to France?

    4. Have you seen "dude, where's my car?"?

    5. Who's your fave spongebob character?

    6. What's the most random thing you've ever done?

    7. Have you ever gone camping in the woods?

    8.Do you go insane when you accidentally microwave yourself?

    9. Do you like snooki?

    10. Have you ever counted an orange?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Are girls/women terrible actors?

    I want to know if what I'm thinking is pretty accurate information or if it's just some strange opinion I've formed. I think that girls/women are terrible actors; I find that if a movie has too many female characters or a main character who's female, it's bad... Unless the female character is a very young girl, under the age of 12, because that's sweet >β€’<. I think that most movies with too many or a main female character tend to be tacky,shallow and just.... Makes me roll my eyes. Do you also think this way or am I the only one?

    7 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • What's good about modern society?

    I've been kinda sad lately because I hate this time. I wish I was born around 100 years ago even though technologies wasn't good then. Im only happy when i see good movies about the past like Lincoln or Les Miserables, those were awesome! The culture and class is dumbing down, well at least that's what I think. I know there's good things happening in the 21st century, I just don't know what they are, so can you please tell me some good classy stuff that's happening because right now I'm blinded by the trash that i think modern society is and can't seem to see past it. I know my question might sound confusing... Sorry it's a bit hard to explain...

    2 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • Did you put it on your wish list?

    Did anyone put world peace on their Christmas wish list or birthday wish list? It doesn't have to be this year, it could've been any year. If you did, please tell me the date or a date it was close to if you can't remember. Thank you.

    :-D smiley face thoughts. πŸŒπŸŒŽπŸŒπŸŒ²πŸŒžπŸŒβ™»πŸ’«πŸ’¦βœŒπŸ‘£πŸΎπŸ’

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How do I make him stop hating me?

    Theres this kid in my class who's mean to me for the littlest reasons. Sometimes he acts normal (but it's mostly if I lend him something) and other times he's super mean. Last year we had lockers next to each other and when it's time to get our stuff, our whole class gets there at the same time. I was on the right side and I would always be a bit in his way and he'd freak out, like he'd say the "F" word and stuff like that. This year, our lockers are next to each other again but I'm on the left side now. Now he's always in my way but its way more than I was last year, I normally say "excuse me" in a little tiny voice. He only moves occasionally ): if he's in a group with me, he usually wines and says mean things. I think it's gotten better but I'm afraid if he suddenly acts mean again. I think the only reason why he hates me is because I have this strange awkward behavior and also my appearance. I don't care what he thinks of me I just don't want him being mean to me. Any advise? Btw, I have long sharp nails, that might come to use.*nudge* *nudge*

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Am I a likable person?????

    I'm kinda a loner and like it but I don't want people to hate me, I just want to have a neutral relationship (except for a few people who are really nice) To me, I'm an unlikeable person because I'm very shy and barely talk but sometimes I get over my shyness for certain people and when I act un-shy, I find that I act kinda like an @$$. I'm mostly not shy in my Geography class because we also talk about politics and I'm interested in that. I always scream in this annoying voice when I'm frustrated or angry and sometimes I scratch people (but in more of a playful way). I laugh a bit too much that it tends to get annoying and when I'm mad at someone, I act cold and distant (but sometimes they really deserve it). There are a few people that get me and I act a bit differently, I cat more fun (I'm never fun). Do you think I act @$$-like to most people when I'm not shy because I've been so shy for so long that I don't know how to act properly anymore? (I'm 14, I've been shy since I was 10) because I'm sort of over my shyness now but I still act shy because that's how people know me. I'm not sure I know how else to act so that might be why I act so badly, but maybe I'm just a rude person.): also there are 7 girls in my class and 16 boys, they're immature(the boys are) and don't like my appearance(I'm pretty sure of it). Is that why no one likes me because if that's it I'm okay with it. :-D thank you and sorry it's so long. If I didn't make anything clear, let me know.

    :-D smiley face thoughts.

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • How tall are you????

    What's your height, age and gender? I want to compare and see the average. Thank you! You can also put your weight for me to compare.

    22 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Why do people say "Asian"?

    Why do people call people from countries like China or Japan Asian? Because technically someone from a middle-eastern country is also Asian but when people say Asian, they mean people with slanted eyes. If Asian isn't the correct term, is oriental or far-eastern okay? Thank you!

    :-D smiley face thoughts.

    11 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Is there something wrong with me?

    Hi! I know people ask these type of questions a lot but I can't seem to figure out what's going on. I have an identical twin sister and when we were born she weighed a little bit less than me but over the years, the gap in our weight got really big. Now we're 14 and there's a 30 pound gap in our weight! She's 120 pounds and I'm 150 pounds. We're both 5'3" but she's 0.5 or 1cm taller than me. I know that I eat a bit more than her so I stopped doing that a few weeks ago. Now we eat the same and do the same amounts of exercise (except i drink more coffee than her) but I don't know why I weight 30 more than her. I thought it was my metabolism but she said its not. Does anyone know what's going on? Is it the coffee? (I don't have it with sugar, just a bit of cream) please, no mean comments. Thank you.

    :-D smiley face thoughts.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Is it easy to get closer to world peace?

    I know it sounds like a strange question but if you know people who know people who know people who work for the government, shouldn't it be easy to do something? Like create a special organization that uses a bit of tax payers money from rich countries to build water wells in poor countries? Is there also a non-violent way to get rid of war? Please answer, no mean comments. Thank you!

    :-D smiley face thoughts.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • How old do you have to be to act mature?

    I know everyone's different but what's the average age when kids finally get more mature? Does high school actually make kids less mature because I've noticed by different behaviours in kids during the summer and the school year. The reason I want to know is because I'm in 8th grade and there are a lot of group projects but I feel that I can't trust most kids because they'll just mess everything up.

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • What is this type of person called?

    When I read books, I can imagine it very well. I like writing books but whenever I do, I picture it in my head like a movie (which makes it hard to write). What's this called? The type of person that's better with picturing things in their head instead of reading it or hearing it?

    4 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Synonym for "me gusta" ?

    I have to write a paragraph in Spanish that describes me. I went to a translation site (I'm not very good in Spanish) and translated "I like to write stories" the result was "me gusta escribir historias". I don't want to write me gusta because it reminds me of the rage comic character and he really creeps me out. Do you know a synonym for me gusta or any other way of saying I like to write stories? Thanks :-D

    7 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Why do I weigh so much?

    Hello. I want to lose some weight and maybe gain some muscle tone but I think I already have enough under my fat. I have an identical twin sister who is 20 pounds lighter than me, when we were born she weighed less than me but as the years went by, the gap in our weight got bigger and bigger. Our diet is very similar, she usually eats more sweats than I do but I eat bigger portions. I don't think that could make me 20 pounds heavier than her. I walk to and from school most days, which is an hour of walking and I have volleyball two days a week and cadets on Tuesdays. Im 14, 5'3 and 150 pounds. I'm a size 8. My sister is the same height, 130 pounds and a size 6. I also drink coffee and she doesn't. All my weight is in my arms, legs, butt and stomach, I have no fat in my chest, it's also unusually small for a chubby 14 year old, probably has something to do with the coffee. Most of the foods I eat is organic, I haven't gone to a fast food place, like McDonalds since I was 8 and the only junk food I eat is blueberry cake my grandmother makes and occasionally chocolate. I get nervous and stress out WAY too often, but it's getting better because I've learned not to give a damn about most stuff! I get 8 to 9 hours of sleep on week days and 9 to 11 hours of sleep on weekends but I'm usually a bit tired all the time. I also paint my nails a lot. Could the fumes be doing something? My parents are in their 50s, they eat healthy ( especially my mom) they're at a healthy weight. My dad's 6 feet tall and my mom's 4'10, well she's a bit shorter now. And 4'10 is actually pretty normall for an Iranian. My mom was over weight when she was about my age but then went on a very strict diet. Could I be a bit overweight because of my genes? Sorry about the long text, I just wanted to give enough detail. Thanks! :-D

    12 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years ago