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I have a quick survey for people of all religions?

1. which God do you believe in?

2. Why do you belive in him?

3. Athiests: what do you think of the other gods?

4. In my christian ethics class we were talking about that line in Genesis. It went "let US create humankind in OUR image". Some people get confused by this, but what if their was a heavenly court with all the Gods and thats why it says "our" and "us'?

5. What do you think of creationists?i hate them)

6. Do you read the Bible in a contextual or literal way?

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. I do not believe in any god

    2. It is simply logic that any being like that can not exist

    3. I see them as an excuse for those who are weaker of though and logic to abuse everything they don't agree with and get away with it. In the more normal and less extreme cases gods are used by those who do no know how, or do not want to, face their own problems.

    4. Well you should really specify who, what, and to whom that entity was speaking, just going off of the information you provided I would guess that it could have been some mis-translation of a story passed down and mangled by oral tradition.

    5. Creationists are the lowest of the religious, at least the religions that come to mind, they ignore everything that is plainly presented in front of them, according to them the dinosaurs and humans had to exist at the same time, and that the earth is only 4000-6000 years old.

    6. I have never really "read" the bible, I've been going to church for my whole life and most of the people at my church interpret the bible in a more contextual way, thankfully.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    1. The LORD God Almighty.

    2. Because every day I find that I can have confidence in His inspired word in the Bible.

    3. Not applicable.

    4. Better to read the True Bible!

    5. I believe that the LORD God created and sustains the earth and mankind. So I presume you must hate me. - Thanks!

    6. Most of the Bible Scriptures are to be taken literally although some passages tell you they are 'visions' or 'dreams'. So symbolic of what was or is to happen.

    We are told in the Scriptures that "Holy men of old spake as they were moved by God's Holy Spirit". So if you wish to disregard God's word you will only have yourself to blame when the Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God, returns to set up his Father's kingdom.

  • 9 years ago

    1. None

    2. I lack a belief in any and all gods

    3. I think all gods are products of the human imagination, and in fact all Christians mostly agree with me on that, I reject the existence of the Christian God for the very same reasons Christians deny the existence of "Juracán" the god of the ancient Taino Indian people in the Caribbean

    4. I think the bible is highly vague in the creation story, and it hardly attempts to account for the creation of existence and carries many inconsistencies like that one.

    5. I think they are the most arrogant people because they make the most incredible and outrageous claims, then refused to provide evidence and then demand respect for their claims and to hold a special status and that their claims be taught as equal along well documented scientific data.

    6. Literal, as it was time goes on and we learn more about the world and we find out that the bible was just wrong in a lot of things people start claiming that the bible wasn't meant to be taken as factual accounts and they start spinning around the bible with supposed intends and divine contexts.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    1. Unsure of existence

    2. not sure

    3. I think gods from religions are man made

    4. ?

    5. annoying

    6. I don't read it

    Source(s): agnostic
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  • Lucky
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    1. None

    2. I don't

    3. I think they are all not real.

    4. No, there are no gods

    5.They're are confused people who just want an afterlife and couldn't care less about worshiping a deity they are just kissing up.

    6. I don't read that book of nonsense.

    Source(s): Atheist perspective
  • 9 years ago


    2) the Bible

    3)not Athiest

    4) Us means the Trinity

    5)God made everything

    6) literal way

  • 1. Flying Spaghetti Monster

    2. Just as likely and believable as any other god

    3. The are all BS

    4. It is all just made up anyway

    5. They are utterly retarded

    6. Just out of curiosity, and it is the most boring POS book of all time, and makes like zero sense and likes to contradict itself

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    1 I believe in my own

    2 Signs

    3 I believe in science and god

    4,i think aliens created us, created us in their image

    5 i think they are stupid as **** to think the worl began 6,000 years ago

    6 i don't read that crap. i create my own view. honestly no one knows wtf is going on in the world

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