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does anyone here know what the bible says about where the first forms of life came from?

science says it came from the water? anyone know what the bible says about where it came from?

not asking "who" it came from, but where.


as a christian, it is extremely disappointing to me that no one bothered to read genesis 1:20-21 to find out that the first life was brought forth out of the waters. "and God said, let the waters birng forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly abo e the earth in the open firmament of heaven. and God created great whales and every living creature that moves which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind and God saw that it was good"

what a shame that science and the bible say the same thing but no one seems to realize it.

it is true that man and the land animals were both made from the dust of the earth. (genesis 2:7 and 19)

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light" and there was light (Genesis 1: 1-19) After this, God created birds and sea creatures; then cattle and animals etc.,............Then God said, "Let Us make man in OUR image, according to OUR likeness etc." (Genesis 1:26)

    So in other words, everything that God created came from HIM - all of this was SPOKEN into existence by God through His living Word (the Christ of God), which is confirmed in the New Testament in John 1:1-3)

  • 9 years ago

    The first parts of Genesis, from the tale of Creation through the tales of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Tower of Babel, the Great Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Wars of the Kings in which Abraham was involved -- are all based on earlier Sumerian records.

    The origin of the Biblical seven days of creation is almost certainly the seven tablets on which the Enuma Elish was written. This is evident from the contrast between the first six Babylonian tablets describing Marduk’s acts of creation and the seventh tablet which is dedicated to a general exaltation of the god (and thus a parallel to the Biblical seventh day when God rested).

    Whilst the term “gods” is full of awkward connotations for us, the Sumerians did not suffer from such problems, and referred to them as the AN.UNNA.KI, literally meaning “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came”.’” They also described them pictographically as DIN.GIR – which shows an aerodynamically-shaped GIR inside a shaft-like underground chamber. A picture of a rocket-propelled spaceship, with a landing craft docked into it perfectly - just as the lunar module was docked with Apollo 11.”

    From the archaeological discoveries, artifacts, and recovered records archaeologists and linguists have for two hundred years, found the Anunnaki (Sumerian: “those who came down from the heavens”; Old testament Hebrew, Anakeim, Nefilim, Elohim; Egyptian: Neter), an advanced civilization landed in the Persian gulf area around 432,000 years ago, colonized the planet, with the purpose of obtaining large quantities of gold. Some 250,000 years ago, the recovered documents tell us, the Anunnaki directorate decided to create a creature as slaves. They changed the genes of Homo Erectus and produced us, Homo Sapiens, a genetically bicameral species, for their purposes as slaves.

    Around 6000 years ago they began gradually, to bring humans to independence. Sumer, a human civilization, amazing in its sudden, mature, and highly advanced character was set up under their tutelage in Mesopotamia.

    The recorded historical documentation for the existence and deeds of the Anunnaki has become gradually available to us only since the early 1800’s. The excavation of the ancient sites of Mesopotamia brought to light the amazingly advanced civilization of Sumer and, with it, thousands of clay tablets containing not only mundane records of commerce, marriages, military actions and advanced astronomical calculation systems but of the history of the Anunnaki themselves. It is clear from those records that the Sumerians knew these aliens to be real flesh and blood. The library of the ruler, Ashurbanipal, at Nineveh was discovered to have burnt down and the clay tablets held there were fired, preserving them for our reading. One of the most impressive finds, in very recent time, has been a sealed, nine foot by six foot room in Sippar holding, neatly arranged on shelves, a set of some 400 elaborate clay tablets containing an unbroken record of the history of those ancient times, a sort of time capsule. The evidence is so overwhelming and robust that, if it weren’t for those with power enough to suppress, it would have been accepted and our world view changed a century ago or, perhaps, sooner.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the DUST of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

    from ashes to ashes ... now ain't that true.

    thank you for reminding me that i came from dust.

    often, we forget this ....

    it makes me realize that life is only a breath away ... death.


  • Ranger
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Genesis I says that man was made from dust. Thus we have the saying at funerals of "From Dust we come to Dust we return".

    Source(s): rc
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It seems to me that Genesis 1 and 2 clearly answer that question. Read them to find out.

  • MK6
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    At least humans came from the dust of the earth. (hence from dust-to-dust).

    I'd expect the same for critters.

    While even the macro-evolutionists consider this as naturalism, - these people reject a super-natural component.

  • 9 years ago

    god created it from the ground or clay of the earth

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


  • Adam
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    she was born of the darkness then through immaculate conception god was born of wisdom

    Source(s): what lety said
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