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Should I go to Afghanistan for work?

I recently got a big promotion at work (from just being an assistant before for about a year). It seems like a really great opportunity with great pay and interesting work. But the caveat is that I will have to travel to Afghanistan next month for some work. It should only be for 2 weeks, but one of the places I'm scheduled to work in is Kandahar...

What should I do? On the one hand 2 weeks isn't too bad to secure a really great job and provide for my family. On the other hand, all that goes out the window if I get killed or worse...your thoughts?

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When I was in the Navy (as a Bomb Technician), many people often asked me, "are you crazy, why would you want to do that job?" I often said, "I believe in fate; if it is my time to die, then I cannot avoid it."

    So in my opinion, if it is time for you to die, then you could be in a serious accident on the highway in the good ol' U.S.A.

    BTW, it is just my "opinion;" you do not have to take my advice. Please, don't come back and haunt me, if you died in A'Stan ; )

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Two weeks in afghanistan most likely will not get you killed.

    Conversely, you could trip and fall, get in a car crash, or get shot by some mad man with a gun here in the states.

    You measure things like this by what you put into it and what you get out of it. Certain things beyond your control such as dying are only measured when you actually are put in harms way, otherwise it is not a factor.

    Simply by going to afghanistan you are only marginally increasing that risk, similiar to moving to a metro area and commuting.

    Not knowing what you will be doing in Afghanistan it is hard to say how much risk you will put yourself at.

    Again, two weeks?? I would say is definitely worth the promotion AND the experience.

    Source(s): 9 years army, married with kids for 7 years, deployed twice with combat units.
  • 9 years ago

    I seriously doubt your story kid.

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