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Is it true that Romney is a person that only cares about the rich?

Martin Sheen on Romney. He played a president on The West Wing and is a high-profile Democratic supporter. But what makes his stance on the current election unusual is his very public disregard for Mitt Romney.

“He is, in essence, a very arrogant, very successful businessman [who] believes in unreined free enterprise,” Sheen told The Huffington Post. And those were some of his nicer comments. “He’s a guy that the old phrase applies to: ‘he was born on third base and thought he hit a triple,’” Sheen added.

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I totally agree with Mr. Sheen and Romney has proved that time and again both in words and actions. As Governor of Massachusetts, he never thought of hiring of a women and he didn't even know one woman who was qualified to work in his Administration. Women's groups had to force him to hire women for that administration and he requested "Binders of Women" resumes so he could find a few women to hire.

    Romney on Job Creation: When he spoke at a College Graduation Ceremony, he told the Graduates to borrow money from their parents so they could open their own businesses and become entrepreneurs. Guess their parents couldn't or wouldn't loan our American Students.that money. His next idea as he stated during the second debate, was to staple green cards to the diplomas of wealthy graduates in foreign countries so they could become entrepreneurs with money borrowed from their parents or the banks in their country and open business that would hire more foreign graduates. He doesn't believe that our graduates are qualified to fill many of our jobs. Unfortunately, he may be right about that; there are over 1 million unfilled jobs in the USA, supposedly because they can't find qualified people. However, would it not be better to train American Graduates and the unemployed to fill these jobs or are foreign student jobs his way of bringing jobs back to America and creating those 12 million jobs?

    Romney has no idea how the middle class lives, he has no idea of real middle class salaries (you may recall he was under the impression that a middle class salary was between $200-$250 thousand a year) and doesn't much care about the poor or the middle class. His main priority and one of the main issues he hasn't back tracked on is lower taxes for the wealthy. Don't believe that the middle class will pay lower taxes because he will give them a tax cut; the deductions we take on our income taxes and the cuts he will make to programs in the budget, will more than eliminate any tax breaks for the middle class and once again we will bare the brunt of those cuts for the wealthy by paying higher taxes.

  • helene
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Martin Sheen, are you kidding me? Compared to Martin Sheen, Obama is a conservative. And there's nothing "unusual" about Sheen spouting off about anyone to the right of Stalin. I can understand how you might not know that in Australia, but seriously, that guy has been ranting publically here for decades.

    If one gives Martin Sheen more credence than the average middle class voter, of course they're going to believe that Romney only cares about the rich, and ignore the fact that Martin Sheen is a rich guy himself.

    If Romney only cared about the rich, he wouldn't donate millions to charity

  • 9 years ago

    The person that only cares about the rich (himself) is Obama.

    The Obamas spent 1.4 billion tax dollars in perks last year!

    That is twice as much as The Royal Family!

    Romney 2012!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Obama has given more money to wall street than any president in history, not auto manufactures, not social security, not jobs but wall street so who does the proof say cares more for the rich, a rich lawyer who helped his rich friends or a rich business man who actually created jobs for us poor uneducated people! Say what you will but that is a pretty big difference in philosophy!

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't imagine Romney even knows that lots of people are poor - and doesn't care.

    Odd how the right wing morons live in their trailers and vote for the rich! It's an amazing phenomenon.

  • 9 years ago

    Romney believes in Reagan trickle down economics on steroids... W Bush, believed in Reagan trickle down economics, as well... These policy's, have proven themselves, not to work... But they do make life, incredibly pleasant, for the already incredibly wealthy... The less you have, the harder it is, on you, & no hope, of an good economic future....

  • 9 years ago

    Didn't you not hear him say that he didn't care about 47% of Americans?

    That's almost half the country.

    And those in the other 53%, he doesn't care about 52% of them.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    My family is upper class and they've told me the reason most of them are voting for Romney is because he wants to lower taxes on the rich... So I wouldn't doubt it.

  • Absolutely true. You would only vote for him if your wealthy because his policies are tailored and appeals to upper class citizens

  • 9 years ago


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