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Atheists, do you think scientists will ever find the facts of what existed before the Big Bang ?

..........or where the material for the 'Bang came from ?

True Science Harmonizes With the Bible

The foregoing should in no way discourage an interest in science. To be sure, the Bible itself invites us to learn from God’s handiwork and to discern God’s amazing qualities in what we see. (Isaiah 40:26; Romans 1:20) Of course, the Bible does not claim to teach science. Rather, it reveals God’s standards, aspects of his personality that creation alone cannot teach, and his purpose for humans. (Psalm 19:7-11; 2 Timothy 3:16) Yet, when the Bible does refer to natural phenomena, it is consistently accurate. Galileo himself said: “Both the Holy Scriptures and nature proceed from the Divine Word . . . Two truths can never contradict one another.” Consider the following examples.

Even more fundamental than the movement of stars and planets is that all matter in the universe is governed by laws, such as the law of gravity. The earliest known non-Biblical reference to physical laws was made by Pythagoras, who believed that the universe could be explained by numbers. Two thousand years later, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton finally proved that matter is governed by rational laws.

The earliest Biblical reference to natural law is contained in the book of Job. About 1600 B.C.E., God asked Job: “Have you come to know the statutes [or, laws] of the heavens?” (Job 38:33) Recorded in the seventh century B.C.E., the book of Jeremiah refers to Jehovah as the Creator of “the statutes of the moon and the stars” and “the statutes of heaven and earth.” (Jeremiah 31:35; 33:25) In view of these statements, Bible commentator G. Rawlinson observed: “The general prevalence of law in the material world is quite as strongly asserted by the sacred writers as by modern science.”

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sorry, but science does not harmonize with the Bible (despite your baseless assertions that it does). I don't understand why anybody would believe anything from the Bible. It's just an ancient book of myths that was written by primitive men who believed that the Earth was the fixed center of the universe, and it was flat and covered by a large solid dome called the firmament. The Bible endorses genocide, slavery, rape, incest, human and animal sacrifice (i.e. Jesus and ritual sacrifice of animals), and many other evils. People often pick out what they think is good and ignore the bad.

    What are called "laws of science" or "natural laws" are just our best descriptions of how the universe works. Newton's "laws" were superseded by Einstein's "laws" of relativity, and quantum mechanics. These will likely be superseded when we understand more about matter and energy.

    If you were to study quantum mechanics, there's no way that you could call it rational. The universe is the way it is, whether you like it or not. There's no reason that the universe has to conform to what you'd like or what makes sense to you. As Nobel laureate physicist Richard Feynman wrote, "The theory of quantum electrodynamics describes nature as absurd from the point of view of common sense. And it agrees fully with experiment. So I hope you can accept nature as she is — absurd."

    For thousands of years, people have said that their gods were behind what they didn't understand -- life, lightning, stars, earthquakes, the origin of life, the world or the universe, etc. Positing a god to supposedly answer a question solves nothing. It just adds an unwarranted level of complexity and stops you from asking more questions.

    It used to be that science couldn't answer the question about the origin of the universe or of the Big Bang, but that didn't mean we should make up an answer (such as a god) and say that it was the cause. Within the last few decades scientists have discovered some good answers. Of course, a scientific explanation is more complex than simply saying, "God did it."

    The Big Bang physically cut off any history of what could be before it, if the concept of before even makes sense without time as a dimension.

    For more about the Big Bang, watch the video at the 1st link - "A Universe From Nothing" by theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss, read an interview with him (at the 2nd link), get his new book (at the 3rd link), or read an excerpt from his book (at the 4th link). And, see the 5th link for "Quantum scientists make something out of nothing."


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well, first off, you really shouldn't just say atheists, even though many people are religious, there are those (like me) who are in the middle, we are called agnostics, it means we don't really have the time and energy to worry about whether or not there is a god, or we just don't know what to believe and will be content with whatever the truth really is should there be or should there not be a god

    Second, technically scientists may have, there is a theory that in another universe, there might have been a rip in the space and time, then all the matter, light, and everything else would all go through the hole. something like a massive black hole could have caused this and then as the pressure went away, the rip may have closed leaving behind a second universe.

    My explanation is not all that clear, the theory is something along those lines.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It is very difficult for an atheist to admit "TRUE SCIENCE HARMONIZES WITH THE BIBLE"

    However, if an atheist can learn that many things that are taught by Churches are not Scriptural OR Scientific in any way, then you might be able to make some head way....perhaps.... :)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I don't know. The bible does not help us here. The writers of it believed the world was made in 6 days, that the moon gives off light, the stars are small lights in the sky and that the world is round but flat.

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  • 9 years ago

    Yes, and I can guarantee that the most amazing scientific discoveries are the ones that contradict holy books, because desert-dwelling goat herders from 2000 years ago knew a hell of a lot less than we know now.

    “The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church.”

    ― Ferdinand Magellan

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    General Relativity shows that time started with the Big Bang. You really can't talk about a before in any way that means something.

  • Cory
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Was that an honest question or an excuse to preach your opinions?

    You don't have a clear understanding of the big bang theory. Read it again and not from a Christian-biased source.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Likely not in our life time or anytime soon but is no reason to stop searching for answers though when they do christians will never accept any other answer other then God did it

  • Caesar
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    So if i believe in Zeus...Tartarus is real..and Hercules or Heracles talk with Xena the warrior princess... about your rant behind a question on yahoo

  • 9 years ago

    Time and causality are properties of our universe.

    Talking about "before" the Big Bang literally doesn't mean anything.

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