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Can you keep a straight face when reading this quote?

Q: "If people didn't hunt, wouldn't the earth become overpopulated with animals? Explain why you feel that way."

A: "Not at all! Wildlife populations are self-regulating..."

Did you keep a straight face? I can't. The first time I read that I burst out laughing and facepalmed.

That's not the whole quote, but after reading that you know the idiot who said it doesn't know crap.

PS: The person who said it was Anne Muller, president of the Committee for the Abolition of Sport Hunting (CASH) in an interview in 2006.



Oh. Well that just goes to show how unintelligent I can be at times.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. It's not funny.

  • Andrew
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    So ughh what about before people were in the US? Was our wildlife overpopulated? I know hunting helps control the population but it will balance out. So I kept a straight face. What about modern day alaska? Theres places people can not hunt. One animal becomes overpopulated then what? The weak ones feed the underpopulated predators and it keeps balancing out. So that guy is correct. They are self regulating.

  • 8 years ago

    Populations can self-regulate... with a healthy predator population to control herbivore populations. When it comes to deer, for instance, there are a variety of large predators in North America capable of doing this. There's a bit of a practical issue, though, in that wolves, mountain lion and the like tend not to get along well with human populations, the latter of which tend to get concerned about such things as their cattle and/or offspring becoming alternate, easier food supplies for such intrepid predators. This has led to a situation where for much of the range of species such as the white-tail and mule deers (let alone invasive species like wild boar) the only predator capable of exercising immediate and practical pressure upon the population walks on two legs and (usually) wears pants.

  • 8 years ago

    As stated they are self regulating thought he one who mentioned an overpopulation before people were in America really does not know what he his talking about. We have these people called native Americans who were here long before Europeans were and nobody knows how they got into the area. Probably the same way that horses got to Europe whitch is a mystery that few think about. The foccil record proves that America had horses first. About 1000 years before they starved out Europe got a lot of them. I think the starved out though nobody knows for sure. In the end though it just prOves that there was hunting going on all over the world long before the Columbus was born. You can't defy human nature with a law. People will break that law and you would fund a mass circus from it. It's like how we are currently eating way to much sugar. It's been something we had to hunt down for the better part of our history. The human body needs it yet its rare in nature. It is actualy so rare in nature that the human body constiantly looks for it. Now that we have way to much at our disposal we need to evolve to where we don't look for it all the time. The problem is that technology has passed our evolutionary point. However it is not so far that we can get rid of hunting yet. And eventually it may get that way but that 200 years away. See hunting is like how we look for sugar we can't evolve passed it yet it's instinctive and one of the most natural things in nature because of that. With that said I do understand regulating it.

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  • 8 years ago

    In the grand scheme of things, she's right. They are. They have been since the beginning of time. They don't need us to hunt them to keep their numbers in line.

    On the other side, hunting also does a great job and it allows people to harvest animals and use them for food. It also allows us to control populations in a way that suits our needs.

    It just shows that someone can be "right" and still miss the greater point.

    Animal control is just one of many factors that work together to keep hunting a viable sport in our country.

  • 8 years ago

    Wildlife populations are self-regulating.

    But there is a price. Usually the price is starving and diseased animals. By controlled hunting, people get food to eat and animal herds are kept in healthy conditions.

  • 8 years ago

    Straight face, yes, but I was slowly shaking my head. As Stewie mentioned, famine and disease immediately sprung to mind but I know what Anne Muller envisions is probably some sort of Disney cartoon utopia where lions patiently wait for wildebeests to die of old age. I don't think there are really that many people who are that willfully ignorant but damn, they're uncommonly vocal about it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It's time to get Terrible Ted on Answers!

  • Mr.357
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Of course they are self regulating. It may mean mass starvation or horrendous diseases when they overrun or destroy their habitat.

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