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Should a person have to pay their tax money toward something they find morally wrong?

Like for instance a war of aggression. Or Abortion?

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We should pay whatever we want when ever we want for whatever we want. Cause that's the American way.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i understand it. , Obama has already handed a center earnings tax in his Obamacare. there are too many that're so stupid that they don't understand the payroll tax decrease is fairly a tax advance sooner or later. he takes money from our social secure practices to fund the tax decrease. meaning the destiny President will eithe could advance taxes or permit this methodology bypass banktupt. As for raising the tax of the prosperous, it continually finally end up being paid by the middle type. What occurs is they do no longer advance the tax bracket by the inflation fee and the middle type finally ends up buying it is going to certainly. additionally what Obama is doing is permit the fed print additional money. it fairly is taxing the middle type. The fed instruments the inflation fee and teh interest fee. in the event that they set the inflation fee above the inflation fee, it is fairly taxing us. for grasp chief. in case you already know corporation, you're making additional money promoting much less costly products to the undesirable then to sell high priced products to the prosperous. Even according to merchandise , you're making extra promoting to the prosperous, there are so plenty extra undesirable. Obama richman tax does not yield plenty. it is extra symbolic. we are able to at last finally end up having to tax the middle . playstation a learn in California discovered that the taxing the prosperous is what have been given us in this mess. The earnings of the prosperous relies upon on the financial equipment oppose to the earnings of the middle type remains sturdy. center type works on a earnings, the prosperous relies upon on revenues, meaning while circumstances are sturdy, we've alot of earnings and undortunately politicians would spend in on their puppy challenge, at the same time as while circumstances are undesirable, earnings of the prosperous crashes and we bypass deep in debt. What we would desire to do , is decrease the rollercoaster. the terrific answer comes from the tea social gathering making a shape admendment forcing politicians to pay back debt earlier commencing new puppy initiatives.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes. I don't like paying my tax money for subsidies for the oil and gas industry and some don't like paying their money for wars, etc. You never pay taxes for abortion. Google the Hyde Amendment. But we are run by a federal government created to represent all the nation which means we don't all get an individual say in where the money goes.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If that was the policy, then everyone would immediately decide that every single government expenditure was morally wrong, solely for the purpose of escaping taxes.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It is SUPPOSED to be illegal for tax money to fund abortion.

    Of course, we all know better,

    Unfortunately, you can't just not follow laws because you do not agree with them. You CAN vote in new representatives who will write different laws. And write letters to your representatives to tell them why you disagree with what they are doing.

    that is the way this is supposed to work, but how many people actually DO write to their congressmen? So few that the Lobbyists are the only ones talking to them. That is NOT their fault, it is OURS!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Issues of national security , yes . Social programs like welfare and free abortions , no .

  • 8 years ago

    Yes. If you don't like the way that the government in your country works perhaps you can find another country that is more to your liking.

  • 8 years ago


    ...but then you still have the right to protest these things and maybe even change the law.

  • Thomas
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    you should pay 5% flat and the government should spend that money on only necessary programs.

  • 8 years ago

    I don't agree with my taxes being used to kill people in other countries but what can you do?

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