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I need some help for my friend. She is having so much family trouble that it's ready to blow up out of?

proportion to where they feel as is someone is going to go to jail, a child back into foster care, and no telling what else. She wrote me a letter from Minneapolis. This is what it said:"I'm in a dilemma. Almost two years ago, my child came out of foster care. It was extremely hard when they took her away from me after this lady from a 24 hour child care place agreed to watch my child and even pick her up after school. After the lady never picked her up from school while I was at work, I had no idea that my child never got picked up. As a result, my child was placed into D.H.S. custody. It went downhill from there. My child was in a kid shelter and from there foster care for almost three years.

Due to not getting work for almost two full years after that, it has been rough. Then, in 2010 up until now, no one else has dared to employ me. I have taken steps to prepare to leave this country ever since to attend school. My mom and I had an agreement about this since 2007. In two weeks I start a fundraiser to fund myself to attend school and be in the country for at least 10 years. It's a long story, but even more problems, too. Because of not getting employment in two states I've been begging for money. That's what I'm dwindled down to. Also because of not getting employment I haven't been able to pay my child support. I'm not giving up my parental rights, either. I no longer have any real friends any more. I did speak with a childhood friend's sister to become my child's foster mother while my kid was in foster care. She told me that the D.H.S. worker never contacted her. I lived in public housing and never had any privacy there because they constantly performed unannounced visits while there. Also, family had been there and stole a picture I had from the storage room. Due to not having regular income, I never could afford surveillance, could not save even $5,000.00 to get a vehicle, lost one job after child support was increased, lost my apartment with the housing authority because they claimed abandonment when I continued to visit my child in another state, had problems paying my utilities, too because no steady income, stopped working in the medical field because I couldn't take it anymore(before I left with my child to go to Mineapolis), and I'm having even more problems now.

Me and my family have a history of being bullied. It is absolutely scary. My child was bullied almost two years ago. As a result, my mom decided to take her out of school and homeschool her. I agreed to pay for it. Because of people not donating enough when I go out at times, it has been difficult for me to get enough funds. My child's education is finally paid for. I now have a new problem: My entire family. My mother invited my baby sister, who is over the age of thirty to live in her household. This woman has a violent history. I told my mother from the very time I was pregnant with my child that I didn't want my kid around her because she tried to kick the baby out of my stomach. She did kick my other sister's pregnant belly years ago. Last year, this same sister beat my niece(the unborn child years ago)with a golf club and got away with it. This was her form of discipline when this child's mother temporarily lost custody of her and her children.

This baby sister has not only a violent history and temper, she also constantly steals, stole my wallet twice, along with my food stamp card, but hasn't returned it this second time like she did before. There was no proof that she did it, but everyone knows that she steals and has been stealing family members documents for years. She also has a habit of pushing animals on people because she can't take care of them. Not only that, after she beat my sister's kid and the kid returned to her mom, that same kid(my niece) returned and a month later, read a letter she snuck from my baby sister. The letter said that she was working on getting my child for herself like she did my niece. It was on a piece of paper on a "to do" list. I know that if my child stays with her that her life as a child is over. My sister also changes men like her clothes, had a steady boyfriend that was a dope dealer, sold prescription pills to make income last year, and the year before, the year before, my nephew finally told me that my child and my niece and nephew was with this sister, who threatened a guy in his shop for not paying him, and she took the children, like some type of shield while he threatened to use a gun on her. To add, when I told my mom after foster care to not let this sister around my child, she agreed. After my kid was let loose from foster care, my mom took my child to this sister, again where this sister ironed her hair! My mom is O.K. when not around other family members. When she is, if she is angry, especially at a person like me, she uses them for advice and invites problems back

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no helping some people. This is one of those people.

    She has no money, no apartment, yet is trying to get donations to go to school in another country and live there for ten years? She didn't happen to ask for any donations in that letter did she?

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