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Ladies Help - need quick advise!?

I have an ex female coworker who invites me out for drinks with one of her girl friends .?

Or gets her friend to set up the date, she is incredibly hot and sexy and flirts continously with me, but at the end of the evening she jumps up and takes a taxi home she is living long term with a guy (appears they get on well but she hardly discusses) it is difficult to chat openly with her pal there, as I said I have the hots for her but am I wasting my time (I have just received an email looking to hook up for drinks from her girlfriend again)???

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe she doesn't get along with her long term guy as well as you may think. It looks like the kind of thing that gets set up at the last minute when your girl gets a chance to "escape". Enjoy, but don't do your ballz over her until you're real sure she can make the break permanently if she wants to.

  • 8 years ago

    you should go definitely if you wish

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