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Life is precious to us. We don't want to die. But what really happens to us after death?

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    When you die it is like going to sleep and you wake up the next day.You wake up in the resurrection halls in your new body. Your body will be modified to fit your new environment. You shall still be you, you will retain your name, your personality and sense of humour. All the good things you did on Earth are also carried forward with you. You get to explore your new surroundings for the next 10 days before you then get, shall we way, assessed, others would say, judged. You get given a choice, to do God's will and be of service to Him and do as you are told and have eternal life, or you can decline but then you experience the 2nd death of no return, God has no place for those who don't want to co-operate, those people cause problems. Heaven is a very well ordered place. You get to catch up with loved ones, you go back to school, you are assigned tasks, you work your way through levels and you begin your progressive lives. You have a lifetime in a certain area and then you get the next body and continue. Your body is more or less the same shape, except one does not get married or have children, or have sex or go to the toilet. Rest and nourishment is still a requirement to begin with but as one evolves, that is also relinquished. You will not be idle. You will meet beings from the other inhabited worlds, celestials such as Angels and you will still be seeking to know God.You are not immediately in Paradise, there are about 7 stages before you get there. You will be a part of a most magnificent adventure, you will experience the Arts like you have never known, the most supreme examples of Art down here is but a glimpse of what is in Heaven, the beauty is incomparable. You will be able to see over 2,000 different colours, and the same for musical notes. Our brains can only perceive 7 colours and notes and the variations thereof. You will have your own home that you shall share with companions. Lawdy, lawdy! It will take your breath away. I could go on and on, but this should give you an idea.

    Source(s): The Urantia Book
  • 8 years ago

    Death is fast. I believe it's not at all scary. Just like falling asleep, and floating out of your exhausted body because it's too tired to house your spirit anymore. On judgement day, every one of us will wake up. We will be judged by Mr. Christ and we will be sentenced, depending on our deeds when we were alive, to either heaven or hell. When we go to heaven, we will have so much to say and do! For the rest of eternity we will live with Mr. Christ and enjoy! If however you are sentenced to hell, you are sentenced to a time of torture in hell, depending on how evil you were. Once you have finished your sentence, you are burned to ashes, never to come alive ever again.

    That's what I think will happen after death. A better life....or.....not.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Nothing, it's will probably as if we never existed, think of it as what happen before you we're born, were you in heaven waiting to be born? No, same thing as death, you won't be anything at all.

    Source(s): I learned this from the bible >:D
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I dont mind dying and i really dont care what happens to me after death.

    But if you are so inquisitive about events after death, i'd surely be glad to make a thorough study n give you a detailed report after death... yours of course.......but, make sure u r around...........huh?

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago


  • Xerxes
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    There's actually no way to know, since we haven't been able to get in touch with anyone who is dead. Be patient; you'll find out eventually.

  • 8 years ago

    Nothing happens.

    That is like asking what happens to a candle's flame, after you blow it out.



    John Popelish

  • 8 years ago

    Nothing I believe, sad but most likely true.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Decay and recycling by Nature.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The same thing that happened to you before you were born.....nothing.

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