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Elizabeth asked in PetsDogs · 8 years ago

New dog makes me uncomfortable, advice please...?

Help please. I'm a teenager, and my family just got a new dog. We already have 2 small dogs (yorkies) that we've had since they were puppies. This is an adult rescue (6 years old, German shepherd). My problem is that this new dog makes me SO uncomfortable. I've always been a little afraid of big dogs anyways. I am really struggling because I did not want another dog, but my little brother begged until my parents caved.

She is very neurotic and freaks my other dogs out. She also follows me around everywhere and cries whenever anyone walks out of the room. I'm trying to be patient, but she just makes me really uncomfortable. Whenever I walk into the room she bull rushes me and tries to jump on me and I hate it. I know people are just going to say I need to give her time to adjust and whatever, but we've had her a few weeks now and I really don't think I'm ever going to get close to this dog. I can't talk to my parents about it because I don't want to seem whiny/childish. I try to just not hang out around her but she is so clingy. How should I deal with this? I know it may seem like a silly problem, but I'm really struggling with it.

Any serious advice would be greatly appreciated. Please don't tell me to grow up or just deal with it because my fear of large dogs is legitimate as my neighbor's very aggressive boxer got out of her yard when I was younger and tried to bite me.

9 Answers

  • Ista
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I'm a small dog person at heart, but... one of my best childhood memories is of a German Shepard.

    Somebody dumped her on the road in front of our house. Her milk hadn't dried up yet, it was obvious she'd had puppies. Whoever had had her before, must have spent a great deal of time training her, as she was very well trained.

    She was such a sweet heart, she would walk my brother and I up to the bus stop in the morning and go back home to wait. When the school bus brought us back, she was already waiting for us at the bus stop.

    She was always very gentle with us kids. My little brother was only 4, and she never knocked him down or played to rough.

    It sounds like this dog has really taken a liking to you, and maybe if you give her a chance, you will see just how big her heart really is.

  • 8 years ago

    It sounds as though this dog likes you. Not sure how much time it will take but I think you'll learn to love this dog if you love the other two dogs your family owns. This dog isn't anything like the aggressive boxer that tried to bite you. Maybe you could get better advice from a dog whisperer so you can more easily adjust to this new dog.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    She's a rescue dog. Probably spent most of her life feeling unloved and alone. Just give her a chance, she's probably suffering from anxiety issues as she whines when you leave the room. German Shepherds are a very loyal breed. You say she keeps following you around the house? That my friend is loyalty. Please don't let one bad experience with a large dog, determine your views on all large dogs in general. Give her a chance, that dog will protect you with it's life. German Shepherds are one of thee most loyal pedigrees you'll ever find. They would take a bullet for their owners anyday, without a second thought.

  • 8 years ago

    She is begging for training. I'm going to guess the yorkies are your dogs (pack leader) she wants to be included in the pack, If you don't train, and include her she will take over the pack. Training a GSD is way easier than training a yorkie (yorkie owner here). Make her follow the same rules yours yorkies ovay. Your brother wanted the dog, so make sure he walks at least 30 minutes a day.

    She is clingy to you because he knows you are the true dog love, and you are the pack leader

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  • 8 years ago

    She needs some proper training from everyone in the house so she'll stop jumping and whining. If you were my child and I read this I would be very concerned and want to help you with your anxiety problem even if that meant re homing the dog. Talk to your parents. They need to know how you're feeling.

  • Barb
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    this dog probably needs lots of love , I am sure she is probably scared to be abandoned again.

    Dogs are like babies, they only know that they want to be loved, and not sent to new homes.

    Just show her some kindness, and let her know she is safe in your home, It takes more than a couple of weeks for her to learn she is safe.

    It is ok to be scared of large dogs but you should know she is not like the one that tried to bite you.

    Not all dogs are aggressive, just need a home with lots of love. Hope you will learn to accept her , It is not her fault she was abandoned by her previous owners

    Please give her a chance.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I appreciate how you feel and there is no shame for that. This dog may really lie you though. If you are absolutely sure you don't feel comfortable around her, talk to your parents. If you say it right, they might understand how you feel about this dog. Say something like "Mom, Dad, I know this is going to sound kind of childish, but I really don't feel comfortable around __________. (dog's name). Can you help me with this?" If they don't understand, ask your brother to keep her away from you. Good luck!

  • 8 years ago

    You won't sound whiny don't worry. They're your parents they'll totally understand. Just tell them exactly how you feel about this new dog and how uncomfortable it makes you. Everything will work out in the end :) good luck

  • 8 years ago

    Dogs fill you're energy,sounds like she likes you maybe she is one of those dogs attracted to certain genders. Just try to let her know that you're not going to let things happen to her considering you don't know what has happened to her as well she don't what happened to you as a child.

    Source(s): Teenage Doberman owner
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