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Have you ever just observed the complexity or the nature of something like the universe or earth,?

and found yourself piecing together in your head whether it was created? and WITHOUT anyone having to ask you or bring it to your attention? What were you observing?

Do you have ANY spiritual experiences that occurred out of the blue without any part of that experience being linked to something recently learned, remembered, or brought to your attention?


Explanations would be nice please.

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh yes indeed! Amazed with awesome power and beauty of the natures of Gods law on that which

    he created. The grand spectacul of all of nature both in heavenand on earth with the grand design

    so far incomprehensiable in it's intellect and power it humbles me to think I have had the pleasure

    to see and enjoy all that God has set into motion in all of nature from the tiny ant that lift a hundred

    times it's own the ocean waves crashing on the shores... to beautiful wintry scenes of

    outdoors.... to starry summer night with a full moon.... the beginning of spring with gardens and trees

    blooming and then harvest of the fall season..... life beginning and learning... being dependant on its

    parents.... the love of a neighbor helping a neighbor.... the smile and warmth of the people passing on

    the streets and at the mall.... to awaking of the songbird just outside my window on a cool crisp

    spring morning.... isn't life so lovingly grand.... I give thanks to my creator for all that is good each

    and everyday.. prasing his great and wonderful name through the name of his appointed King and

    High Priest, his only begotton son, Jesus Christ.

  • 8 years ago

    I have never had any spiritual experiences ever. When I observe nature I look at it as a trained scientist, I'm studying to be a geologist. So when I see things like rock formations, or even just the terrain around me, I try to figure out how it was formed and by which geologic processes. I'm often vocal about it, so depending on your point of view I'm either really annoying on long car trips or quite fascinating.

  • 8 years ago

    Indeed, I have on many occasions appreciated the subjective beauty of many things, whether it's a chemical reaction I'm testing, or the growth of bacteria on a Petri dish. None of it related to god(s) in any way. No spiritual responses in any way. If you are trying to prove god(s) exists because of complexity of design, look up the watchmaker argument, which is an old and tired argument that has been debunked completely. The complexity of our universe is evidence of complexity (most of which we can explain through science), not god(s). Spirituality is glorified emotionality.

    Source(s): Former Catholic
  • Graham
    Lv 4
    8 years ago


    All the time

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  • 8 years ago

    Hi ,

    On a daily basis,.

    This is what the bible says:

    Romans 1:20 >> For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable;


  • Mircat
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I do it all the time and I enjoy all of it. I just simply don't have the need to believe it was all created. It's still just an enjoyable without believing anyone or anything had a hand in it.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    My mind jumped to "how does this work?" Not "this was created." I will also hedge a bet that you were raised with at least a vague idea of god, so it had been brought to your attention.

    Source(s): Life.
  • Repeatedly...

  • Stuti
    Lv 4
    8 years ago


    And about His creation, I wonder and ponder everyday :) :) :)

    How beautiful are Your works, O Lord, how wonderful is Your Creation! :)

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