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Are you Ashamed of your 2nd Amendment Right or should Obama, Congress,Tyrants, and the Media be Ashamed or?

or them for trying to take it from you?...

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am PROUD of my 2nd Amendment rights and my ability to exercise them! Just like I am proud and will defend the rights given to us by the Constitution! Those who should be ashamed are those people who want to pull away and burn our Constitution in exchange for their idea of utopia. Our country became the greatest nation on earth because of one reason. Freedom. The Constitution was designed to grant the most freedom one can have. Those who are trying to usurp the Constitution want to take freedoms away from you because they feel that you are dangerous if they can't control you. The shame lies on those people you mentioned above, not the patriots who support and defends the Constitution.

  • dumdum
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    This is what is wrong with America. The political parties both depend on the hatred they can generate to make someone vote not for them, but against the other party. Both parties in power do it. So no one will see that neither party gives a damn about the working men and women.

    Both parties are corporate slaves, and the huge corporations are their masters. And every tax law passed and every loop hole put into the tax code, was put there to benefit corporations. Here is what people should be talking about...not the simplistic push button issues that create votes for the crooks in political power'

    " From 2008 to 2010, at least 30 Fortune 500 companies—including PepsiCo, Verizon, Wells Fargo, and DuPont—paid more for lobbyists than they did in taxes. They collectively spent $476 million sucking up to Congress, buying protection for tax breaks, loopholes, and special subsidies.

    It didn't matter that these same 30 firms brought home a staggering $164 billion in profit during that three-year period. They not only managed to avoid paying taxes, but they also actually received $10.6 billion in rebates.

    Welcome to the U.S. tax code, where companies like General Electric and Boeing contribute less to the federal treasury than a retired machinist living in Florida."

    Both political parties are rotten no good crooks.....and both should all be thrown out and replaced.

  • 8 years ago

    There is NO SHAME in defending the constitution. Like wise there is NO DEFENDING Obama and his henchman, whom would dismantle the only thing that keeps us free men.

    I am ashamed of Americans that were foolish enough to be drawn in to Mr Obama's delusion that Utopia can be acheived by punishing the innocent and law abiding, for the sins of the guilty and lawless. And the rest of the coutry is catching on. Momentum is now moving to the side of the conservatives, and away from Mr. Obama's elitist, draconian plans for systematically stripping Americans of their freedoms.

    Source(s): Believe it Kid, Perhaps the revolution WILL be televised after all.
  • 8 years ago

    All these public servants took an oath TO PROTECT AND DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION. I don't see anywhere that says only certain parts, or once in office crumple it up and flush it.

    I am ASHAMED of the un-American people in charge of our government. That is what I am ashamed of. Believe me the entire world is well aware of what is going on here.

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  • 8 years ago

    Don't have an answer to your question.

    Every time I ever have a gun question, I look it up and I always see your sig

    * Run like a Deer.*..............Fly like an Eagle.*~~

    Even on a forum I'm pretty sure. I just wanted to say you are very active in the interweb community and commendations.

  • Mav
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I'm only ashamed of the people who voted for this present " regime "! Looks like 4 more years of BS! :(

  • 8 years ago

    I support the Constitution, not a tyrannical President !!!!

  • 8 years ago

    Look at my picture what do you think

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