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Do you think "promposals" are over the top, why or why not?

Asking someone to the prom is already nerve-racking. What happened to the days of simply asking? Now teens are very creative when asking their date to the prom. So what do you think? Is it getting a bit out of control? Tell us!


96 Answers

  • Duke
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't see the big deal with it. Creativity is what makes us all unique.

  • 8 years ago

    It's cool if it's unique, but a lot of the time it's just something that's been done before. Or it's half a big gesture, like he tried to do something special to seem cool but was afraid to get too crazy. If you're going to do it, then do it all the way! Also, when it's a big promposal in front of a bunch of people, I imagine it would be a lot of pressure to say yes, which is unfair.

    Most importantly, it depends on the person your asking's personality. Would they really want to be asked the way that you're thinking of? If not, then don't do it - you're only thinking about yourself(trying to show off to other people). I personally would hate a public promposal, but a personal one away from other people might be nice. Don't go over the top if that person doesn't like over the top.

    Source(s): girl in high school
  • 8 years ago

    I taught my last class in the public school system 15 years ago. I taught in a small rural school where the highlights of many people's lives was graduation and and their own wedding. Not even the Christening of their first child ranked with those two events.

    It cost (just for gym decorations) approximately $3000 dollars by the time everything that was purchased to make the gym look like a set for a block buster movie. The walls had to be covered, streamers had to be put up (and the staples in the wall removed the next week) tables had to be disguised from the cigarette burns from the bingo players who used the gym on the weekend, entrance ways had to be constructed, creative designs had to somehow had to cover the basketball hoops, speakers had to be hidden but the sound from them had to be audible, and most lavish of all was the way the screen had to come down with slides of all the grads continuously playing.

    All this was accomplished by as few as five and as many as 15.

    That 3000 dollars (done by fund raising) did not cover any of the family's expenses. A catered meal cost 10 dollars a person and you were allowed 8 guests not including the graduand and his/her escort.

    The community was isolated so anyone who wanted to attend usually had to set aside a day there and a day back in travelling time (at least). All in all it might cost the family as much as another 2000.

    I have to say that the students looked beautiful (girls) and handsome (the boys) and they did concern themselves with who their escorts were going to be, but mostly they worried about how to get this one night organized. I don't know how many man hours that represented, but at 1 dollar an hour, I'd be willing to bet it would bankrupt JP Morgan Chase.

    How much more elaborate can it be? And after all that work, the next morning the gym looked like -- well a gym with too many staples in the wall.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well... here's the thing... I honestly think that some guys go OVER the top in the way that they ask girls. Then again, I also think that girls EXPECT the guys to go over the top in the way that they want to be asked.

    I get irritated by all of the girls that want to be asked in some HUGE crazy romantic or big gesture way.

    Yes, some things are cute like a little poster or some catchy saying, but stop it there. There doesn't need to be candle and balloons everywhere, that is just way too too much! and crazy!!

    For me, after having been to three proms, I was perfectly fine in getting asked by flowers and by the guy of choice..

    And if the guy asking you is already your boyfriend... of course you are going to go to prom with them soooo they shouldn't really need to ask you to go to prom with them,... BUT flowers are nice!!

    So yes, I do think that promposals are OVER THE TOP! Leave the proposals when you are actually going to get married!

    Source(s): Personal experience.
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  • 8 years ago

    I suppose I don't care what a kid wants to do to ask someone out, to a prom or whatever. It has become some sort of big thing nowadays, like it's a grand event, like a ball. I guess when you're a teenager it feels that way, lol. You get to wear a pretty dress and ride in a limo and be the belle for a day. But I like many others on here never even went to mine. Had I gone it would have been more Carrie than Pretty in Pink. Enjoy your prom if you get that chance.

  • 8 years ago

    I don't see "creativity" to be wrong in this context.

    It still doesn't change the idea, as stated the details of this question... that it's nerve-racking.

    Supposing now a girl who might end up as an Internet viral sensation if the 'promposal' also was is more likely to say yes...

    In that case that makes it a bit lopsided for those ALREADY PREPARED AND WILLING AND READY to ALSO ask the person out.

    In other words... as I already stated... it is a full-circle.

    Those who do this Internet thing were going to ask the person out anyway...

    It's not like the Internet has given courage to those who normally stay home.

  • 8 years ago

    It's not getting a bit out of control. Kids these days are just basically exposed to more ideas and creative thoughts due to advanced technology. It makes them more imaginative of what could highly impress the person that they wish to date. Including the fact that insecurities have gone out of control which is why less are confident about themselves as an individual. They don't entirely have the guts to express themselves because they think someone is so much more better than them. There's nothing morally wrong with "promposals" being too fancy, creative and special because it actually brings out a delicate and sweet characteristic to men who are into cute promposal surprises but then again, self-confidence or self-esteem issues are more highly concerned.

  • 8 years ago

    Of course "promposals" are over the top!

    That's the whole entire point!

    However, usually, a promposal is made to someone who the other is absolutely positive will say yes, such as a girlfriend or a boyfriend.

    Or that person's just really cocky.

    I think they're magnificent, and a load of fun!

  • 8 years ago

    I'm a high school junior right now and I am seeing that a significant amount of girls nowadays are expecting a very spontaneous and outrageous promposal if they plan on saying yes to anyone. I have personally witnessed numerous guys getting shut down during a promposal because it was the standard flower and card showcase rather than a unique well thought out proposal. Although my proposal itself was not outrageous and overly public, it was very well planned and thought out (I made a photo collage of scrabble letters spelling prom in random places around her house and I posted it on her Facebook wall during a date where I then asked her in person in front of a crowd of mall goers). The fact that most girls actually expect something outrageous is causing more and more high school males to go above and beyond the standards of the past. In my personal opinion, it is getting out of hand with overly public proposals.

    Source(s): I'm 17
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm concerned that people are now expecting that every moment of their lives should be dramatic, romantic, theatrical, special -- you name it. We are living our lives so publicly now, given social media, Youtube, and so forth, that ordinary people seem to think they are virtual movie stars, and that everything they do must be spectacular.

    These heightened expectations are unfortunate. If someone asks you to the prom in some exciting, dramatic way, what is your eventual fiance going to have to do to top it? Is your wedding going to have to be a week-long extravaganza to satisfy you? Are you going to demand that every moment of your adult life be celebrated by your nearest and dearest in some over-the-top way or else you'll throw a tantrum or at least sulk for several days?

    Calm down, relax, and lower your expectations to normality. Otherwise, you will always be unhappy and dissatisfied. A 17-year-old has to have some things to look forward to, things more special and important than how she gets asked to the prom. And let's face it: we all really need to come to terms with the fact that the world really doesn't revolve around us, that we are NOT movie stars. That's a healthy understanding that benefits everyone. It's never too early to learn it.

  • 8 years ago

    God Bless you for asking this question because I have just the answer!

    My friend told me about a 'promposal' her sister recently experienced. It went like this:

    Her sister and her boyfriend were out on a date, and her boyfriend suddenly knelt down on one knee, and gave his girlfriend a ring shaped as a flower he made out of sturdy paper and the ring read: "Will you go to prom with me?" The girl started crying and accepted.

    Sure, they're cute, but prom isn't marriage, as my friend and I discussed when she told me. I'm not at all against these creative ways of asking somebody to the prom, but I'm all for the traditional way of doing things-GUYS asking GIRLS to prom in a simple and nonchalant way. Of course it can't be sloppy and not planned, but scuba-diving, sky-diving-what's next? Getting into a car crash and have the nurse who helps you at the hospital ask the girl to prom? No way! I'd love it if my guy asked me to prom like it's supposed to be. Creative ways are really cool but I don't really care.

    I hope you enjoy my answer and thanks for asking this question, because, as I said, coincidentally, I was just recently told about a 'promposal'-well, there's 2013 for you.

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