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Will there ever be another Hitler?

I'm sure there are plenty with his way of thinking, but will there ever be another 'Hitler' who ends up in charge of one of the most powerful nations in the world again?

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes...there could be......

    as long as people ......"demonize".......other groups of people

    and as long as leaders/powers that be...... use this to divide us and serve their agenda

    they give us something to blame for our problems

    ....while they do what they do

    Hitler was elected just like Clinton, Bush and Obama....etc.

    He used the political process to get his foot in the door

    and then began to discredit the opposition

    Just like Clinton, Bush , or Obama...etc.

    Kodak, Bayer,Coca Cola, Standard Oil "Rockefeller",Chase Bank. IBM, and Random House Publishing helped the Nazi cause (there are more.....look it up)

    Just like Big Corporations help Clinton, Bush and Obama....etc

    Don't be as naive as to think political agendas are not ultimately connected/tied to money

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    In his way Stalin was another Hitler, and Stalin lasted longer in power, and died of old age, still in power. Stalin was in charge of Soviet Russia, a very powerful nation.

    Since that time there have been several dictators in charge of nations which have had wide influence, e.g.Ghaddafi in Libya (small nation by population, but big influence because of oil), Mao Tse Tung in China and Saddam Hussein in Iraq (oil, again, and look at the chaos in Iraq since he was deposed).

    Nobody can predict the future, but I would not be surprised to find a dictator in a similar position to Hitler at some time.

  • 6 years ago

    There will never be another Hitler type era why??because there's allies and nuclear weapons everywhere. You can't control the world when there's nobody around to survive the nuclear attacks ahaha

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think this is a valid question despite what others will say. Even though history remembers Herr Hitler as the murderer of Jews and responsible for the Holocaust, I regard him as one of the most charismatic, influential, and inspiring leaders of all time. Hitler was the very definition of a politician. The marvelous way of how a failed painter came to rule the most powerful country on Earth, should be studied in colleges and schools.

    Nevertheless there are those the will disagree. Hitler as the remarkable politician, I believe there may be another one. At least i hope so. Leaders today can't think for themselves, and only seek to advance their personal ambitions, or those of their particular party.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well let see there was just to name a few

    Robert Mubabe, KIm Jong-2, Idi Amin, Lenin, Stalin,Emperor Hirohito,Brezhnev,

    Chiang Kai-shek,Ho Chi Minh,Yakubu Gowon,

    Mengistu Haile Mariam,Saddam Hussein,Omar al-Bashir,Pol Pot,Yahya Khan,

    and let's not forget Mao and the good old "Cultural Revolution"

    So I don't know they say history repeats itself

    and people do seem to like to be led

    What do you think?

    I also forgot the guys from Serbia and Bosnia

    And probably a few more so

    Source(s): They come in all flavors and all types of political beliefs Any government could go bad and start marching people off to camps IF WE LET IT
  • 8 years ago

    There will always be dictators and petty tyrants. Countries and empires rise and fall. History has many shining examples of it. But another Hitler? No, he was unique. Asking about another of him is proof of that. But perhaps in this day and age, the fact that technology has shrunk the planet...will make it easier for some charismatic and psychotic character to gain significant power. I tend to think the opposite is true. The 'interconnectivity' of the world makes for much quicker response times to things....and would make it hard for someone to establish a believable propaganda without having immediate detractors.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Probably. Hitler was a political figure; many of the "common" folk knew little about him, and God knows there was more covered up than revealed. It is still being covered up by the naysayers who deny the Holocaust. The fact is, we are faced with small Hitlers everyday; we just do not recognize them when we see them. Politically, a potential Hitler will charm us, endear him to our collective hearts. The change would be slow and insidious, difficult to detect or define. Peace.

  • /\
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It wasn't powerful when he took charge.

    He made it powerful.

    Sure, he was a homicidal maniac,

    but you have to give him credit

    for transforming his country from one

    on the brink of economic collapse

    into one of the most powerful in the world.

    Some Christians believe their

    antichrist will be similar to Hitler.

    I have my doubts..

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Donald Trump wasn't known three years ago?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The UN is ripe for one, and he'll have no resistance.

    Hitler began by promising 'change' and better ways, the Nazi partys first law was 'no Jews in public pools.'

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