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How can the gop win elections?

they need to get they're message out better , they're message comes across as we are rich we don't care about u , hell even as someone who considers herself conservative i feel that way sometimes but i get they're overall message of low taxes freedom an liberty. THEY need to leave abortion alone , you will never get that on . i think it's ok for them to fight for outlawing partial birth late term abortions but trying to outlaw abortion all together will nevrr work. I think they need to run on " we don't believe in abortion based on our beliefs of Faith, that every human being is a potential to greatness , but we will not try to outlaw it because we realize it's your right to choose. Then relay the message that although we do not agree on abortion on faith grounds we will not challenge it any longer.

They need to get the message out why would they be better than liberals ? They need to do it i n a classy way in talking points an not appear aggressive to liberals. They need to appear to be fixers an give reasons why they are better at fixing.

They need to not engage in dirty mud with liberals , pretend liberals don't exist just speak they're truth in a positive light.

Illegal immigration they need to relay the message Latinos are welcome here and you are for a path to citizenship that's fair. You nedd to relay the past is the past an lay down reasons why our country cannot support mass influxes of immigration every few years and that it has nothing to do with race. Lay out how other countries are harsh with they're immigration policy towards Americans am we are actually quite fair with our , lay out examples.

Alot of things conservatives cannot change , you have to be true to you but i think they do a horrible job of getting messages out about who they are and allows liberals to paint them racist, homophobic.

Stick to financial issues stay away from most social stuff .

Get a good guy to relay your message mot someone who appears hateful or judgement

7 Answers

  • Arnie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Liberals are so opened minded their brains may have fallen out.

    They know so much that isn't so.

    The Liberal ideology is a theory , fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and which holds forth beliefs that have no basis in reality.

    They are Advocates of a policy that empowers a strong federal government to enslave its people with a high tax burden incident to the support of extravagant and unnecessary social programs destructive to both the work ethic among the lower class, and the incentive to innovate and succeed among the working class.

    "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."

    Liberals like to spend other peoples money!!

    The problems we face today are because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.


  • Rayn
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    It won't be easy, not by any stretch of the imagination. Some current cons appear childish when they are asked about the issues with Obama. The whole professionalism of the party comes into question because a few members are being idiots. The only way I can think for them to win elections is to distance themselves from specific party members and focus on issues of what they are going to do, rather than focusing on "How Obama has ruined us"

    It seems like they are transfixed on "What's wrong" instead of "How to fix it" and that's how its coming across to voters.

  • You are going on the false premise that the Republican leaders listen to anyone but themselves. They could care less what you and other rank and file Republicans say or think because they know you will vote against your best interests as long as they can parade the black Democrat President of the United States of America in front of you as the ENEMY.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Americans have always elected the sleaziest candidate they could find. The GOP just has trouble finding someone sleazy enough. 1928 was the last time the GOP won without a Nixon or a Bush on the ticket.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yes, sometimes GOP wins and other times DNC wins. It is like the weather, it varies.

  • 8 years ago

    Perhaps by running a black, homosexual, illegal alien as a candidate.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    By stopping voter fraud

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