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Do people have to earn the right to become a Jew?

I noticed Aravah saying that to someone who pretended to be a Jew, but who did apologize

for this, that she had not earned the right to be a Jew.

Isnt this the same as churches who preach that one can earn their salvation?

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When talking about Judaism you have to completely disregard the Christian concept of salvation. This is because there is o similar concept in Judaism. According to Judaism, we are all born innocent and good, we make mistakes in life but do our best to correct them and to try not to repeat them, and the idea of damnation diametrically opposes every single one of our teachings.

    Unlike many other religions, one can't simply choose to be Jewish. Rather, Judaism requires informed consent. It can take anywhere from 1-6 years of study before a potential convert can even contemplate going through "conversion" process. There are several reasons for this:

    - As said above, Judaism requires informed consent. When one becomes a Jew, one is taking on a huge amount of responsibility. One has to know what these responsibilities are before accepting to take them on.

    - Judaism is pluralistic. This means that Judaism teaches that there are different paths for different people. It is completely possible to live a righteous life without being a Jew. In truth, it is far easier for a non-Jew to live a righteous life than it is for a Jew. We cannot demand that others take on a harder path.

    It's not that one has to "earn the right to be a Jew", the issue is that some people claim to be Jews when they aren't and don't have a single idea what it means to be a Jew or what Judaism is.

    Source(s): Jewish
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Salamu Alikum, maximum solutions have been are very solid so i'm no longer likely to characteristic too lots with the exception of initially there very few undesirable apples yet that one and all it took to break each and every of something. The variety on key to incomes that Curse became to "FORBIDDING WHATS solid AND ENJOINING WHATS EVIL" . regrettably Muslim Leaders international extensive have did no longer learn this lesson, which places us on the region we are in at present. yet Alhumdulillah which will in basic terms final an fairly couple of minutes and could quickly be corrected as Prophesied. somewhat.: I only have a query for you. How does it sense to be thoroughly blinded by utilising hatred to the fact? i'll settle to your answer on the day of judgment

  • Tiger
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There are two kinds of proselytes in Rabbinic Judaism:

    Ger tzedek (righteous proselytes, proselytes of righteousness, religious proselyte, devout proselyte)

    Ger toshav (resident proselyte, proselytes of the gate, limited proselyte, half-proselyte)

    A righteous proselyte is a Gentile who has converted to Judaism, is bound to all the doctrines and precepts of the Jewish economy, and is considered a full member of the Jewish people. They are to be circumcised as adults (different from Brit milah) and immersed in a mikvah should they wish to eat of the Passover sacrifice.

    A gate proselyte[5] is a "resident alien" who lives in the Land of Israel and follows some of the customs. They are not required to be circumcised nor to comply with the whole of the Torah. They are bound only to conform to the seven precepts of Noah, the Noahide Laws: do not worship idols, do not blaspheme God's name, do not murder, do not commit immoral sexual acts, do not steal, do not tear the limb from a living animal, and do not fail to establish courts of justice to be assured of a place in the world to come.

    It seems like you have to earn it, if you are not born of a Jewish mother. To become a Christian is by faith by the grace of God. Faith in God is the team in both OT and NT.


  • 8 years ago

    Okay, not entirely sure whether I'm right. but as far as I learned, it depends on who you ask.

    Some Jews look badly at Jews who are not very strict on their belief and claim they are not 'real' jews... and some say it's enough to be a good person. (Beit Hillel & Beit Shammai) But if you were not born Jew, most agree you should first study Jewish scripture.

    I recall learning this one when I was in school:

    "A certain non-Jewish "wise-guy" came to scoff at the Torah, first to the home of Shammai, then to the home of Hillel. He said, "Teach me the Torah while I am standing on one foot." Shammai, sensing his true intention, had him thrown out forthwith. (From this story, probably mostly, Shammai has received the bad "rep" of being a short-tempered, person who "did not suffer fools" lightly. However, this is certainly not the case, since it is Shammai himself who teaches "Receive everyone with a smiling face.")

    When the individual came to the home of Hillel with the same request, Hillel responded. "No problem! The main idea of the Torah is 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Everything else is commentary. Now, if you're really interested, go and study the commentary." So impressed with Hillel's response, according to Jewish Tradition, was the visitor, that he took Hillel up on his instructions, began to study the Torah seriously, and became a Jew."

    You know how religions are. Variated. :)

    Source(s): Ex- Jew, learned stuff in school and from other Jews. The story is from this link:
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  • 8 years ago

    You don't 'earn your right' however, in order to convert there are classes to take and things you must do in order to show that you truly know what you are converting to and what for and that you are knowledgable about the beliefs of the faith.

    In order to be Confirmed, people wanting to convert to Christianity must also go through a similar process.

  • E
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Where is it written one is to earn Judaism ? Where is it written man must earn salvation ?

    It is written one IS NOT a Jew outward but one is a Jew inward...and that Salvation is the FREE GIFT of God....and not of works least anyone would boast................

    And Jesus Himself stated this, " This is the WORK of God to Believe on Him who He hath sent ".....that child is the ONLY Work we Can Do !!!!! Jesus Did and does everything else...IF we could, We would not have needed Him...and because WE Can't, we Need Him and More everyday.

    Source(s): Real Truth
  • Zvi
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The word 'right' doesn't fit here. If you want to join the people of Israel and share our fate and you go through a conversion process (which differs from one congregation to another), then you're Jewish.

    Some say that converts are actually Jews who were for some reason born into a non-Jewish family, and the conversion process is just an affirmation of a status that already exists.

    Certainly, a person who is not Jewish has no right to call themselves a Jew, but that's a different matter. Anyone who wants to be Jewish has the right to become Jewish.

  • 8 years ago

    I don't know who "Aravah" is, but Judaism is very much unlike Christianity. They're not very evangelical. In other words, they don't try to convince people to be Jews. As a matter of fact, they'll try to discourage you from converting to Judaism because of antisemitism.

  • Cosmos
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Not really. You have to go through certain, let's call them steps, some of which take a year to complete. I wouldn't say you have to earn the right though. They do it to make sure you are serious and are willing to make the commitment.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I didnt even know Jews wanted to be Jews

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