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Nedra E asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Groups · 8 years ago

How do I get RID of Yahoo "neo" ?

I have been having problems with my Yahoo Group. Now I have learned that several group members are still viewing the group in the same format as before. The difference is that, which I input the original URL for Yahoo groups, or even for my email, Yahoo alters it and adds /neo/ and what I see is different from what others see.



Echo Sanders: I did try several times to type the url in MINUS the /neo/ part and it ALWAYS rewrote my old url to the /neo/ version. So I can assure you that doesn't do it, even if I type it manually.

1 missing feature is attachments to emails appear to be lost.

Editing the "info" page that replaced the home page I finally found, but can't see how to imbed the photos honoring member dogs in the group, so THAT is lost unless you can tell me how to do it.

ALSO: I can't be sure if the membership list is lost, but I don't recall finding it.

AND: The format for the photo albums doesn't allow me to look at a LIST of albums and sort it as needed.

I agree that the email /neo/ version is ok once you get over the shock of the change, but I disagree with the shock of the changes in the /neo/ version of groups. It's sluggish. When I click on things, they do NOT work. I tried to join a new group and it didn't respond to the join button. When I tried

Update 2:

black_gsd - that's a great suggestion... Hopefully Echo Sanders will request to join my group using a /neo/ link.

Update 3:

black_gsd - I wouldn't chide Yahoo spell check for telling you my name is misspelled because it's an extremely unusual name and wouldn't be in most name lists.

I'm learning more about the changes from /neo/ because my husband is letting me login to his Yahoo account on his computer to compare.

BOTTOM LINE: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" - Sometimes Yahoo wants to change things that are working well, and all it does is cause discontent.

Update 4:

Todd - I agree with it being clumsy and making moderation difficult to impossible. I agree that it appears to me to be a kludge. I agree that reversion to the prior "classic" version should be made easy for us to do.

And you reminded me that I've been a moderator over 10 years now, and an owner almost 10 years so I'm not a greenhorn either.

Yahoo once had and supported a Yahoo Moderator Forum but it let it become very inactive.

Update 5:

Shalf - you make a good point about Yahoo doing the change by account rather than by group. My group has responded with confusion as those who responded saw the group the same as it was before. And I have not heard yet if any others were seeing the /neo/ version. Not seeing the group website the same as all group members see it is a handicap.

While I agree with you that I need an easy way to click back and forth between "classic" and /neo/ I ALSO need an EASY WAY to report to a responsive member of Yahoo staff so I can give them viable feedback on the problems I see. I am an experienced beta tester of other types of software, and could help them find the bugs instead of subecting unsuspecting Yahoo members to painful experiences as mine has become.

I also don't like the awkwardness this causes me as a group owner.

Update 6:

I am very grateful for the quality responses I am receiving.... even from Echo, who has received some thumbs-down. Echo's reply is one of the few positive Yahoo responses I have had from any staff at Yahoo when I have had problems. Usually they just ignore complaints. Hopefully Echo will continue to try to assist me by providing me an email address or url where I can give feedback on the problems and get viable assistance.

Update 7:

EVER SINCE /NEO/ WAS ACTIVATED ON ME - When I answer questions in Yahoo Answers, most of the time clicking on [submit] only gives me a blank white screen, and I have to back up and click [submit] again... sometimes more than once before my answer is submitted. This NEVER happened until /neo/ was activated on my ID for my group access.

Update 8:

Echo, THANK YOU for the added response. Attachments being under files is NOT intuitive, so most moderators won't find it without staff intervention and help. You need more staff members to deal with all the confusion you've created.

Membership ONLY refers to my own. Members are found under Management pull-down menu. and in the lower left corner of that "generic image" I can click on "members" next to the restricted group text to see the member list.

The Generic Image IS NOT EDITABLE!

Photo albums appear in a tab to the right of Photostream as you say, but only God and Yahoo staff understand what Photostream is or means. Albums are ONLY sortable by oldest / newest and not allowed to be shown in LIST format instead of a photo, and not sortable by oldest uploads / newest uploads or by alphabetical list of names of author, or by alphabetical list of names of the albums. SERIOUS DOWNGRADE of functionality.

You really should tell management they need a li

Update 9:


Update 10:


Update 11:


11 Answers

  • shalf
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The problem is, since neo appears to be imposed by account rather than by group, even if you could get "rid" of it, that wouldn't help your group's members, each of whom might be neo or not.

    This makes it real tough on a group owner/moderator -- not being able to see the group as the group members see it. At the very least those who are guinea pigs for neo ought to have an easy way to click back and forth between "classic" and "neo".

  • 8 years ago

    Read your reply here, thanks for telling me some things I don't know. But I can't change subject headers to keep them on track, I can't get rid of spam, I can't even type a reply and copy anybody. I even tried the Fwd. function, and it does not put in the addresses that come up.

    Is google groups an improvement?? I may try to move my group there if it is. If not, well, I may just close it. I don't need this.

    email me if you have more info, ok? I can get no replies from yahoo of any sort.

  • 8 years ago

    Definitely seems related to the rollout of neo. Interesting how much secrecy is surrounding this product change. Yahoo's silence makes it virtually impossible to alert Yahoo of problems we running into with the rollout/testing phase. Also, because of the secrecy, some Yahoo forum owners and moderators suspect they are being attacked by a virus or malware tied to Yahoo. Definitely not something Yahoo would like to see spread to the news and twitter feeds!

    Source(s): Various moderator forums
  • 8 years ago

    Still " Sorry, an error occurred while uploading the cover image content." The Ugly Yahoo Dragons are resisting Anti Neo actions .

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  • 8 years ago

    I have a suggestion for you, Nedra. Have that member of "staff" who answered you join your group with neo in her URL and see how she likes it. (Yahoo's super efficient spell checker tells me I've misspelled your name.)

    Yahoo does this every once in a while, throws a bunch of us in the guinea pig cage and drives us nuts with their "new and improved" formats. Shalf noted, and I've noticed, too, that in our plain text groups the links are no longer, as he says, linkified. I've been having problems even receiving notification of emails to be moderated - and that's before "neo". It would be nice if Yahoo fixed the things that are already wrong before piling new, "intuitive once you get over the shock" problems on us.

    Source(s): Experience.
  • 8 years ago

    The "Neo" program/interface resists in every way possible being reverted, and it is clumsy and makes moderation of groups impossible. Inflicting such a kludge on members involuntarily is a great way to get out of the list-group business, but is not much use otherwise.

    Immediate reversion options, or immediate improvement to at least the previous functionality, would be much appreciated.

    Source(s): Experience as moderator for more than a decade.
  • 8 years ago

    As a Group owner I can tell you that there is no way back I can see to give me management options on the group - NEO - overwrites them currently. Tearing my hair out here - any suggestions?

    The whole darn group thing just hangs forever.

    Why weren't we told about this? And how to handle it? Black eye for yahoo.

    Source(s): Yahoo
  • 8 years ago

    ***UPDATE 8/9***

    Attachments now appear under 'Files' which you can access using the 'more' option on the Action bar (the bar that has conversation and photos).

    Members should appear under the name of the Group - in the generic image that might be appearing at the top of the page. (That image should be editable if you put your mouse over the bottom right hand side)

    Photo albums appear in 'Photos' at the top of the 'Photostream' you should see 'Albums' right next to it.

    I'm genuinely sorry for the trouble this has caused but at this time we cannot speak to possible product changes. We can only let you know that Yahoo! is continuously changing it's products to make them better so some folks may see an updated version of the system and experience temporary functionality issues related to that.



    You can try typing in the URL of the group minus the /neo/ part of the URL to see if it loads the previous version. That may or may not work, I can't be sure.

    The version you're seeing has all the same features as the previous version, they are just in different places. I recommend clicking around as it's very intuitive once you get over the initial shock of the change.

    If there is something specific you're trying to do and having trouble or unable to find it, please let us know and we'll do our best to assist.

    Hope that helps!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Not at all. Without the Report Abuse button, this site would be a cesspool of problems like spam, chat, adult language, etc. Many responsible users depend on it to alert the Answers Team to the aforementioned problems in order to keep this site wholesome for all to enjoy. You should be able to get the idea.

  • 8 years ago

    It would appear yahoo is using the same company who developed the obamacare website to handle this reformat.

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