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Starlord asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 8 years ago

Why can't Y/A have a category for guns?

Y/A puts questions about guns, gun control and the Second Amendment in with police and law enforcement. There are currently more than enough about the peoples' right to defend themselves itshouldd be a separate category.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because it is an international website - and the rest of the world doesn't share the American fascination with lethal weaponry.

  • 8 years ago

    It's not they "can't", but more that they don't really want to or need to. No new categories have been added in ages, and it would take some programming and design that Yahoo isn't exactly willing to do. If the asker of the question or the keyword system thinks it goes in the Law Enforcement & Police category, that's that, and you can't stop it. There is a category for "hunting" under sports where some questions regarding guns could go. .

  • Mark
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The site is international & not every country is as gun happy as America seems to be. ( Yes, there really Is life outside of America.) It would be pointless having a category just for guns anyway, because the people who do have & use them, do so for a variety of reasons which all should go into categories separate from each other! For Example:: There are skeet shooters, hunters, antique gun collectors, military guns, & others, & all of these would not go into the same category. I suggest that if you have an interst in guns for some reason, you go to sites dealing with your particular interest. If you have a question to ask, you could use the category which best relates to your interest, ie: antiques, sporting, social, & so on.

  • 6 years ago

    Uncle Pennybags,you can read the Second Amendment untill you go blind, and you will not find the words deer, rabbits or squirrels anywhere in it. The Second Amendment is not about hunting. It is about defending our homes, towns and countries. Just read it, is it so simple, even Obozo could understand it. " A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." The Constitution, including the Bill of Rights , was written by geniuses, men who knew how to use the king's English correctly. One must remember they used English as it was used in the mid 1700s, but it hasn't really changed that much, no matter how modern anti-gunners try to twist and bend it. Well-regulated then meant well trained and equipped to serve as citizen soldiers, Every male between 16 and 50 was required to maintain a musket, and a 'necessaries' bag, containing powder, lead, and such other items as a soldier needed. They were required to attend regular training sessions. If a man did not have a musket, the militia captain saw to it he got one. Being necessary to the security of a free state. The militia shared the burden of acting as military troops to defend against savages, enemy troops and criminals. The militia was not the force of a strong central government. The Founding Fathers hated and feared a strong central government, as we had just fought a bloody war to kick out one that represented a foreign power. When it says the right of the people, it means the citizens and the citizens alone, just as it is meant everywhere else it says people. The militia was the people and the people was the militia. Anti-gunners try to day to say the militia is the National Guard and Reserves, and nothing can be further from the truth. The National Guard and Reserves are federally supported and controlled military units. They are only nominally under the control of the Governor of a state, and can be and often are activated to serve as troops, such as WWI, WWII, Korea, Grenada, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, in short, every conflict our country has been in. They get all their equipment, training, and orders from the federal government.. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The right of the people of the United States citizenry. to keep and bear arms for the common defense shall not be infringed (interfered with.) Other countries have had histories of disarming their citizens 'for their own safety,' then brutally slaughtered by that self same government, as they had no means of defense. Stalin and the Soviet Union, Mao Tse Tung and China, Pol Pot and Cambodia, Fidel Castro and Cuba, Hitler and the Weimar Republic, Idi Amin and Uganda. Look up a documentary by Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership called 'Innocents Betrayed.' A 55-minute presentation that show the story of disarmament throughout modern history. I do not intend for Obama to strip me of my firearms, then try to kill me. In the words of King Leonidas, "MOLON LABE." "Come and take them,' when Xerxes ordered the king to give up his weapons. "From my cold, dead hands," - Charlton Heston.

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  • 8 years ago

    They do. It's called Hunting.

    Sports>Outdoor Reacreation>Hunting.

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