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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

How do you think Obama's 2nd term is going so far?

18 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sucks, to be sure. But I feel sorry for Obama. He probably means well, but is in way over his head on just about everything. In foreign affairs our enemies and our allies don't respect or trust us anymore. He promised to cut the deficit in half before his first term, but he is on track to spend more than the total of all Presidents before him. He promised his Obamacare would save the average family $2,500 a year, but it turns out that it actually costs $3,000 a year MORE. He promised transparancy in his administration, but he blocks Congress from prosecuting his Attorney General, He blocks the Fast & Furious investigation, he blocks the investigations into the attack on our Benghazi embassy and won't even tell us where he was and what he did while that attack was going on.

    But, like I said, he's in over his head. He's a well meaning, but incompetent, amateur.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Regardless of what all the arrogant pin head, empty headed fox news wanna be

    people are saying; the fact remains, that our current President has done everything

    in his power to not only be the adult in the conversation but to lead us all as a county

    back on a positive path This has been made much harder by the arrogance of the members

    of the Tea Party and most if not all members of the Republican members as well. If you were

    to review the accomplishments of the President so far, it would seem to be more impressive

    that the lack luster record of both terms of G.W. Bush who not only got us into 2 wars

    including the 1 in Iraq but didn't really accomplish anything else that was positive at all.

    We at this time up to last week were seeing at least modest job growth. Is the President

    pleased with everything so actually not...President Obama does and continues to

    expect much better for the country and from both houses of Congress. We indeed have

    quite a way to go (sir). But we can still get there in regards to all the good things that we

    should all be working on as a country instead of being in the middle of a senseless government

    shutdown caused by the arrogant and stupid members of the GOP and Tea Party members of

    Congress..Let's all hope for the best ...for everyone and not just a chosen few...

  • Riley
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Any American outside the United States can see from the outside looking in, during Obama's first term he advanced the United States from being Anabaptist mentality time warped in 1950 into 1951. Which has fully angered the coalition and their flock of followers, who were hoping they won the 2012 election. To fully remove all the changes he made and wrap them all in lot's and lot's of red tape, to fully drag the United States right back to 1950.

    Now with having Obama in his second term, they are fighting tooth and nail for the United States to not be advance into 1952 to catch up with the rest of developed world who are living in 2013.

  • Geo
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I would ask how do you think the United States has done in terms of bringing world peace to the world since 1940. I assure you the answer to that is quite scary and disgusting

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  • 8 years ago

    Not as well as he wants. He is going to need a democratic house and at least 2 maybe 3 more terms to fix the economy. The evil George bush is currently working to sabatage everything that Obama does. He just may have to declare congress as non essential and send them home. Same fore at least 2 of the most anti progressive members of the Supreme Court. After all this is a Democract and Obama received an overwhelming majority vote from the people to do what is best for the country. He could ban all Republicans from voting or suspend elections for the duration of the national emergency..

    Source(s): A thumbs down? I thought that is what progressives wanted. His royal majesty Barack I REX house of Obama Serene emperor and duly anointed King of the Americas.
  • Deino
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There have been a couple of Yahoo! stories that showed him in a less than angelic light.

    Like, I literally saw a story that questioned his motives once, as though he was more like a Roman god instead of the almighty.

    So even his fiercest propaganda base has cracked under his failures. The man is in trouble.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    He is one hundred percent focused on the 2014 election because he knows if Democrats controlle the entire government he could push through a ton of radical changes, like he did in the first two years.

    Personally I don't think the voters will ever trust Obama with all that power because he has pushed to debt to 17 trillion dollars even with restraint.

  • 8 years ago

    We may need a Military coup to remove him from the White House before his term is up.

  • John
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Must be doing great because the various factions of the gop are hopping mad.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Hes gotten more bold and brazen about his intentions to be a dictator. I suspect its because he has nothing to lose. Make no mistake. He picks and chooses sides according to what allows him to do that

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