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chandra asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 7 years ago

Worried sick about my daughter?

Am REALLY upset at the moment

My daughter and I have fallen out badly over her current fiance who I dislike

I know it is her choice and decision

I have backed off completely now , the stress was affecting me badly

I just feel so sad , upset and very concerned for her :-(

He has 6 children with 5 different women

He is awaiting sentencing for assault on one of his exes which he got found guilty of but he says he did not do it and his ex is making it up

He has already been to prison for assaulting his schizophrenic brother

He is not respectful to my daughter or myself

He is extremely manipulative yet charming and seems to be able to pull the wool over peoples eyes without them realising

He has no money , my daughter pays for most things including treats like hotel stays , meals out , drinks etc and he just walks in & eats off all the Christmas food I bought for my family without asking and he contributed nothing as all his money goes on his kids and his own personal bills as he does not live with my daughter and does not seem to want to

She seemed to have the idea about getting engaged and married and the engagement happened very quickly , no ring bought for her 'as yet' , no enthusiasm from him about the wedding at all

They were previously friends for 6 years after having a brief relationship 6 years ago & both had moved on but got back together recently at at time when my daughter was vunerable and needed someone and some support and companionship and did not want to be alone

I am concerned for her on many levels but also for my Grandson who has special needs as she is a ( usually BRILLIANT ) single Mum to him but her behaviour has changed recently as there is A LOT of STRESS in the relationship

My daughter has been drinking heavily etc since being with him , hardly eats and has become aggravated with my Grandson way more than usual

I am scared , angry , concerned and upset that this guy has now come between myself and my daughter and he does not even deserve her!!!

I am hoping she will see sense of course as I have not even listed ALL the traits and problems with this relationship but SHE is the one who is suffering , not him , and it has affected the wider family now too

Help please!

She has asked me to accept him but I can't and I told her why , she has enough stress in her life already and I help out as much as I can but this guy has ADDED tons of stress to her life ( and she was having bad panic attacks all day on boxing day ) but she still seems excited about the wedding which she keeps bringing forward as seems desperate to get married as her sister is settled down with husband and child and another on the way

Her sister did not even guess there were any problems and she thought he was an angel for some reason

I just want my daughter back as she is not even her usual self anymore and I have never seen her in this much of a state and I have never disapproved of any of her other boyfriends , only this one , unsurprisingly but she does not seem to see it as she 'loves' him!

6 Answers

  • Kaktak
    Lv 4
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You cannot save her. She must save herself.

    Although she is your daughter and you love her very much, you must understand that you cannot stop this train...she is the one who must pull the brake.

    From one mother to another, let me give you this advice: Ask her out for luncheon to a nice restaurant with just the two of you. Look into her eyes and tell her how much you love her, but you are willing to let her go if that is what she wants, but your door will always be open TO HER when it doesn't work out. And it won't.

    Have a nice lunch, wish her well, and tell her you love her again.

    If she comes back, great. If not, you have done all that you can do. Don't feel guilty, and don't bail her out. You can't fix her. She must fix herself.

    Good luck.

  • 7 years ago

    Lets hope he gets locked away when he is sentenced, maybe then your daughter will come to her senses and realise she doesn't need d**ks like that in her life destroying her family relationships!! For now all you can do is grit your teeth and be there for her as much as possible, she will soon realise how much she needs you.

  • 7 years ago

    Could you find a few people she knows (like friends or relatives) and ask them for help? Maybe if just a few of you could get together with her at once and calmly talk to her and tell her how y'all feel, while still being respectful, she would understand.

  • 7 years ago

    I think you should confront the boyfriend! Tell him off and put him in his place. Make sure he knows that if he does anything to your daughter he will be in big trouble! that might make him back off a little at least, or make him think twice about marrying her. Good Luck!!

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Time for a family intervention.

  • 7 years ago

    He sounds like a Dick, it's hard, but you must let her learn from her own mistakes. Pushing her will only make her resent you.

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