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What is the main spiritual message from God and Jesus that will unite all humanity into one Family of God?

Or (same) question: What is the actual Gospel --Good News -- given by Jesus Christ here in Spirit?

It is not some stale historical creed/dogma such as: "Jesus came down here from Heaven. Jesus was Crucified as the perfect Blood Atonement for our sins. Jesus was Resurrected and Ascended back up to Heaven. We your Church Leaders now 'stand in the gap' to be God's will for you now until Jesus' Second Coming; so follow our Rules if you want eternal life. Pass the collection plate ! Amen !!"

In about twenty words or less, what is the main/prime/number1 Spiritual Message for all humans from God and Jesus Christ who are One in Spirit here with us? One so strong that it will certainly eventually spiritually and socially unite all humans on earth into true peace, justice, spiritual liberty and thrilling Godly service to and for all !

Thank you for all sincere answers !

Love, peace and progress in Spirit and in Father-Son Eternal Truth !


Yes, "Love one another" is certainly a part of this ! But why should we -- according to our Father God ?

Update 2:

Hi 2 Follow Him: Many passages in Matthew are different than in the other three Gospels; some of that seems not according to the loving Spirit of our Savior God-Man Jesus Christ. Please peruse in Luke ch 15 Jesus' three most favorite parables, often presented together: The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, The Prodigal (Lost) Son; and also John 12:32 and others. Those are more accurate.

14 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    God only wants people who love him. You can see that person by how they love people. Two verses.

    Mathew 22:37-39

    "He said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah* your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul* and with your whole mind.’+ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second, like it, is this: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’

    And John 13:35

    "By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.”

    You asked "what will unite all people?" Sadly many will refuse. There fore, there will be a separation of people who fit the above from those who refuse. The result to those who would rather die than love God and man will be their own choice.

    They will not go into oblivion without a struggle. (Revelation 19:19-21)

    To the ones who actually learn clear to the bottom of their heart, their future is very bright. (Rev 21:7)

    Source(s): Holy Bible nwt
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    This sounds Baha'i...not Christian. Christianity is about 'the wheat and the tares'(Jesus),

    'the sheep and the goats' (Jesus), the parable of the talents and the man with

    one talent (Jesus), Revelations, the Great White Throne Judgement.

    John 3:16 from the Greek says differently than what has been passed down...

    It goes: 'In this way (not so loved)...God (Theos) loved His original creation (cosmos)

    so that all those believing in the Son would have eternal life and not perish'

    And what the bible teaches lines up perfectly with what I see here in R & S,

    and the divisions are just going along the way it showed.


  • 7 years ago

    Before religon became perverted by humanity, this is assuming it had a clean state and pure intention at one time at all, my opinion has been that its real lesson is to love one another. I would say based on how humanity acts today, we surly lack a lot of love in many ways.

    I don't see "God" as a being. I rather agree with the idea that God at least in the concept often discussed, is actually all people. For me it makes sense. Why is there war? Why are there drugs, murder, taxes.... Not God. People allow these horrible things to happen as one, and as one we are the "God" we often celebrate or curse depending on the issue. It isn't the "Devil", it's people, because we as a whole have allowed some horrible things to happen. Granted I do think there could be some higher power, but I do not confuse that higher power as having any grand influence on life here. I think people hold the greater influence and because we do, we should love one another and I think that's what it really means to "Love God". If we really love and have compassion for one another, what a great world we could actually live in.

    At least, that's my perception.

  • 7 years ago

    Jesus' message, as reported in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, was "The end of the world and Judgment Day will be coming Real Soon, maybe next Thursday, certainly within the lifetime of my generation, so we better get serious about doing what Moses taught, and follow the Law of Moses down to the last iota."


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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The theme of the whole Bible is God's Kingdom, which is a real government in heaven. It will someday have loving control over the earth.


    ▪ God’s purpose to make the earth a paradise will be fulfilled.—Isaiah 45:18; 55:11.

    ▪ Satan now rules this world.—John 12:31; 1 John 5:19.

    ▪ In the coming new world, God will bestow many blessings on mankind.—Psalm 37:10, 11, 29.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Read Matthew Chapter 5... (then read the Book of John.)

  • 7 years ago

    Pick up your cross and follow me....for I am the truth the light and the way and no one gets to the father except thru me....there is no salvation in any other, I am the vine...I am the bread of life....if any one thirst let him come to me and drink.

  • 7 years ago

    The person that can explain John 3:13 so people can understand it might have an edge to being able to explain that Jesus is God. He is the only man ever to see heaven.

  • 7 years ago

    Salaams and pleasant evening to you dear brother and all...

    i believe that it is:

    Seek ye first the Kingdom of God...

    and all else will be granted unto thee inshallah.

    wa salaams.

    Psalm 133.

  • 7 years ago

    In the context of what the Christian God has said, no one who trusts in the one God sent; Jesus Christ, will be condemned.

    So, as you might be able to tell, it's not a message that all humanity will accept; but only the chosen. The chosen are those who God "limited in advance" from before the world was formed. And even then they have to accept it.

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