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My In-laws showed up as my Bridesmaids to my wedding without asking me!!?

My husband and I decided NOT to have bridesmaids or groomsmen in our wedding. We only had a flower girl and a ring boy. I DID NOT ask anyone to be my maid of honor or ask anyone to be a bridesmaid. On the day of our wedding, my mother in law and two sister in laws (my husband’s mom and two sisters) came DRESSED up in the same DRESS (not just a regular dress – but a bridesmaid looking dress)!! WTF!!! I am not even close to them at all - and we were not thrilled about each other anyways! WHO DOES THAT!!!! I never told them anything – especially the day of. I didn’t want to give them the pleasure of me getting mad on my day. People were asking me why I asked them to be bridesmaids and not my own sister and mother. I had to explain to everyone that they showed up like that and I had no clue and that I never asked them!!! They had dresses made and everything and didn’t ask me. They even somehow walked down the aisle together right as the ceremony started. What would you do????? Isn’t that so disrespectful? And no = my husband didn’t ask them to do that.

WHO DOES THAT?????????????????????????????????????


I did not copy another person's question either! This is a coincidence!!! The story is totally different - that lady asked her inlaws and they changed their dresses. I didn't ask anyone to be a bridesmaid at all.

Update 2:

I did not copy another person's question either! This is a coincidence!!! The story is totally different - that lady asked her inlaws and they changed their dresses. I didn't ask anyone to be a bridesmaid at all.

9 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    they gave you a wonderful gift.

    They showed you that they are seriously boundary challenged & you & your husband will have to learn how to pick your battles with them & that you will have to stand strong as a united couple when you choose to battle them.

    fwiw: you handled it correctly & now you have this awesome hideous in law story to tell. I imagine it will be the first of many. so learn to laugh at this story because seriously, this is one of the funny ones.

    let me give you a sample of what my aunt put up with for 40 some years (her MIL died a couple of years ago. many many people were relieved, some of them were the old witch's children & grandchildren):

    1. her MIL tried to sell their house because she didn't like the way they were taking care of it. my aunt & her husband came home from work to find a for sale sign in their front yard. (the woman had no connection to the house & no right to put it up for sale & I almost felt sorry for the real estate agent who was caught up in the middle of that fiasco)

    2. my uncle woke up one morning to discover his sports car was missing. He reported it stolen only to get a call from the garage wanting to know why he wanted to change the muffler on his mustang because a mustang w/ a V8 engine was supposed to roar. (mommy thought the car made too much noise & she took it to the garage to have them put a new muffler on it so it would run quieter. no she wasn't paying for it, she was going to have the garage bill my uncle. yes, she admitted to putting the car in neutral and rolling it down the street before she started it up because she didnt' want to wake up her precious son.)

    3. when my aunt was pregnant with her third child at age 32 (1980), the old bat (a supposed devout Catholic) told her that she was much too old to be having a child & needed to get an abortion. She then continued to function as if that child never existed & when she was forced to acknowledge him she would treat him like he was some stranger. (he was 32 years old when she died. the family pretty much cut her off & kept her at arm's distance over this refusal to treat their youngest child as a member of the family but she never would accept him & yet claimed she couldn't understand why he didn't love her like he loved his other grandmother.)

    these are just a few of the more outrageous things she did to my aunt. I know that she caused one daughter's marriage to blow up & she caused another daughter to lose her job & yet a third daughter to wind up in the hospital because on a visit decided she knew more than the daughter's doctors & withheld medicine from her. she was an evil hateful woman who had to be the center of the universe.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Woah, that is beyond psycho. It's one thing to get uppity and assume that you're the bridesmaids, it's another thing to take it upon yourself to organize and show up in the outfit and sneak down the aisle. Crazy.

    It's very disrespectful and very manipulative. Unfortunately, it's done. Are they in family pictures? I would cut them out. What does your husband think of it?

    The only thing to be done is move on and leave them completely out of your life, so long as your husband agrees. I wonder if it would help to let them know you thought it was very disrespectful of them (though I don't think they'll catch on, if they went through with it and it never clicked with them).

  • 7 years ago

    Well, you're flipping out about this, so they got what they wanted - attention.

    YOu should've just laughed, and when people asked if they were your bridesmaids you should've laughed harder and said, "No, we didn't ask a bridal party at all. I have no idea WTF they were doing!" and then grabbed a drink and started dancing.

    Yes, it was wrong and crazy of them to do this. But you can't fix crazy - you can only figure out how YOU will deal with it. The best thing to do is ignore them when they're clearly pleading for attention.

  • g
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I guess they thought they'd been overlooked, didn't consider that you had not asked because you didn't care to have bridesmaids. I'd have simply had them seated together at the front where family always goes. Obviously they were trying to prove some sort of point here.

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  • 7 years ago

    Either this is the world's biggest coincidence or you're the world's biggest troll.

    I vote for the latter.

    PS - Krissly is correct. It wasn't the question that clued me in, it's your writing style. And WHO DOES THAT is what I remembered most. Heck, I'll even help you if you want to try again. Stop with all the question marks????? And also the exclamation points!!!!!!!

    Next time don't have a 2 SIL's and a MIL. Change it up a bit. Trolling isn't that difficult.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    HAHA that is too funny. I would laugh. don't take yourself so seriously. Life is too short. Don't be so ready to get offended. Maybe they are all legitimately clueless about how weddings work. Some people are. Do you really think they MEANT to be disrespectful? Do you really think they MEANT to offend you? It doesn't sound like that to me. It just sounds like they are clueless idiots. So now you have a hilarious story to tell at their expense! It's a win-win!

  • Sorry're writing style gives you away......these are made up stories...shouldda quit with the first one ( altered dresses)...this one just gave you away as a Troll.....

  • 7 years ago

    Uh-huh. This sounds a lot like the BMs who re-deisgned their BM dresses. WHO DOES THAT?

  • 7 years ago

    They are only bridesmaids if you acknowledge them as such. So, if you didn't acknowledge them as such, then they weren't bridesmaids. Problem solved.

    Besides, they were the one's who made themselves look like idiots soo....

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