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Follow up; illegal relationship?

Yes, I'm with an older man and I do feel as if I love him and share a strong passion for him. Number one; I've attempted to like boys my age. Not only do they not like me, but I dislike them immensely. I don't get along with immature boys. The man I'm with is splendidly mature, loves me, values me and makes sure I know this. He was a bit weirded out cause at 1st I lied abt my age but afterward he accepted me and now it doesn't even matter. Why is this wrong? Why is our relationship wrong? He's a person, I'm a person, we happen to be in love... Please help me, what's wrong here?

6 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The fact that he's old enough to be your father.

  • 7 years ago

    I was 15 and with a 20 year old, I loved every inch of him and so many people told me how wrong it was we were together, but the point was he made me happy. He understood me and we wouldn't argue about pathetic childish stuff because he was more mature than the other people I had been with. Unfortunately, after 8 or 9 months we did split up because I was going through a hard time with family issues and we both decided we would take a break as we didn't want this to affect out relationship. I do miss him. But don't throw away your happiness because other people are judgmental, its not worth it. What matters is what you and your partner think or feel about each other.

  • 7 years ago

    If your under age 25, your brain is still growing, so to me you are not a whole person.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    if he is faithful gentleman , and you trust him there is nothing wrong with that , however if you are under 18 don't get evolved sexually with him or drink with him ect ... you could get him arrested, but if you over 18+ then i don't see any problem .

    Good luck.

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  • 7 years ago

    STOP this sin before you end up in real trouble.You know its wrong so clean up your life.

  • 7 years ago

    mostly it will other people that may think something is wrong , if you are an adult then there is nothing wrong , only in other peoples minds they matter ?

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