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CEO of Exxon LOVES fracking unless it's near his ranch...why is that, I wonder?

Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobile, is a staunch supporter of fracking. But bring that business anywhere near his Bartonville, Texas, ranch and he'll sue.

Tillerson has developed a reputation for his unwavering support of fracking. The practice is key to Exxon's business, and Tillerson is highly critical of efforts to regulate it, according to Forbes.

"This type of dysfunctional regulation is holding back the American economic recovery, growth and global competitiveness," Tillerson lashed out on one occasion, Forbes reported.

But when remnants of fracking com to Tillerson's neighborhood his tune changes. Instead of concerns about America's best interest and Exxon's energy future, Tillerson's focus becomes the unpleasant effects it has on the quality of life and real estate values, Forbes noted. And he's willing to take legal action.

The Exxon CEO joined a lawsuit to shut down a water tower that's to be used to supply fracking near his ranch. And Tillerson isn't just a passive supporter asked to sign a community petition. No, he went to a town hall meeting to personally protest against the construction of the water tower, according to The Wall Street Journal.

News of the lawsuit arose days after the Weather Channel published an in-depth report of the nasty effects natural gas drilling has on Texas' air quality, Amy Silverstein wrote in her Dallas Observer blog.

To be fair, Silverstein noted, the lawsuit Tillerson and his neighbors filed doesn't concern itself too much with the larger implications of natural gas drilling. Mostly, the plaintiffs just want to talk about how a 160-foot water tower is too big and ugly to fit in wealthy, attractive places like Bartonville.

Though Tillerson is clearly against dysfunctional fracking regulation, the lawsuit charges, "This monstrosity will mock the purpose of the Bartonville zoning ordinance."

The lawsuit also describes the tower's location as "abnormal and out of place for the surroundings." In addition to not being pretty enough, Bartonville residents are concerned about the noise and traffic that will result from the heavy trucks hauling the water.

None of the concerns set forth in the lawsuit ever seemed to trouble Tillerson when those issues were plaguing other neighborhoods, Forbes stated.

And though the official outcome of the case remains to be seen, "the lawsuit already has a winner, and that winner is irony," Silverstein quipped. it OK to drill or put an eyesore water tower in impoverished rural areas?

Can you say "HYPOCRITE"?

How about GREEDY ****???


@Rick - that would be "ironic" wouldn't it?

Update 2:

@Peace - Yes, I'm saying *I* oppose all fracking everywhere...however, that doesn't happen to be the question. I'm wondering why a CEO would a oppose a watertower used specifically for hydraulic fracturing. He has a choice, he can move. Unlike folks in northeastern Pennsylvania whose property values have dropped and are unable to do anything about it.

Update 3:

@IceT- man, no one can ask a question without some kneejerk troll bringing up Obama, Kennedy, or someone else who has nothing to do with the subject or the question...thanks for showing up and not disappointing.

Update 4:

@Wolf- link works fine, maybe it's your browser that's not working too well living in your mother's basement

Update 5:

@George - I comprende just fine. How about you? "The Exxon CEO joined a lawsuit to shut down a water tower that's to be used to supply fracking near his ranch."

Update 6:

@George- vertical fracking has been around since the 40s and has not produced much. It wasn't until 2005 when horizontal fracking was discovered that it became as widespread as it is.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There should be a requirement that fracking occurs adjacent to places where energy CEO's live, in order to prove to us that is is completely safe..

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    How about "greedy hypocrisy?" There are people that are eager to make money - as long as it's on someone else's back. To complain about one's view being contaminated with a water tower as opposed to having another's water contaminated with crap that the former has been pumping into the ground should be a no-brainer. It would be partial justice if this a*****e lost his case.

    How a person can look at himself in the mirror after filing a court case like that is completely beyond me. Can you say "hypocrite?" I knew you could. Can you say "slimebucket?" I knew you could say that too.

  • 7 years ago

    Have you ever taken a course on reading comprehension? According to the articles you mentioned the reason for opposing the water tower has NOTHING to do with whether or not the water would be used for fracking.

    <added> My comment still applies... MORE THAN EVER. The water might have been used for fracking but that is NOT why the lawsuit was filed.

    BTW, several states have investigated charges of fracking causing pollution of drinking water supplies. Every investigation found the charges to be false... every single one.

    I did a little research on community water wells and found out that almost all of them operate a depths from 50 to 300 feet deep.

    Fracking is a technique used to fracture rock layers usually at depths of from 20,000 to 30,000 feet. Please explain how fracking done a depths of 4 to 6 miles gets into community water wells 50-300 feet deep. There's little disparity there.

    One more thing. Fracking has been going on for at least 30 years. Why is it only now that the libs trying to make it an issue?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    This is confusing. Are YOU saying fracking should trump property rights and developers should be able to drill YOUR land WITHOUT your consent? Are you suggesting a simple binary choice exists where you have to oppose all fracking everywhere under all circumstances or support it everywhere under all circumstances?

    Or do you not believe YOUR OWN argument?

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Obama Liberals like to go after every fracking successful businessman they hear about so they can brag at their next Liberal ho-down that they backed the administration in their War on Business. Nothing more nothing less.

  • lol... ok, from now on I love fracking... I just hate the water towers too... is that cool Exxon?

    EDIT: rick... forced... no... but if he says it's not a problem... then why not?

  • 7 years ago

    The "Not in my backyard" philosophy goes hand in hand with the oil and gas industry. However high ranking corporate officers are the most likely to be legalized sociopaths. Maybe this guy's one of them, and he'll move fracking to your backyard for his own profit.

    Source(s): ~Aizen
  • Ted
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    So Al Gore should be made to live in the middle of a windmill farm?

  • Dallas
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Logical. Sort of like Ted Kennedy loved wind power until they wanted to locate one near his house. Then it was shut down.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Oh get real, you are the same people that complain the oil companies are holding up the consumers for making $0.08 per gallon of gasoline, but have no problem with your liberal government holding the people up with $0.49 per gallon tax on gasoline. No wonder liberals are called crybabies.

    Oh by the way you link doesn't work!

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    how about we just stop fracking and use the alternative power source that they're keeping under wraps. you know, the one Tesla came up with.

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