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Gf constantly wants sex?

My gf is pretty, tall, average weight. She's a mixed girl who can sing. I'm very sexually attracted to her, but she wants sex all the time, and she's alittle much on the crazy/freaky side. It's becoming too much for me.:::what do I do? Tell her to stop? She constantly wants to give me head.. It gets irritating

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Some people may try and say that your crazy for complaining about this but it's a common issue in relationships where one parter has a higher sex drive than the other. Has she had many sexual partners in the past? If not, she may just be realizing how fun sex has really started to get into it and explore new things. If you can talk to her openly, try discussing the topic with her in a non hurtful way without offending her, and tell her that you still find her sexually attractive and want and desire her, just not 5 times a day and maybe once or twice a day instead. Might sound odd but try to make a compromise. If that can't happen then at some point either one of you will need to sacrifice something. For you it would be to have more sex when your not that into it. Which isn't really all that bad but still, it can be irritating and possibly a deal breaker!

  • 7 years ago

    I often think that I might be a bit like this when it comes to my boyfriend.... I dont think i'd take it very well if he turned around - regardless of how nicely hes said it - and said that he doesnt want to have sex with me as often. It will make her think that you dont want to have sex with her because she doesnt make you horny enough. I had sex with my boyfriend so much one weekend (it was a valentines weekend in a hotel in my defence) that he almost couldnt get hard when we had sex when we got home!

    Maybe when she goes to give you head, just tell her that she doesnt have to do that, and that she shouldnt feel as though she has to. Maybe say things like how much you like her for who she is and not just because shes great in bed. Even say stuff like I cant wait to just cuddle you tonight. If shes smart enough, she'll get the hint!

  • Kels
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    If you find it unreasonable you might have to move on. but certainly you an have a conversation about the issue, with her. While your first sentence hardly matters, I wonder how many guys would complain about having such a mate?

  • 7 years ago

    Talking to her might help, but if she really is the way you describe you might want to move on as your libido doesn't seem compatible to hers.

    Source(s): Anthropologists
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  • 7 years ago

    "what do I do?"

    Talk to her and tell that it's too much for you.

    Source(s): Most relationship problems stem from poor communication.
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