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Were you blown away by Friday’s BLS Employment Situation Report claiming surveys indicated 192,000 jobs added in March?

There was excitement on Y!A and favorable press yesterday following release of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment Situation Report. The reason for the thrill, or relief for some, was an estimate that 192,000 jobs were added to the economy in March.

For those unfamiliar with the real implications of the survey results estimates, it’s important to note that the jobs added approached the number needed to provide opportunities for newcomers entering the job market from amongst our native born graduates and increasing numbers of immigrants, legal and otherwise, combined. Having reached a mid-20-million count of graduates from the nation’s colleges, high schools and trade schools since 2009, along with nearly 6 million LPR’s granted green cards, almost 3 million H1-B, refugee and asylee visas combined, and nearly as many migrant border crossers as immigrants who entered the country legally during Obama’s Presidency, the total number needed to provide jobs for new workforce hopefuls is estimated at somewhere between 220,000 and 240,000.

In spite of being the highest number of jobs added since November, the number should be little more than entry-level relief, since it came up short of restoring the disenfranchised from among the 115 million registrants for unemployment after job losses in Obama’s fitful economy. That number of first time claimants, according to the Employment & Training Administration (ETA), come from distinct, newly filed claims but include a percentage


of returning filers after qualifying reemployment held at least 4 1/2 to 9 months, depending on the state, came to an end to allow a distinct new claim. During February, the BLS figures showed 92,534,000 able bodied Americans having been relegated to Not in Labor Force status, nearly 12 million of which were reassigned from the unemployed under Obama’s failed economy.

Update 2:

When Obama took Office, the ETA nationwide employers’ payroll record count showed 133,886,830 Americans in the workforce. After dropping 8.3 million jobs between January 2009 and January 2011, then holding steady for the first calendar quarter of 2011, the economy slowly returned all but 2.95 million of those jobs. The latest ETA count shows 130,938,360. And that’s with nearly 40 million ready, often well-educated and highly-trained newcomers infused into the job market.

Update 3:

So how excited should Americans really be? The BLS offers a range of demographic metrics, and those show some Americans may be benefitting from a modest recovery, while the majority are far from seeing what the Administration and media are trying to sell. Tables A-2, A-3, and A-4 on the March Employment Situation Report are key to understanding who’s benefitting from the jobs added, while the decimated middle class feels little to no relief or opportunities to return to work.

Update 4:

Worth noting is that the survey-based BLS Report estimates are drawn up from around, or just over, 50,000 responses from 60,000 contacts made by USCB staff. Strategically selected households by the BLS are rotated at four month intervals, and the .00016 taking part out of 330 million Americans, overall, represent roughly 3 out of 20,000 households nationwide.

While there won’t be any attempt to analyze the entirety of what was meant by former BLS Commissioner John Hall calling the statistics..

Update 5:

deeply flawed at the end of 2012, the year he left, the figures appear to provide insight into trends. And they are from a rather substantial survey, after all. In this case, Table A-4 may be the most telling. That covers the employment status of the civilian population 25 years and over by educational attainment. Among notable changes in March were a loss of 226,000 jobs for our nation's best educated, categorized by holding bachelor’s or higher degrees. Those include four-year undergraduate,

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14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    And the added jobs are not enough to keep up with population growth.

    Throughout Obama's entire presidency, there has not been even one month when the jobs created were enough to keep up with population growth.

    Unemployment is down only because of people giving up on looking for work.

    On the bright side, unemployment has been dropping steadily while Republicans have a majority in Congress, after it doubled while Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House. So as long as Republicans can hold at least the House, there is some hope of real improvement in the jobs picture.

    If nothing else, just because they stop the Democrats from wrecking the economy any worse than they already have.

    Source(s): According to your Update 2, the total job count is still nearly 3 million jobs short, while adding 40 million new job seekers. Coincidentally, that includes the 3 million H1B visa workers you mentioned. Remind me - why are we going out of our way to import 3 million foreign workers, when the labor market is still flooded with college educated professionals who were displaced by earlier H1B visa workers...
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Anyone that believes Bush had a positive effect on the economy is just as misguided as one that believes the current employment numbers are sufficient to indicate a thriving job market.

  • 7 years ago

    All I heard on radio was that Pelosi said we have now regained all the jobs lost due to bush's recession.

    Obviously she is a liar and gets an f grade at math because she failed to factor in the fact that USA needs 180,000 NEW jobs every month just to keep up with population growth (people turning 18 years of age) and (legal) immigration.

    Also, a $50k/year "job" is not equal to a part time minimum wage job (would you like fries with that Sir) but both are counted as "jobs". So the Feds are lying stacks of steaming bearcrap.

    Was I blown away? No, because a month ago I got a truck driver job easily, once I decided I wanted one. Sure, a novice would need to undergo some training, but that's also free, just call SWIFT.

    I had experience so didn't need to do that.

    There are jobs, all that's required is the WILL to go and take one.

    My advice is get off ones butt and go get a job. It can be done. I just got off my azz and got a job so I know it's true.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Historically, employment always picks up in spring. Are you suggesting, the mighty messiah Obama and his power to bring out the sun, stop the rain and snow, is some how responsible?

    What would be nice, if those jobs were high paying jobs, with a decent amount of hours in the workweek, AND not temp or min wage jobs at a max of 30 hours a week.

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  • 7 years ago

    Just doing a quick calculation in my head:

    If we had 192K /month for 5 years that would roughly be 11.5 Million jobs. And since this growth rate is supposed to be the exhortation of a crappy Bush economy it is misleading since 92 Million people left the workforce since 0bama took office.

    That would mean that there are some 80 million less people who are game-fully working, and when you factor in those who are now working less than 40 hours per week the numbers are very bad.


    0bama has not added to the workforce; He has shrunk it. Factoring in those who left under the U6 economy makes this economy worse than when Carter was president.

  • 7 years ago

    i did not find it surprising. job creation for the past 5 years has consistently lagged behind the number required to absorb all net new entrants to the job market -- which is why the proportion of people in the labor force [working or actively looking for work] has fallen to multi-decade lows.

    at this point, America is 6 to 12 million jobs short of having jobs for the same proportion of the adult population as we had in 2008. And the policies of the current administration are almost entirely to blame.

    Source(s): grampa
  • 7 years ago

    Blown away? Anything but .. When Reagan was in office he had one month with over 1 million new jobs reported. He blew us away countless times. Obama? He hasn't had one month yet as good as Bush's worst year.

    Compare to Reagan ...

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  • 7 years ago

    192,000 job hah, that's why people are putting in job applications at Wal - Mart and fast food joints. Not calling them liars but, I sure would like to know where they're hiring and where the Bureau of Labor is getting it's figures from, the White House?

  • 7 years ago

    Yet, not one liberal has mentioned the 320,000 new sign-ups for unemployment benefits in March.

    The "old math" which I prefer tells me that there is a 128,000 deficit here.

    "Forward?", I ask.

    "Hope and change?"

    More Kool-Aid?


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