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Should I go to this job interview tomorrow or not?

So I currently have a position as Asset Protection Associate at Walmart that pays $8.95 an hour. I have an interview tomorrow for a Billing Clerk/Office Assistant position at Cooper Tire that pays $11.00. I am not really concerned about the money. The Cooper Tire position works a 2-2-3 schedule, idk if that's good or not. But I've always wanted an Administrative position. My dilemma is: I have an interview next week for Medicaid Specialist and I don't want to waste anyone's time by going to other interviews because the Medicaid position is the 1 I really want. I've only been at Walmart for a month, is it going to seem like I'm job hopping or what? Idk what to do, really confused

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Go to any and all interviews. It's all about options - employers understand if you suddenly accept another job - they know you are job seeking, obviously. Take and do what is best for you!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I suggest you attend all interviews just so you have options in case one doesn't work out or you don't get hired in the ideal job you wanted.

    For more interview tips, see this:

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