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Lv 6
Elsie asked in PetsCats · 7 years ago

Traveling long distance with 2 cats?

I'm going to be traveling a long distance for a 2 month job reassignment. The trip will take 16-17 hours by car.

I have 2 cats, one 16 years old and good health, one 8 years old and suffering from Lymphoma. I plan to take them both to the vet before we go and possibly getting some kind of antianxiety medication for them.

First question: I am toying with the idea of getting a pack and play/portable play pen for them for the trip. I would of course still keep them in their carriers, but once once we are on the road I would like to let them out, but not have free run of the car. I was thinking I would have their food and water in there as well. Is this a good idea, or would it be better to leave them in their carriers for the entire trip?

Second question: Do you think it would be less stressful to make the trip in one day, or break it up into 2 days? I stayed in a hotel with them for a week last year when we were between residences. The older cat was fine; the younger hid under the bed for the first 3 days. My first thought was to try and do it all in one day, but to have a hotel in mind about half way that takes pets, just in case.

3 Answers

  • Mircat
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. The vet isn't going to give you a tranquilizer. You don't need one. Go to any pet supply store and buy Feliway spray. It is a pheromone that is a calmative. Spritz several times in each carrier, drape a towel over the carrier so it stays inside and the cat can inhale it. It lasts up to 2 hours and if you keep the carriers covered with a towel the cats should rest comfortably and sleep. Give it several minutes to take effect, I find it takes more spritz than the label says. My vet uses the product and it's what I use to transport cats to the vet.

    2. It should be a 2-day trip. That's too many hours without being able to stretch and go potty. Do not feed prior to travel to prevent them being car sick. It's quite all right if they arrive at the hotel hungry.

    3. Do not let the scared one roam the room. Put everything it needs in the bathroom and the carrier with door open or off so it can hide in there and sleep.

    4. NO, do not use a portable play pen!. In the case of an emergency you want those cats in a solid carrier (not mesh) where they will be safe! Never ever let a cat roam in the car because they go under seats and brakes and gas pedals! You haven't lived until you've tried to remove a cat from under a car seat!

    5. If they seem stressed, keep a towel over the carrier while in transit. That's how we destress cats when we trap by placing beach towel or blanket over the trap so it stays dark and calms the cat.

    6. Do not travel with a window open! Keep the radio on softly as that can help calm them.

    7. Make sure your cats have been microchipped and that the info is up to date on how to contact you if heaven forbid one got loose!

    8. Another product you can use for several days prior to travel and at night in the hotel room is Bach's Rescue Remedy. It's a natural calmative and you put drops in the drinking water.

    9. Make sure you have medical records in case a cat gets sick while you are gone and the vet needs to know about the cat!

    Good luck and have a safe and happy trip!

  • Ocimom
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No more then about 8 hrs max of driving. So break it up into 2 days driving time.

    1. Do NOT sedate the cats - cats don't respond to meds in a favorable way despite vets saying they are ok. But you can use Feliway spray in the carriers or Rescue Remedy drops which are all natural.

    2. Do NOT let them loose in the car - even in a larger pen. You can travel with larger carriers but not in a pen.

    3. In the hotel set up the pen if you want and put the more scared cat in that so he can't hide - put his carrier in the pen so he can hide in there.

    Be sure you bring plenty of food and at least 1-2 gallons of water from your home so there is no change in water.

    We show cats, max driving time for them is 8 hrs and we also stop for lunch/supper and will allow them to run around in the car while we eat. When we are done, the cats are put in their carriers - NO cat is allowed loose when moving. Just too dangerous for them in sudden stops, emergencies, etc.

  • Gary B
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Talk to your vet. They have simple tranquilizers that will make them sleep the whole trip.

    I tried traveling ONCE with ONE cat.

    "Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... Meow ... "

    FOR 18 F***ING HOURS!

    Since then, I've ALWAYS tranqued them before leaving. They sleep the whole trip, and are non the worse for wear when its done.

    BTW: get cat carriers so that they don't try to fall asleep under your feet!

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