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is xenophobia the backbone of conservatism?

I will probably get attacked for this. Ignorant conservatives wont look up what it "xenophobia" means before they comment, but it must be a baseless insult. Maybe they are just too scared to expand their minds.

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Do you know the difference between xenophobia and having a problem with ILLEGAL immigrants or do you just like big words that start with the letter x? No, I didn't think you knew the difference. I have no problem with LEGAL immigration, regardless of where they come from. My grandparents stood in line and went through the proper channels to immigrate. I DO have a problem with ILLEGALS, no matter where they come from. Get it? No, of course you don't.

  • 7 years ago

    Give examples of Republican "xenophobia". It will expose your misunderstanding of the issue and how this is used as cheap dismissal on your part to ignore the REAL reasons why Republicans have the policies they do, especially concerning racial demographics.

  • 7 years ago

    Of course not. Conservatives don't hate or fear foreigners. They just don't like illegal immigration. My family came to the United States legally. We are Conservatives and have felt nothing but acceptance by those who are politically like minded with us. I have been welcomed with open arms by members of our local tea party, but have been called a traitor by members of LULAC.

    I wonder if there is a phobia name for liberals who are fearful and hateful towards anyone who doesn't agree with them?

  • K8
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


    Differences can be a strength and living in fear is a waste of time. You should try living without fear, it's nice. You might want to try accepting others as well. Hate is also a waste of time, don't hate.

    Source(s): Conservative
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  • 7 years ago

    Xenophobia- n. the fear of that which is different or from a different place

    Conservatism-n. political or philosophical view that the traditional is better than the new

    Liberal-n. the political or philosophical view that the new is better than the traditional. syn. Treason ant. Patriotism

  • 7 years ago

    Do you know the meaning of "irony?" You ascribe a characteristic to a group that differs from you in a particular way, even though there is no foundation for doing so. Mighty xenophobic of you. (Xenophobic was a middle school spelling word when I was in school.)

    In the broadest sense conservatism is about minimal government. Individual conservative (and liberal) movements that have other focuses are active at any particular time, and some of each have some unsavory ideas. To say conservatives are xenophobic is evidence of one of those unsavory ideas - bigotry.

  • 7 years ago

    Exactly! Since yesterdays Dixicrats have morphed as the base of the 'Far Reich Conservative Party,' let's not pretend as if their segregationist and racist views died upon LBJ's Landmark signing of the 1964-65 Civil Rights bills. On the contrary, the Dixicrats were incensed and fled to join the Republican Party - where their numbers swayed the fate of a presidential candidate who'd lost all prior elections since 1952. His name: Richard M. Nixon.

    America has the kind of history - which at times - makes any sentient person cringe. However, this is a poor reason to run away from America's racist past. Instead, it would be ideal for all Americans to own-up and embrace each and every page of this illustrious history for what it truly was; but more importantly, for the unrealized opportunities that awaits "One Nation; Under God; Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All!"

  • lrd00a
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The "Conservatives are Xenophobes" unoriginal and dull.

    Seriously, is that all you have?

    That's like saying all Progressives are Oikophobes--and too ignorant to look it up...

  • JetDoc
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes Xenophobia as "fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign"

    The only thing STRANGE here is YOU! Why don't you take your stinky little TROLL butt back down to your mommy's basement and GROW UP!

  • 7 years ago

    We are offered yet another example of the self appointed intellectual superiority of liberals.

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