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LolaCorolla asked in PetsDogs · 7 years ago

Can my dog's veterinarian refuse care?

He said she has gum disease and needs a good cleaning, and three teeth pulled (she's 11 years old)...which will cost $695. I don't have the money, so I asked him if giving her antibiotics would help. He got angry and said "Yes the antibiotics will help, but if you aren't willing to do everything possible for your dog, then either am I"....and basically "fired" me as a client/patient, and told me to take my dog somewhere else. Then, he instructed one of the employees not to give me any medication because I was no longer a client. Obviously, I'll be taking her to another vet for care, but is this ethical/acceptable, and if not...who do I report him to?

10 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes he can do this. He can refuse care because you refuse or are unable to pay. He can 'fire' you as a client if he doesn't like doing business with you. Vet's have the right to refuse business with anyone.

    Vet hospitals are privately owned operations. Unlike human hospitals, veterinarians are not required to treat everything that comes through the door. This vet, although not particularly polite according to your description, has done nothing ethically wrong or illegal, he has not even done anything against his veterinary oath.

    Here's the deal though, medication for your dog's teeth will only go so far, and then you'll be back to where yous tarted, needing a dental and teeth removal but now you've already put money into meds. By all means, find a veterinarian who is more polite, but they're pretty much going to tell you the same thing. Antibiotics would just be a quick, very temporary fix. Rather than not actually addressing the issue, talk to the new vet about payment options, or animal care credit options, or even staggering the treatment, just doing a little now, and some more in 6 months as you get the money for it.

    Source(s): Vet med student
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Yes, he's allowed to refuse service for whatever reason he wants. He gave you his recommendation, he's not obligated to negotiate with you. Try another vet. You might find someone more patient, but that won't change the fact that your dog's teeth need to come out. One way or another you need to raise the money.

  • 7 years ago


    If you refuse to pay them then they can tell you there's the door, don't let it hit you in the butt. A vet is a business, not a charity, they are under no obligation what so ever to do free or cheap vet care for an owner who thinks they are entitled to free\cheap vet care

    "I don't have the money, so I asked him if giving her antibiotics would help."

    So you are too cheap to care about the dog and rather let it suffer from rotting teeth.

    "Obviously, I'll be taking her to another vet for care, but is this ethical/acceptable, and if not...who do I report him to?"

    So your idea of ethical is someone who is willing to let the dog suffer becouse all you are willing to do is give the dog antibiotics when it needs the rotting teeth pulled. Surrender the poor dog. It needs an owner who will CARE about it.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Money talks, bullsh*t walks.

    If you don't have the money to afford the dogs care, and are willing to compromise in ways that can still cause the dog severe pain, with no cure for the actual condition, you don't deserve to have a dog.

    Dogs cost money. Don't have money, don't get a dog. I suggest you take the dog to the nearest rescue/shelter or find another, affordable Vet, which I doubt you'll find. Dentistry isn't cheap. Dental care is one of the most expensive procedures in the medical business.

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  • Pamela
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Yes any vet can refuse to give service to you, Just call another one.

    What he is trying to tell you is medicine is not the only answer.

    Removal of the teeth is what is needed and you as pet owner are refusing it for your dog.

    Would you do this to a child.

  • 7 years ago

    "I'll be taking her to another vet for care" and will you expect this vet to give you free or cheap service? NOT! It may cost you the same or even more and you once again will be show the door.

  • 7 years ago

    If you can't afford to take care of the animal you should put him up for adoption. Don't be cruel to your pet.

  • CDog
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Of course it's acceptable. He's disgusted because you won't take proper care of your dog. I would be too.

  • 7 years ago

    Of course it's ethical. He is running a business, not a charity. You are the one at fault for not living within your means and having a zero credit rating.

  • paul
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    this vet or another still have to pay.....if your dog is this bad off then you have ignored your dog long enough.... pay up or give the dog up

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